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Today I have a performance and Chloe and Lauren are going to cheer me up from the audience. Chloe's students are coming as well and I love the idea that a lot of people are here for me. I thought about our dates and I appreciate the effort Chloe puts in them. We both care for each other a lot and I'm thinking about marriage. I know it's early but we know eachother for a long time now. I truly can't imagine my life without her anymore and I look into the crowd. I don't need to look for a long time before I find the eyes I love so much. Lauren sits next to her and has a big smile on her face. She calls me mom and Chloe mommy. Both give me a reassuring smile and I think back to last night. 


Chloe and I are cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Jesse was mad at me when I told him I watch movies with Chloe. He still wants to watch some with me but he's not Chloe.

,,So I wanna talk to you about something."

,,About what?"

,,It's about us."

,,What about us?"

,,I was thinking about our future."

,,Oh do tell me. What do you want?"

,,I was thinking about marriage and -"

,,And what?" Chloe swallows and is doubting if she wants to tell me or not. ,,Hey," I grab her hands. ,,nothing you say is weird. I think about our future too and I want nothing more than growing old with you."

,,You mean that?"

,,Of course, I mean that! Chlo, I love you."

,,I want another child and I kinda want you to be the mother."

,,What?!" It comes out the wrong way. I should have known she wants this, but I'm not prepared. I don't even know if I'm fertile. Chloe looks down to her hands.

,,I'm sorry. It's a stupid idea."

,,No, I just never thought about me being a mother."

,,But you're amazing with Lauren."

,,You think so?"

,,I do and I just want a child looking like you. Lauren is a part of Tom and doesn't look at you."

,,I'm not even sure if I can be pregnant."

,,What do you mean?" I sigh deeply and avoid her eyes.

,,It's possible that I can't be pregnant. I don't know for sure because I never tested it, but it runs in the family."

,,Do you want to be a mother?"

,,Of course I want to, but I don't know if I can."

,,Do you want to test it?"

,,I don't know. I never thought about a future with you." She startles and I know what she thinks. ,,No, don't startle. I love you so much Chlo, but when you choose Tom over me, I never thought we could have a future. I'm very happy that we can have one now and that you choose me now."

,,If you want to test it, I'm happy to come with you to the hospital."

,,Thank you." I grab her hand and she gives me a quick peck.

,,I know for sure that you're going to be an amazing mother." I smile and just hold her. I'm so lucky to call Chloe mine!

End of flashback

After that conversation, when Chloe was asleep, I made an appointment with the hospital to check if I'm able to get pregnant. I want to give her this special gift. Chloe wants another child and the idea that I can make her happy if I'm able to get pregnant is making me smile. I want this with Chloe, I do, but I'm afraid that I'm infertile just like my grandmother, my mother and two aunts of mine. My mother wasn't born with it, she got it after an accident. After Isabella, my mother fell from her bike and lost my baby brother. My grandmother, from my father's side, lost two of her unborn children. She felt from the fourth floor of her apartment block. She was lucky that she was still alive and that one of her children, my father, was already born so she didn't lose more children that same day. I pitty my father because if it didn't have happened he would have two brothers. I told Chloe what I'm afraid of and she still hopes I can have children. I want to give her that child, but I don't think I will forgive myself if it turns out that I am indeed infertile. I don't know if Chloe can do that either. I sigh and begin to sing, but my head is still with my worries. I smile either way, mainly to Chloe and Lauren because I'm very happy and thankful that they're here right now. They are the two most important people in my life and they are watching me perform. Once the song ends, I blow a kiss to Chloe and Lauren before going backstage. My life is at the right spot now and I hope I'm fertile because I want to give Chloe another child. And secretly I always wanted to be a mother, so hopefully I can make both of us happy! 

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