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Today started like every day, I woke up with Chloe in my arms. Lately we decided that we couldn't wait anymore and started dating again. The dates Chloe had planned for us where amazing and we had an amazing time before I had to get back to work.
The company Emily and I started is rising and I already got a call from Hollywood Records that they want me back but I told them 'no'. I released Emily's album and worked with the most amazing artist on the entire world, One Direction, Fifth Harmony, Little Mix, Pink, Megan Trainor, Bruno Mars, Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, and that are only a few. I've been busy with my fourth album and I know for sure that the reason it goes so well is because of Chloe. Now that she choose me over every guy there is on earth, everything works again. I can make mixes, artists wants to work with me and I have more fans than Justin Bieber! He already had an major fanbase, but that's nothing compared to my fanbase right now.
I smile and look next to me. Chloe is still asleep but I don't care. I can look at her pretty face forever. I already know her for almost six years and I always had a crush on her but I never thought this could actually happen. Chloe was busy with Tom and guys in college and I was being forced into the friend-zone so many times. She broke my heart but also managed to gain my trust again. That's a difficult matter. When your heart is broken, most of the time it's impossible to heal that but Chloe did. Maybe it's time for the next step?! I smile at the thought.
,,What are you smiling about?" Her beautiful blue eyes find mine and I pull a lock of hair behind her ear.
,,You. I still can't believe that you're lying here next to me, living with me and that you love me."
,,Well get used to it!" She says and put her hand on my cheek. ,,I love you Beca Mitchell and I never leave you again." She places her lips on mine. The kiss is simple and short but with so much love. ,,So, what's the planning today?"
,,Well, I've been invited to the MTV video music awards."
,,Really?" I nod. ,,And are you nominated for any price?"
,,Yeah I've got four nominations. Artist of the year, video of the year, best colaboration and song of the year."
,,Wow four nominations! You know you're going to win this right?"
,,You think so?"
,,Of course. Beca you've been the most succesfull artist for years now. Yeah, you had to start from the bottom again when Hollywood Records quit managing you but you worked harder to be the best and in my eyes you are the best."
,,You are coming with me, right?"
,,You really want that?"
,,Duh. I want to show the world my beautiful wife."
,,Wife?" My eyes widen and I quickly get out of bed.
,,Forget I said that, please." I say and disappear into the bathroom. What did I just do?! My wife, seriously? Of course I thought about it a few times but not any time soon. I mean we just dating for real and I can't ruin that by marrying her this quickly. There is so much pressure about marriage. I mean you have to buy an expensive dress or suit for thousands of dollars, you need the most beautiful location ever and an ring. I don't care about the money because I have enough of that but what if I said it too soon? The fact that Chloe didn't come in to talk to me says enough, right? Breath Beca, breath. I try to calm myself down but I feel the panic attack coming. I grab my chest. I can't breath, I'm going to die! My breathing becomes heavier and I can't stop it.
,,Beca?" I hear a knock on the door and Chloe's voice but really soft tho. ,,I'm coming in okay?" The door opens and I hear her startle. Immediately she places her hand on my shoulder. ,,Becs, you know this is a panic attack, you'll be fine. Just breath with me okay?" I shake my head and try to walk away from her but she holds me back. ,,Beca look at me." I can't. I'm dying, you should find another one to love because this is my last day on earth! ,,Hey!" She says and grab my cheeks so I have to look into her eyes. ,,You'll be fine okay? Breath Becs." I'm trying but I'm failing. ,,Becs, follow my lead. Can you do that?" She starts the breath in through her nose, holds it before release it. I try to follow her example and after a while it start to work. Chloe lowers us and sits back against the wall. We continue to breath slowly when Amy, Stacie and Emily rush into the bathroom with a confused Lauren next to them. Lauren can't see me like this! And right at that moment my breath begins to quicken again. Chloe noticed it. ,,Ames, can you please keep Lauren company for a while?"
,,Yeah sure." Through my teared eyes I see Amy taking Lauren out of the bathroom.
,,Just follow my lead Becs, you're doing a great job." Chloe whispers into my ear but I notice the hurt in her voice. I made her sad! I can't be a good wife for her if I already makes her sad... ,,Good, breath in hold it for three seconds and release it again, just like we practiced." I nod and lay my head on her shoulder while following her breathing.
When I'm calmed down after a quarter, I look up to Chloe.
,,I'm sorry." I say.
,,For what?"
,,Freaking out about the whole marriage thing."
,,I get it, you don't want to marry me. That's okay just be honest about it."
