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.Beca's point of view.
.The day before Beca leaves.

I wake up with a nasty feeling. Today I'm going back to Los Angeles, without Chloe or the other girls. Stacie, Emily and Amy all wanted to stay here. I haven't talked to them for these last days, mostly because I avoided Chloe but now I have to say goodbye to them. My suitcase is already packed, so the only thing I need to do is go to the auditorium and say goodbye to the girls and Lauren. I take a deep breath and walk towards the auditorium, where it's very quiet. It's weird tho, because they have a big performance next week and they should practice. Where are they?
,,Hello? Guys?" I yell, but nobody is in here. Worry is growing inside of me and I grab my phone to call Amy.
Amy? Thank god you're picking up. Where are the girls?
Beca, I think its best if you come to my old dorm room.
Why, what's wrong?
Just come in here, okay?! And Amy hangs up. I sigh, but still run towards her old dorm room. I open the door and get greeted by Lauren who is crying her eyes out.  ,,Hey, what's wrong sweety?" I ask her while I take her into my arms.
,,Mommy and the other girls are gone."
,,They've been kidnapped." Says Amy.
,,What?! By who?" 
,,My father."
,,Wait what? You have contact with your father again?"
,,He wanted to use me before so he could reach his bank account that my mom has frozen, but I turned him down. I guess he couldn't take that."
,,If something happens with Chloe..."
,,So you care about my mother!"
,,Of course I do. I am in love with her Lauren."
,,That's great! Then we can move with you to LA! If mommy comes back."
,,Hey," I put Lauren on the ground and look at her. ,,I won't let anything happen to your mother okay?" She nods, but only cries harder. ,,Lauren, look at me." She does what I tell her. ,,Your mother won't be harmed, I will bring her home to you okay? Do you trust me?"
,,Yes, but please be careful too. Mommy loves you."
,,I will bring her back to you. Can I call somebody who's going to stay with you?"
,,Grandma." She only says and immediately I nod, while ringing Chloe mother. In the meanwhile Amy answers a call from her father and we hear all the bellas yell. My blood starts boiling, just to think about what Amy's father is going to do with them. I know I shouldn't help Chloe after everything she did, but I'm still hopelessly in love with her. I will do everything for her, even tho that means she can break my heart every time. Chloe's mother agrees to come as quick as possible and so Amy and I wait for her to come. Lauren sits on my lap, with her arms around my waist. ,,I'm scared Beca." I rub her back.
,,Don't worry, your mother will be back."
,,And what about you?" She looks into my eyes and I honestly want to say that I will come back, but I can't. I have no idea what Amy's father's going to be like.
,,I don't know." I honestly say. I don't want to upset her by giving her hope.
,,I hope you will be back and that you're going to live with us."
,,I hope that will happen to honey, trust me I do, but it's not only up to us. Your mother needs to agree on that too." Lauren nods, while the door swings open and Chloe's mother comes into the room. Lauren runs up to her and she holds her grandmother really close. I get up and pull Amy with me. ,,Let's save the girls!" I say, look into Lauren's eyes one more time before closing the door.

Later on I'm standing at the back of Amy's father's yacht and I'm a little nervous. Chloe and the girls are there and they're in danger. How can I know I'm strong enough? I know I have to do this, not only for Lauren, but also for myself. I love her with all my heart and I need her in my life, even tho it isn't as a couple. The last few days weren't the greatest, but I do know now that I can't imagine my life without her and now for the second time, I'm about to lose her if I'm not fast enough. ,,Beca you only have to distract my father, leave the rest to me. Tell me, did I ever let you down?"

