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Another week has gone by, which means Beca's missing for a month now. Lauren has made a lot of recorded video's for Beca, but she didn't respond to any of them. I promised her that I wouldn't give up on Beca and I'm not. Beca wanted me to continue with my music class 'the new directions' and so in about a few minutes from now, we have a performance. We used songs Beca mashed up for us and I'm surprised that I can hear it because it's reminding me of Beca. Lauren is staying with my parents for tonight because she couldn't hear any of Beca's songs. It's understandable because normally I would cry my eyes out by hearing her name.

,,Are you ready for this, miss Beale?" Finn walks up to me, together with Rachel, Quinn, Puck and Sam. ,,We don't have to do this if it makes you cry."

,,I won't cry Finn. Yeah it's a song that Beca has written, but she would be so proud of you guys. I can't let her down anymore."

,,You love her don't you?"

,,I do and I want her to be at my side right now, but I know she can't."

,,She isn't dead." Rachel comforts me by placing her hand on my shoulder.

,,Then where is she?"

,,We don't know, but you have to believe she's okay." I know they all want to comfort me, but I don't know what to do, say or think anymore. If Beca's alive, why won't she come back to us?

,,Let's just focus on the performance okay?" They nod and leave the performance for what it is. Amy walks up to me with her phone in her hand.

,,Chloe!" She yells and holds up her phone. ,,Remember when I sent Beca that picture of Lauren?"

,,Yeah, why?" Amy starts to say something else, but gets interrupted by Stacie.

,,Amy, why did you wanted to see me?"

,,It's Beca, she -"

,,Amy please, I can't deal with anything other than the new directions right now." I say and walk away from her and notice that Emily hurries herself to Amy too. What's up with them?! I roll my eyes and rub my forehead a little. I don't have time for conversations. I need to focus on the new directions. I walk backstage towards my students.

,,I can't do this!" yells Tina and I sit down next to her.

,,Tina, calm down. I know how talented you are and I know you're going to kill it up there. Just believe in yourself and you're capable of anything."

,,I just want to make Beca proud. She helped us with every song we have performed until now."

,,Don't you think she would be proud of you?"

,,I don't know. It's difficult to say something about her now she isn't here anymore."

,,Do you think she's dead?"

,,I shouldn't believe that right?"

,,That's not what I asked." I look at all the students from the new directions and see all of them thinking about Beca. ,,Do you all believe Beca's dead?"

,,We don't know what to believe, to be honest." Begins Quinn.

,,Yeah," Says Puck and holds Quinn for a second. ,,we heard about the missing and most of the time when somebody is missing, they're dead."

,,But it doesn't have to be." Says Rachel. ,,She can be still alive and looking for ways to come back here. I want to believe that she will come back, but it's a month ago when she got missing."

,,Miss Beale?" Finn looks at me with Artie next to him.


,,How do you stay positive in this kind of situation?"

,,Well, I believed them first handed. Chicago and his fellow soldiers looked for her, but couldn't find her. They told me that they couldn't find her body and I assumed the worst. Do you know who kept me believing?" They shake their heads. ,,My daughter Lauren. If she wasn't in my life, I would've killed myself by now because I hurt Beca in the most possible ways."

,,Do you believe that Beca is still alive?"

,,I don't know, but I do know that I won't give up on her and you shouldn't give up on her either. Beca will be so proud of all of you because you all keep going without her. And maybe - just maybe - she will be alive and be here tonight cheering you on. Do you want to disappoint her?"


,,Then let's say that you will give everything for Beca okay? Let her know how much you appreciate her by doing this." They all nod.

,,You are really good at speeches, miss Beale." And they all give me a hug. The lights go out and they introduce us. I go back to my place, which is next to Chicago and Emily and watch them with pride.

During the performance I can't help but think of Beca. She wrote this song for me and our situation! Pretending, she literally asked me to stop fooling around and I didn't see it! Finn and Rachel kiss after that song and after that they start another song that Beca has written 'light up the world'.

After the performance, they run backstage to wait for me and I want to stand up, but Emily pulls me down again with a big smile.

,,The performance isn't done yet." I raise my eyebrow when I see that every bella is sitting next to me with the same big smile on their faces.

,,What's going on?"

,,Just watch." Says Emily and points to the stage where DJ Khalid comes on. This is unexpected.

,,Hello everyone," he says and looks through the crowd. ,,I'm here to suppose to introduce someone, but I believe that she doesn't need an introduction. So let's just get on with it, it's my pleasure to introduce the amazing Beca Mitchell." Wait, what?! Did he just say Beca? I follow the person walking on stage and my heart warms itself. It's really her! I hear Amy yells: ,,Go Beca!" But I don't pay attention to it much. I'm focused on the love of my life who walks on stage. When she starts her eyes find mine and we get lost in each other's eyes for a moment before she walks over to us and take us on stage to sing with her. We don't question her actions and sing with her.

A/N: I know Ashley sings too, but in this story she isn't alive anymore. I can't change an official music video, so can you please pretend Ashley isn't there?!

When Beca stops singing, I can't control myself anymore and run into her arms, when she opens them. The other bellas follow my lead and give Beca a hug too, but I won't let go of her.

,,I missed you so much!" I whisper in her ear and feel the tears in my eyes. I don't care if they fall right now. The only thing that I care about is that Beca is alive and back. Please don't leave me Beca, I can't live my life without you anymore and I will let you know that, I promise!

Reunited (Sequel to Soulmates)Where stories live. Discover now