,,I want to marry you, just not now."
,,Why not? We know each other for almost six years now, we love each other for almost four - isn't that enough time?"
,,I'm just not ready, I'm sorry."
,,Well I should thank you for your honesty, right?"
,,Chlo please, don't be mad at me. I love you and I want to be with you. Can't we just enjoy our time together and think about marriage later?"
,,Yeah, we can." She sigh softly.
,,Hey, I really want to marry you but I don't think this is the right time."
,,Why would you say that? We literally live together and sleep in the same bed every night. We're trying to get pregnant again."
,,Exactly! Don't you think we need to take it one step at the time? We're trying to get pregnant right now, so no other commitments can come between. I want to focus on you and our second child for the full hundred procent."
,,Is that the reason you don't want to marry me right now?"
,,Yes, that's what I'm trying to explain. I want to marry you but right now we have something more important to do."
,,I love you." Chloe says and kisses me.
,,I love you too! Now go change, we need to get to the MTV VMA's!" Chloe starts laughing, gives me another kiss and leaves the bathroom.

Later that night all the bellas, Lauren, Chloe, Chloe's family and mine are sitting in our seat at the VMA's. I had been nominated beforehand for four nomination and I already won three of the prices. I couldn't believe the fact that I won them.
,,Okay next category is -" starts the host. ,,biggest fanbase." Wait, what? Is that a new award? ,,This is an award what just came into this show and I can't believe how hard it got. We have been nominated Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, 5 seconds of summer, One Direction and Beca Mitchell." He gets an evelop. ,,And the winner is -" he waits a second and read the card. ,,Beca Mitchell!" I get up and recieve the price after which I thank my fans for believing in me and I thank Chloe too of course. The moment I get back to my seat, Chloe kisses me and everybody around us starts cheering. We smile at each other and the nerves kicks in. The next price is the biggest price anyone can get and I'm nominated. Miley Cyrus gets on stage and grabs the microphone.
,,Good evening, Los Angeles! Are you having a good time?" Everyone starts to clap and cheer. ,,Good to hear. Last year I stood on this stage recieving the price of artist of the year and it was an amazing feeling to be the best for once. Tonight some other amazing artist can be the lucky one. We have a few nominies," Miley turns towards the big screen. ,,And the nomanies are - Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Beca Mitchell, Justin Bieber and Megan Trainor -" the crowd cheers for all of us, when Miley receives the results. ,,Well, you all are some rocking artists who knows what he or she does in business but only one can be the winner." She starts to open the envelop. ,,And the winner is -" The silent treatment again? Why does everybody does that! Just tell us already! ,,Beca Mitchell!" Wow, did I just won all the prices that I was nominated for? I smile forward for a second, a smile full of pride, after which I turn to the girl sitting next to me. She's everything to me and one day I will marry her. I get up and walk up on stage, while getting the microphone from Miley.
,,Thank you so much guys." I start and think about what to say. ,,I think I already said what I wanted to say because I won all five the prices that I was nominated for. Miley, thank you for being a great artist, I mean you where the best last year and I'm pretty sure I will give this price to somebody else next year. I want to thank my fans for voting for me, without them I couldn't even make music so wherever you are, thank you so much." I blow a kiss to the camera who records everything, so all my fans over the world will see this. ,,There are so many people that I want to thank. Simon Powell, thank you for giving me a second chance after Hollywood Records cut me off, Emily thank you that you wanted to be my partner, I wanna thank the bellas and the new directions for always believing in me, but most important -" I look towards Chloe and Lauren. ,,I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend Chloe Beale -" I point to her and the camera follows my pointed finger. ,,and her daughter Lauren for being there for me through good and bad times. Thank you so much for believing in me even tho it went downwards. I'm so happy to have you two in my life, I love you two so much! Thank you!" I hold up the price as a trophy and everyone begin to giving me a standing ovation. I get off the stage and see Lauren and Chloe walking up to me with the biggest smile on their faces. What am I doing? Why do I wait to pop the big question? I love Chloe so much, I already know I will be with her until eternity, so why not a big wedding? I should ask her, right? She wants it, I want it and Lauren wants me to be her second mother... nothing stands in our way!
,,You where amazing, mom." Lauren says and jumps into my arms.
,,What she said." Says Chloe and laughs while giving me a kiss. This is what I want! Chloe, Lauren and our other kid! Okay, new plan. I need to find the bellas and ask them to help me with an idea how to ask her because Chloe deserves the best proposal ever!

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