,,Yeah a couple of times actually."
,,Do you want to rescue Chloe or not?" I nod. ,,Well, then you have to trust me now."
,,We are not going to die right?" Amy doesn't say anything and that tells me enough.
,,Just jump off the boat if you can okay? It's going to explode." I lift my eyebrows.
,,For real?" She nods. ,,Jesus Amy, you really going to kill your own father?"
,,It's a long time ago that I saw him as my father. I won't miss him. Now get up there and distract him will you?" We give each other a high five and separate. I climb quietly on the deck and sit down behind Chloe's back without anyone noticing. Amy's father talks about Sydney and doubts that Amy's coming. I need to think of something now.
,,Guys, you know what we should do?" I say and reveal myself. Everyone turns around and looks at me with a confused expression.
,,Where the hell did you come from?" Amy's dad asks me. ,,You weren't here before."
,,Yes I was, I'm just small. You didn't notice, but I'm here this whole time." My eyes find Chloe's and now it's time I tell the girls about the plan, not literally of course, otherwise Amy's dad will kill them. ,,If we are going to die tonight, let's sing one more song and end like real bellas." They yell at me if I'm crazy and I try it again and again. Finally they get it and Amy's father let us sing. ,,You are terrible at reading signals!" I yell-whisper to the girls.
,,How did you get here?" Chloe asks me.
,,With Amy. We have a plan, but we need to sing as loud as we can, okay?"
,,Where's Lauren?"
,,Chloe, Lauren is save. Come on, we need to do this so you can be reunited with your daughter." Chloe gives me a quick hug and then we start. It's an uncomfortable performance, but at least the girls understand what I'm planning to do. We go on until Amy crashes through the glass rooftop with a fire extinguisher. She yells something, I can't even understand, but all I care about is getting Chloe and the girls to safety. ,,Get out of here!" I yell to them, but especially to Chloe and not long after that I see them run over the deck and jump into the water at the left side of the boat. Amy stays where she's tho and that wasn't the plan. ,,Amy, come on, we need to go!" I yell and pull her with me to the deck. ,,Jump in the water!" Amy does what I tell her and I want to jump as well, when a guard grabs my leg. I try to shake him off of me by moving myself from the left to the right side and it works. He lets go of me and just about then an explosion blows me off of the right side of the boat. Water comes into my mouth for the first few seconds and when I get above the water again, I see that the boat is on fire and that a helicopter is flying above the left side of the boat. At least Chloe's safe! That's the last thing I think before everything turns black.

.Chloe's point of view.
After Beca yelled at us Aubrey and I jump into the water, escaping the scene on the boat. I can't believe what just happened. Amy's father kidnapped us and Beca came to rescue me. She even took care of Lauren. I always loved her and now even more. Maybe it's time to tell her how much I love her and that Lauren and I will move with her to LA. I look around me in the water, but don't see Beca. Where is she? 
,,Where's Beca?" I ask the girls. They shrug their shoulders and now I'm getting worried. Suddenly I see Amy jump into the water, but without Beca. ,,Amy!" I swim towards her. ,,Where's Beca?"
,,Don't worry your little head ginger, she's right behind me." She says and turns her head. ,,Wait, she was right behind me. I think she's still on the boat."
,,How can you be so calm?! We have to go back and help her!" Aubrey, Emily and Stacie agree with me and we're swimming back to the boat, but we don't come far because of an explosion. Oh my god, the boat just exploded and Beca's still on there!!  Tears appear in my eyes and I want to go to the boat, but Stacie holds me back.
,,Nobody can survive such an explosion." She says and gets interrupted by a helicopter, who's right above us. I can see Chicago signing us to climb the ladder and everybody does what he tells them. 
,,Chloe come on." Yells Aubrey who's already in the helicopter.
,,No, I can't just leave her!"
,,She hasn't survived that explosion. You need to think about Lauren right now, be safe for her." Aubrey's right. Lauren is the most important person of my life, together with Beca and I can't let them down. Beca rescued me so I can be with Lauren and so I need to be here for her. With worry in my heart, I climb the ladder and sit down into the helicopter. Chicago grabs my hand.
,,As soon as the fire is out we're looking for your friend. It's going to be okay." I pull my hand back. He's fucking annoying. He only knows me for one week and he's way too close! Every time he sees me, he flirts with me and tries to kiss me or take me out on a date. Can't he see I'm not interested? I haven't told him that I'm in love with Beca, but I guess I need to do that, just so he stops flirting with me. And by the way, I would never love him because of Lauren. Lauren has met Chicago and I could see that she doesn't like him at all. I can't do that to her. I already know that Lauren loves Beca, because they have become way more close to each other these past few weeks. I sign and step out of the helicopter when it's landing. Please be alive Beca, I need you!

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