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Okay, this is it. I need to tell her. I sigh deeply before entering my house but when I'm in the hallway, I hear Amy and Chloe talk.
,,You made the biggest mistake of your life by walking out on Beca in the hospital!" Amy yells at her.
,,I was afraid of the result."
,,How do you think Beca felt?! She might be infertile and the person she needs most, abandon her! I thought you wanted to be there for her, to build a life with her, to marry her and have more kids with her."
,,I do want that."
,,Then be there for her! This is your last chance with her, don't throw that away over this!" For a moment it's quiet.
,,You're right. I can't let her down over this. I love her so much! I'm just scared." And I hear her sniffle. Thank you Amy, you just made it easier for me to tell her now. I sigh and put my jacket on the coat rack.
,,Mom!" Lauren immediately runs down the stairs to me and I can't hold back the smile on my face when she tells me that. I wanted to be a mother and now I am. Lauren is my daughter too, but I can't have any children of my own.

,,Hey kiddo, how are you?" I swallow back the tears and smile at her.

,,I was keeping mommy company. She was sad that you didn't come home."

,,Is that so?" Lauren nods, grabs my hand and pulls me with her into the living room.

,,Mommy, Beca is back!" Lauren tells Chloe and she looks up from the kitchen counter. I see Amy giving her a warning look before she walks over to Emily and Stacie on the couch.

,,Beca." She says and walks over to me.

,,Hey," I say nervously. I know I can't wait any longer to tell her and look at her.

,,Can you tell me what the result is?"

,,I will tell you, but you probably want to sit down." I tell her, but she doesn't move. ,,This is very hard for me to tell and I want you to promise me you won't hate me."

,,I already told you that I can't hate you, Becs." Chloe says and holds my hand. 

,,Chlo, I'm – I -" I stutter and feel a lump in my throat. ,,The test, it was negative." I look up to look into her eyes. ,,I'm infertile." Chloe remains silent, but I know she's startled. I hear Stacie startle and not long after that I feel arms around my waist.

,,Oh, my god. I'm so sorry." Emily tells me and rubs my back. ,,If you need anything I'm here for you." That's so sweet but right now I'm more focused on Chloe. Lauren distracts me from a quiet Chloe by pulling the bottom of my shirt. I look down on her.

,,Mom, what's infertile?" She asks me and I take her into my arms, while walking to the couch. I place her on my lap.

,,Your mother and I wanted to have a little brother or sister for you."

,,Really?" Her face lights up.

,,Yeah but I can't get pregnant. Infertile means that I can't have any children of my own."

,,So does that mean I can't have a baby sister?"

,,Oh no, there are many ways to fullfil that dream of ours, it's just hard for us because your mother wanted me to carry your little brother or sister."

,,Okay but how am I getting a brother or sister now?"

,,Well we can choose adoption or insemination."

,,Can mommy carry my little brother or sister?" I look over to Chloe who's watching our conversation.

,,Yes she can."

,,Great, then my drawing is right!" She claims.

,,What drawing?" Lauren get off my lap and grabs a paper.

,,This drawing." She climbs back on my lap and shows me the drawing she made. ,,See?" I see two woman and two little people standing at a house. ,,This is you, and mommy is standing next to you. And this little boy is my little brother." Lauren points to the people and I burst into tears. I am letting Chloe down. Lauren startles and runs into Amy's arms, while Stacie pulls me into hers.

,,I'm so sorry, Chlo." I say through my tears and get out of Stacie's arms. Chloe seems to have finally processed it and walks up to me. She sits down on the couch next to me and grabs my hand. 

,,I don't know how it feels if someone tells you that you're infertile but I know that I want to live my life with you."

,,But I can't have children. That's your biggest wish, you should find someone who can give you that. Maybe Chicago wants -"

,,Don't finish that sentence!" Chloe points a finger at me, afterwhich she holds me against her. ,,I want you and nobody else. I will be the one who will be pregnant again. You're going to be a mom and have a kid that loves you so much."

,,That's easy for you to say when you can have kids of your own. You get to have kids who are going to look like you and act like you, and whose personalities will be like yours. You get to have kids who no one will ever doubt are yours. You get a special connection to them Chloe, one I'll never have." My tone is angrier than I intend for it to be but I'm past being able to control my emotions. ,,The most important thing for me is that you're happy and right now I'm making you unhappy by being infertile and not being able to give you another child."

,,Becs, another kid is important to me but you're way more important to me. I'm sorry I left you alone in the hospital yesterday, I shouldn't have done that but I was afraid. I know I said that I want children over anything else, but Amy just gave me a discourse and she's right. YOU and Lauren are the most important persons in my life and I would be stupid if I let this getting between us. Beca, I don't mind carrying another child because I know in my heart that you're going to be the best mother it will ever have."

,,Are you sure you still want me even tho I can never be pregnant?" Chloe grabs my cheeks with both of her hands so that I'm forced to look into her eyes.

,,Becs, I want nothing more. I love you to the moon and back, I don't want to live without you. I know I didn't show you that in the past but I can't lie to you or myself anymore. I am hopelessly in love with you and I won't replace you. Lauren loves you, you are her second mother." I feel my eyes fill themselves with tears again. ,,I'm not going to leave you, okay? According to Amy and the girls, we're the cutest couple ever and I don't want to change that. I know it's going to be hard sometimes but we have each other."

,,God, I love you." I can only say and kiss her.

,,You're still the big BM." Amy says while she, Stacie and Emily are sitting down around Chloe and me. ,,You're still the awesome badass that we know even tho you're infertile." I giggle.

,,Thank you, Ames." Lauren walks up to me awkwardly.

,,I'm sorry." She tells me.

,,For what sweety?"

,,For hurting your feelings with my drawing." I pat my lap for her to climb on. Lauren doesn't hesitate and sits down on my lap.

,,Sweetheart, you're drawing only made me sad because I know I can't give you a brother or sister. Your happiness means a lot to me."

,,So you're staying?"

,,Yes, I am."

,,Than I don't need anything else. I want you to be my mom." I hold Lauren close to me.

,,Aw this requires a group hug!" Yells Amy and put her arms around me and Chloe, what causes us to be close to Lauren in the middle but I don't mind.

,,Thank you Chlo." I whisper and she answers me with a kiss. I can't believe how well Chloe took it eventually. I mean, she left me in the hospital but apologizes for that. She could've said things that would've hurt me but she choose to comfort me after processing the news. I'm very lucky to have her as my girlfriend and I know we're going to be very happy from now on! 

Reunited (Sequel to Soulmates)Where stories live. Discover now