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.Beca's point of view.

,,So that's the reason Chloe is mad at you?" Phillip asks me.
,,Yeah, she doesn't want to believe I did it for her, to help her out. I can see that Lauren is the most important person in her entire life."
,,Well, she is her daughter, parents always put their children first."
,,I'm not hoping she will put me first, I just don't understand her anger to me. I know that Chloe will always put Lauren before everyone and want to provide for everything for her. I can miss that money and Chloe and Lauren can really use it."
,,I think it's her pride."
,,What do you mean?"
,,Well, Chloe thinks that you think that she can't take care of Lauren by herself."
,,I never said that!"
,,Didn't you? Look Chloe knows that you meant it well, but it's her daughter. I don't say that you don't care about both of them, but because of that asshole Tom, Chloe had to take care of Lauren all by herself. I'm pretty sure that she just isn't used to getting any help financially."
,,She could've said that to me instead of kicking me out."
,,That's her pride. You know Chloe better than me. Will she ask for help or try to handle the situation herself?"
,,She's stubborn. Aubrey and I had to tell her that a lot, so I guess you have a good point."
,,You should talk to her. Let her know you understand her reaction, tell her that you love her and want to help her forever. That you'll never leave her side and do everything for Lauren."
,,Later." I sigh. ,,Can we please talk about something else?"
,,Like your second album?"
,,Something like that. Mr Reynolds got an offer from Disney. They want me to play Cinderella in their new movie named 'Into the woods'. Should I do it?"
,,Playing in a Disney movie is a big deal." Say Phillip enthusiastically, while turning towards me. ,,Who will be your co-stars?"
,,Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt and Johnny Depp."
,,Really?" I nod. ,,Wow, that's a big opportunity Becs. Why would you turn that offer down?"
,,So you think I should take the part?"
,,Well obviously." He smiles. ,,Think about it. If you are a Disney princess, Lauren will love you even more and if Lauren loves you, Chloe can't ignore you anymore."
,,Smart move."
,,So you'll take it?"
,,Why do you want to see me as a Disney princess?"
,,Well first, it's pretty cool. I mean, who didn't grow up with Disney? Second, maybe you can collaborate with Disney for a mashup? And third, how long are you single again?"
,,Dude!" I yell and push him slightly.
,,I don't mean to offend you. I just wish you all the love in the entire world and everybody who knows you, know that Chloe has your heart."
,,Well I try to let her go, because she doesn't feel the same about me. I want her, but if she doesn't want me it's no use to try. We had sex a lot, but it didn't mean anything to her. I hate the fact that I let her break my heart every time. It needs to stop, so I will stay away from her for a while."
,,Don't run away from your feelings."
,,I don't want to run away, but it's easier. I have enough of being hurt. I need to stop, before I hurt myself even more." Phillip nods and looks at the piano.
,,So what were you planning to play?"
,,A song that I wrote for Chloe. I already have the lyrics, but I need to make sure it sounds good."
,,Well play it and let me decide." I smile and sit behind the piano. I need to turn my mind off, only thoughts of Chloe can be in there. Once I see her in my thoughts, I start playing and it does sound really good. In case you didn't know, I'm crazy about you. I know exactly what I wrote and sing the lyrics, but not out loud. I keep going until the last note sounds and Phillip starts to clap loudly.

,,That was amazing. Words would make it complete tho."
,,I already told you that I have the lyrics. I can't sing this to Chloe."
,,Why not?"
,,Because she doesn't feel the same way. I have tried for a hundred times to make her mine, but every time she just uses me and breaks my heart. I'm done. I'm leaving next week, back to LA."
,,I won't hold you back. And who can? Everybody knew that you would only stay here for a month right?" I nod and sigh.
,,I can't live here, not if Chloe isn't in my life, but I can't live without her either." I stop talking, because I think I hear the auditorium door open, but when I look at it, it's closed. Weird, I really thought I heard the door open!
,,What do you mean?"
,,I have written a lot of songs for Chloe, but it doesn't matter, because they won't mean anything to her."
,,Do you know how to play Disney songs on the piano?"
,,Yes, why?"
,,Well, that's the way to prepare for your role, right?"
,,You want me to play a Disney medley?"
,,Yeah, why not? We are alone in here, nobody can hear you."
,,That's true." I sigh and think. Phillip is here to support me and he's been very helpful, because I'm taking the part. ,,Ugh, fine. But only the seven songs that I love." I say and sit straight again, while I start to play.

