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Me and Dad arrive in his house and we flip to Dumbledores office.

"Why hello Severus and Evalyn, what can I help you with?"

"I'm in need of a job professor" I tell him

"well you can always be an assistant to any position"

"potions, I have my father nack for potions" I tell Him

"well then you can be the potions assistant, now come and we will introduce you to Horace" he tells me and I accompany him.


we arrive at a door and Dumbledores knocks three times and a old man opens the door.

"Albus who is this?" He says with a smile

"this is your new potions assistant" Dumbledore says

"Horace Slughorn" he says and shakes my hand

"Evalyn Marvolo Malfoy Snape" I shake his hand and I noticed how his eye widened slightly at the name Marvolo.

"please come in so we can become aquatinted" he says and I walk in and sit on the couch. i can hear him and Dumbledore whispering.

"Marvolo, as in Tom marvo-"

"yes in a way now Horace if you want to know more you'll have to ask her she will gladly open up to you , now I have matters to attend to" Dumbledore said and left

"would you fancy a drink ?" He asks me

"I would , thank you" I tell him and take the drink he gives me.

" so tell me about your family"

"well my mother passed away when I was five and my father is still around being a defense against the dark arts teacher"

"oh so your father is Severus?" He asks

"yes yes he is" I say proudly

"well what was your mothers name?" He asks

"Raven Hawthorne" I say and his jaw drops

Same story, Different Lives~Fred Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now