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The next morning I'm sitting in the auditorium, with the rest of the bellas, well except for Chloe. Maybe Lauren is sick? I'm happy that Chloe can go to Disneyland or other theme parks because of my monthly amount. I can see that Lauren loves those trips, but maybe I should tell Chloe that I'm the one who has sent her that money every month. The last few months, she's been trying to find out - well, according to Aubrey and she has the right to know. I just hope she won't get mad, because she knows that I'll do everything for her.
,,What are you thinking about?" Amy sit next to me.
,,Chloe. Do you think I should tell her that I'm the one who has sent her money every month?"
,,Wait, she doesn't know it's you?!"
,,Why not? I thought you already told her..."
,,I just couldn't tell her. You know Chloe, she won't be accepting my money."
,,Why not? She could use it. She's not that rich."
,,I know, but it's Chloe's pride. Lauren is everything to her and I know for a fact that she wants to provide for her. I don't want her to think, I'm thinking that she can't care for her daughter on her own."
,,Tell her what you are saying now. You love her and you only wanted to take care of her."
,,She won't accept that. I need a very good reason, we don't have a good relationship now and I don't want our relationship to go downwards."
,,Chloe will see that you love and care about her."
,,I hope you're right." I say, while turning my attention back to Aubrey who's telling a whole story.
,,That's why we're going to be world champions!" She says. I have no idea what she's been talking about! My phone starts vibrating and I know I have a message. It can be anyone, so I open Whatsapp and see a message from Chloe. My heart jumps!  

Chloe 🍹: Can you please come to the bella's house? We need to talk.

,,Oh oh, trouble in paradise." Says Amy and gives me a playful push. I sigh and get up.
,,Where are you going?" Aubrey looks at me.
,,To Chloe, she needs to talk to me." Aubrey just nods and lets me go, surprisingly. She's okay now!  I walk to the bellas house with a big smile on my face. Maybe Chloe wants to tell me that she's in love with me and wants to be my girlfriend!

.Chloe's point of view.

Ugh, I just can't! How could she do something like this behind my back?! I know I wanted to know from who that money came from, but now I know - I just feel betrayed. I mean, she's my best friend! I just don't get it - I don't get why she needed to do this behind my back! Why couldn't she tell me? Why the secrecy? I'm happy Lauren is at school right now, I don't want her to see this. She loves Beca and if she sees me getting this mad at her - I know she will be devastated. Lauren and Beca are very close and I love that, because that means that we can live together and I wanted to live with Beca and Lauren. I am in love with Beca, but I'm not sure about living together anymore. If you love someone, you can't do something like this right? I'm in Lauren and my room right now, standing in front of the mirror. How am I going to talk to Beca? I don't want to pick a fight, but she needs to understand that this isn't right!
,,Chlo?" I hear and I take a deep breath, before letting her know that I'm in here.
,,We need to talk Beca." I say, but hold my gaze towards the mirror. Our eyes meet tho and I can see that she knows why I want to talk.
,,Well, I'm here. You can say anything to me, just don't be mad." I sniffle sarcastically.
,,Don't be mad?!" I say and turn around now. ,,You are sending me money for the last three years!"
,,I know, but I was only trying to help you."
,,I don't need your help raising my own child!" I go through my hair. I'm mad at her, but mostly frustrated by her actions. ,,How could you do something like this behind my back?"
,,Because I love you!"
,,Are you kidding me? You actually bringing this up right now?"
,,Chlo, listen to me."
,,Why should I listen to you? You are sending me money every month behind my back. What did you think? Chloe is helpless, she's someone who can't confide for her own?"
,,Of course I didn't think that. Chlo, I love you and I just wanted you to have a good life. You two have been to Disneyworld right?"
,,What does that have to do with this conversation?!"
,,You two had a good time, Aubrey told me. The most important thing is Lauren right? You want to make more trips with her?"
,,Of course I want to make more trips like that, but I can't just take money from you! I don't want to be independent of your money!"
,,Independent? You?"
,,Becs, do you have any idea how this is for me? My best friend in the whole wide world was secretly sending me money for three years. I loved the trips I could afford by your money, but it's not right! What else have you done behind my back?"
,,Nothing. Chlo, you are the most important person in my life! Yes, I did sent you money, but only to help you. Please trust me when I say that I only wanted to help you out."
,,Trust? You are asking me to trust you now?" I am really mad right now. ,,Tell me how I'm supposed to trust anything you say?"
,,How?" Now Beca becomes mad for the first time. ,,Because of everything we've been going through together! For four years, I've been right here. Four years just waiting for you to just open your eyes and to see that I'm right here. Four years waiting for you to see that I'm more than your best friend. The last month I bring you a cup of coffee every morning, because I think you're the most remarkable, challenging and sweetest person that I've ever met." I don't know what to say right now and let her continue. ,,You broke my heart three and a half years ago and I let you break it again every time we had sex and you tell me it doesn't mean anything to you." That's not true. I love you Beca, but I just can't bring a new mother into Lauren's life!  ,,I love you Chlo and if that means anything to you, if you care about me at all..."
,,If I care about you? Beca, you've sent me money like I couldn't afford anything at all!"
,,That's not why I did it."
,,I don't care. It's my life and you don't get to decide whether to help me or not!" Beca raises her eyebrow and I see that I hurt her, but right now she needs to know that what she did was wrong.
,,Okay uhm - yeah, you're right Chlo it's your life but I'm not going to watch you lose everything and that you can not pay anything anymore for Lauren, so this is over. I'm done." Beca holds her hands up in surrender and walks away from me. Only when I hear the front door close, I burst into tears. Go after her, don't let her get away!  I just don't know how I can trust her again. Maybe it's better this way? Maybe we're better off as friends.

Reunited (Sequel to Soulmates)Where stories live. Discover now