,,Wow, I didn't know you could play the piano like that." I startle from her voice and turn around, only to see all the bellas.
,,Yeah," Emily say. ,,where did you learn to play like this?"
,,I taught myself, but what are you all doing here?" My eye catches Chloe's and Lauren's eyes.
,,We were looking for you. We have a performance in four days."
,,Great. That will be the last performance for me then."
,,What do you mean?" Lauren looks at me.
,,I'm going back to LA end of this week."
,,What?!" Now tears appear in her eyes. ,,Why are you leaving?" I look to Chloe and she looks down. She also knows that it's her fault.
,,I just can't be here anymore. But don't be sad sweetheart," I gesture for her to come and sit next to me on the piano stool. ,,I will still be here until the end of the week."
,,Can you play something for me on the piano?"
,,Yeah, I know a song too." I look to Amy and she smirks. What is she up to?
,,What do you want me to play?" I look into Lauren's eyes.
,,Let it go, from 'Frozen'."
,,Are you a fan of Frozen?" Lauren nods and I smile. ,,Okay, I'll play for you." I see that every other bella is sitting down on the front row seats. I sigh and start to play, with Lauren next to me.

,,Thank you Beca." Says Lauren and gives me a hug.
,,Beca has to tell you something." Phillip says and now every bella looks at me.
,,Yeah, thanks Phil. I have an offer from Disney to play Cinderella in their newest movie and I'm going to accept."
,,A Disney princess?!" Lauren looks at me very happy.
,,Do you like that idea?"
,,Of course. Mommy and I can come with you and watch you play."
,,Honey," Chloe stands up. ,,we can't go with Beca to LA."
,,Why not?"
,,Because you have school."
,,But mommy, can't I go to a school in LA?"
,,Yeah, she can transfer right?" Emily, Stacie and Amy look at Chloe and I know exactly what they're trying to do now. They're trying to make clear that Chloe belongs to me, but it's no use. She will never see me that way.
,,Lauren has everything here. Her family, friends, school - I don't want her to give that up."
,,This has nothing to do with Lauren." I say and now everybody looks at me. ,,I know you don't love me and that's the reason you're holding this off."
,,Beca, that's not true."
,,Then why are you holding off? We had a great time together and now we're nothing more than strangers."
,,I -" She sighs. ,,I just can't do it." I look down and feel myself getting angry. I need to get a hold on myself, for Lauren. I don't want her to see me getting mad at her mother.
,,And there goes her heart again. Smart move, Chlo." Amy roll her eyes at her.
,,I'm sorry Becs, I just -" I hold up my hand.
,,Save the trouble of explaining." I only say and look at Amy. ,,Which song did you want?" She comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, so soft that only I can hear it.
,,Titanium. Chloe needs to understand that you're the love of her life." I swallow, but still nod, while accepting the music sheets Amy is giving me.
,,This will be the last one and then we're leaving." I look to Phillip and he only nods. I sigh deeply and start to play. The moment the bellas hear the first note, I hear Chloe squeal and I know she recognizes the song. My mind goes back to the showers, where we sang this together and I feel a tear escape my eye. It's hard to think about that moment, because back then we were still really close.

Once I'm finished with the song, I wipe away the tears of my cheeks and get up. I look to Chloe for a second, before running out of the auditorium. Why am I doing this to myself?! I need to get back to Los Angeles as soon as possible, but I just promised Lauren that I will stay until the end of the week.
,,Beca!" Phillip runs after me. ,,You were really good."
,,Thank you, but we have to go back to my old dorm room. I can't be with Chloe in one room anymore, so hurry up!" I keep running, until we're back at my old dorm room. Once the door is closed, I let myself fall onto my bed and sigh. Chloe has my heart and I will never be getting it back. How am I suppose to live without her?

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