
924 36 14

Two days later Chloe and I are on our way to the hospital. Today I will find out if I'm fertile or not. It's a short drive and when the car is parked, I try to calm myself. Chloe places her hand on mine.
,,It's okay to feel nervous," she tells me and squeezes my hand lightly. I don't know what to say, so I keep quiet. What if I am infertile? Would Chloe be angry? I know I will be disappointed and I know I can't forgive myself if it turns out that I'm indeed cursed with infertility. ,,Come on. I'll be with you all the time okay?" I look towards her and kiss her passionately. ,,What was that for?"
,,For being here with me today. I know it must be hard for you too. It can be that I'm infertile."
,,Yeah but you're not. Were going to have another child." I know she only wants to stay positive, but it seems that she's scared.
,,Are you going to hate me if I'm infertile?"
,,Becs, I won't hate you because there will be no reason. You will be fertile and we can have another child." Is she in denial right now?
,,Chlo, it's possible that I can't be pregnant. You have to keep that option open because it's a possibility." She sighs and looks at her hands.
,,I know but I don't want that to be true. I want a child from you."
,,I don't want it to be true too, but no matter what will happen today, I will love you with all my heart. You and Lauren are the most important people in my life." She sighs again and leaves the car. Wait, why is she acting like this? Just two minutes she was taking care of me and now she's distancing herself from me. I got out of the car too, lock it and grab her hand. I smile at her to reassure her. She lays her head on my shoulder as we walk into the hospital. We walk to the reception to let the receptionist know we have an appointment with doctor Gomez. We keep quiet and as we sit down I look over to the big clock that's on the wall. It's 10 AM, so that means we have six hours before we have to be at home for Lauren. I look over to Chloe, who's already looking at me.
,,I'm sorry." She quietly says and I see tears in her eyes. ,,I just want you to be happy." Does she really think I'm not happy?
,,I am happy! I want another child with you but if I am infertile we have to think about another way. There are other ways to get a child."
,,Yeah. I'm not afraid of adoption. I'm scared of something else."
,,What are you scared off?"
,,Losing you. I want to make you happy but when I can't have a child, will you leave me? You want this so badly and I can't live without you in my life. I'm scared you will leave me when it turns out that I am infertile." Before Chloe can say anything, doctor Gomez calls us in. Chloe and I step into her office, still hand in hand. ,,Thank you for seeing us on such short notice." I tell her. Doctor Gomez nods and gestures for both of us to take a seat.
,,Which one of you wanted to test it if she can be a mother?" I raise my hand and she smiles.
,,Congratulations on deciding to become mothers." She looks at Chloe, who's nervously playing with her hands.
,,Could you tell us a bit about what to expect?" I ask her.
,,Well, first you need to test. Can you follow me?" I nod and get up. Doctor Gomez leads me to an examination room. I change into a hospital gown. She calmly talks to me through the medical procedure. She takes some blood and sends it away immediately to investigate. I get dressed again and sit back next to Chloe.  

,,Now I guess we just wait." I tell her and grab her hand.

,,We can't stay longer than those hours. Lauren can't be alone at home."

,,I know Chlo. Do you want me to call Aubrey? She can pick you up from here." Please say no, because I need you at my side.

,,Do you mind? I don't want you to think I leave you but I don't know how I will react when the results are coming in." And right then and there my heart breaks. Chloe wants to leave me here. She can't handle the fact that I might be infertile. I nod slowly and let Chloe call Aubrey to pick her up. When she's in the hallway, I call Amy. She's one of my best friends and I need someone right now. Chloe will leave me if I'm infertile. Chloe re-enters the room and looks at me. ,,Aubrey is on her way. I'm sorry for doing this but I just can't handle the pressure. I want to be a mother with you and I -" I hold up my hand.

Reunited (Sequel to Soulmates)Where stories live. Discover now