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.Beca'spoint of view.

I'm back at my old dorm room in Barden. Everything is just the way I left it actually and that's kinda weird. I don't know what happened between Chloe and me, but Chloe was leaning in to kiss me. I wish it did happen, but Chloe was clear when she pulled away. She will never date me, no matter how she feels about me. I can feel that she's in love with me too, but she won't admit it to herself. It's frustrating to know that the woman you love, loves you back, but doesn't want you in her life. Maybe she just said that because of Lauren. Maybe it was not the best idea to visit Atlanta. Chloe and I can't be together and she obviously doesn't want that either. I get that she wants Lauren her opinion, but I won't interfere in her life if she doesn't want me in it. We use to be best friends, but I don't know what we are today. She clearly didn't miss me those three and a half years, so why would I stay here any longer? I should text Marco to meet, because he can talk to me about anything and I'm sure he wants to see me again.


Beca️ ️🎧

Hey, you wanna meet me?



Hey you! Haven't seen you in a while. I would love to meet you, where?


Beca️ ️🎧

What about Starbucks?



Actually, I was thinking about the park tonight? I'm kinda busy right now...


Beca️ ️🎧

Yeah sure, 8 PM?



Perfect! I can't wait to see how you're doing. See you later, tiny!

I smile. Marco is the only one who calls me tiny and gets away with it. He deserves it tho, because when we were younger, he saved my life. Without him, I wasn't even alive, so he's one of the most important persons in my life. I haven't seen him in years, because he's been busy with his job. He is a lawyer at Albury & Hawkin and is doing a very good and impressive job. I lay down on my back and think back to yesterday. Chloe almost kissed me. She was the one who leaned in. I was preparing myself to touch her lips with mine, but because Aubrey caught us, she backed away. I don't get her. She told me before that she loved me, why can't she be with me? I get that I can't walk into Lauren's life, but banning me out of her own life... it fucking hurts that Chloe does this, because she's breaking my heart again and this time very slow. I love her so much and she's only breaking my heart. I get up again and walk out of my dorm room. I need to be alone and I know exactly where I can be alone.

.Chloe's point of view.

,,Lauren, honey, can you please come here so we can have some lunch with Aubrey and the other bellas?"
,,Mommy, where is Beca?" It is the first thing my daughter ask me when she arrives in the kitchen. 
,,I think she's in her own dorm room, why?"
,,I like her. Can I see her more often?"
,,Do you want that?"
,,Yeah, she's cool." I look over to Aubrey.
,,Do you know where she is?"
,,No, after the events that happened between the two of you yesterday, she just left."
,,What happened yesterday?" My daughter is way too curious. How can I be with Beca with Lauren in my life? I want to be with Beca, but Lauren has a say in this too. I can't disappoint her with fake news. Tom isn't around and I'm happy with that, but I'm afraid Lauren isn't ready for a second mom. I want nothing but to be with Beca, but I'm afraid what Lauren will say. She always asks about her father. I haven't told her about Tom obviously, because he's an asshole, but someday I have to tell her who her father is.
,,Sweety," Aubrey looks at Lauren. ,,can you please give your mother and me a minute? I need to talk to her."
,,Okay." I watch Lauren walk upstairs to our room.
,,What is it you want to talk about?"
,,Why did you turn down Beca?" I sit down on the couch and sigh.
,,I can't be with her. Lauren doesn't know her father and I can't put somebody into her life without thinking this through."
,,But you're in love with Beca and I can see that Lauren likes Beca very much. What's wrong with trying?"
,,Bree, Lauren is the most important person in my life. I can't bring someone new into her life, just like that. Lauren asks about her father and I'm wondering if she's okay with Beca and me."
,,Chlo, you should talk to Beca about this, before you break her heart again."
,,She will tell me to try it with her, but I just can't do it."
,,Still, you need to talk to Beca. You are in love with her and she needs to know that."
,,She goes away in about three weeks. We can't start a relationship if she's in Los Angeles."
,,Never heard of a long distance relationship?"
,,That never works. I can't lie, I need her in my life, but not the way she wants."
,,You're just scared to start something with her. It's bullshit that you can't be with Beca because of Lauren. Lauren loves her and you can see that too. You're scared that you break Beca's heart again, just like three and a half years ago."
,,Yes I am! I never meant to hurt Beca like that, but I did. My first priority is Lauren and she will always be. I do love Beca, but I can never forgive myself if I break her heart again." I get up from the couch and walk to the bottom of the stairs. ,,Please don't tell anything about this to Beca." I say to Aubrey, before walking upstairs to Lauren.

.Beca's point of view.

I'm walking to the place where Marco and I are meeting. I'm really sad about Chloe, but that won't ruin my mood. Marco is my best friend and I can talk to him about anything.
,,Tiny, there you are!" He yells when I'm almost at the spot. He gives me a beer and we sit down in the grass. ,,How are you?"
,,I don't know."
,,What's wrong?"
,,Have you ever loved somebody, but couldn't be with her?"
,,Not really. I have a thing with my colleague, so it's no secret between us anymore."
,,Well, I'm in love with somebody who broke my heart three and a half years ago."
,,You've told me about her. What was her name again?"
,,Chloe and she's the most beautiful human being I've ever seen."
,,I believe you on your word. Does she loves you too?"
,,I think so. Last night she almost kissed me."
,,If she did that, she must feel the same way about you."
,,Well, I don't think so. After our almost kiss a friend of ours came into the room, which after she said that we are never going to be together."
,,Maybe she has a reason to reject you."
,,She has a daughter, but Lauren loves me. We just met, but she's happy to see me every time I see her."
,,Maybe Chloe is just scared to hurt you again. You have to leave in three weeks right?"
,,Yes, but I don't know if she wants to hang out with me. She's distant towards me and I just can't handle another heartbreak." He raises his eyebrows.
,,What did you do?" I sigh. I know I can't lie to him, because he knows me like nobody else. I lift my arm to let him see the straps around my wrist.
,,I have four scars. When I first came to LA, I was a little depressed. Chloe broke my heart and the only way I could take away that pain was to cut myself. I know it's no solution, but you know how hard it is for me sometimes."
,,You shouldn't do this to yourself Beca, but I'm not going to lecture you. I'm glad you think it's not right to cut yourself and I hope you can contain yourself not to cut all the time. Maybe you need to talk to Chloe?"
,,No, she was very clear about us. I can hang out with her and the other Bella's, but I can't trust myself around her. I know what I'll do if I have her for myself. I need allies to hold me back when I'm about to make a move again."
,,You should talk to your friends Stacie, Amy and Emily. They lived with you in LA right?"
,,Yeah, they can help me to do something reckless. Chloe doesn't want me in her life, well – not in the way I want to. She doesn't love me as much as I love her. I just needed this conversation, it really helped."
,,You're welcome and maybe you can have a better relationship with Lauren."
,,Why would I do that?"
,,Because Chloe can see that you two can live together. Lauren is the most important thing in her life right now, she's her number one priority. I guess that's the reason she turned you down."
,,Let's just drink." I hold up my beer and he laughs. We cling against each other's beer and cheers. Maybe Marco is right. Maybe Lauren is the only way to get Chloe's heart. I will do anything to be with Chloe, so it's worth a try. 

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