Chapter 55

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A/N: I went to a birthday party today. It was loads of fun! We didn't actually do much, but nevertheless we got to reacquaintince ourselves. Yep, big words being used here.

It's going to be a really long chapter because I won't have internet for a WEEK (!) so I can't upload but I can write. Heehee.


(Sophie's POV)

Everyone started to disperse to their rooms. We'd invited everyone to stay, filling up almost all of the guest rooms. Which was a lot, but there had been a lot of people coming to the wedding. Because we didn't fancy doing one hundred and forty trips up and down the stairs, we'd given everyone a number, indicating where their room was. It had been too much fun to stick numbers onto the doors over the last three days. For example, 621 would indicate room 21 on floor six. Just like a huge hotel.

"Ah, good times," I sighed, as Marcus, Alfie, Ella, Connor, Jenny, Joe, Caspar and a few other close friends and our sibling group (which was Phil as well. Obviously.) all flopped down in a sitting room, just for a private chat and a drink or two.

"What do you all want to drink?" I asked the room in general, prepared to fetch some. "Ella?"

"Can I have some milk, please?" Ella asked quietly. I smiled.

"Warmed or cold?"

"Medium, please." Ella requested. Everyone else told me what I wanted to drink and Jason and Ethan came with me to help carry everything.

"One milk, four wines, one beer, two lemon and lime waters and two squashes," I murmured, dancing around the kitchen with Jason and Ethan gathering bottles and glasses and more drinks than those orders I had taken. I popped the cup with Ella's milk into the microwave and waited for the beep.

"Careful!" Jason chided as I slipped in a bit of water after picking a tray up. I rolled my eyes and we all carried a tray of drinks back into the sitting room.

"Here," I gave Ella her milk. "Alright, I know Jenny and Jeana wanted the water-" I gave them the drinks, "- Tyler, Troye, Alfie, David, you were the wine..." I handed out the drinks and sat down with my squash.

"It's unlike you to not have wine," David commented, looking at me critically. "What's up?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I just don't want to get drunk and have a hangover. I've already had wine, you see." I said, smiling convincingly. Jason shot me a sharp look that said 'Out. We're going to talk'. I bit my lip but nodded a tiny fraction.

"I'll just go take the trays back," I offered, standing and picking them up. Jason followed me, claiming to make sure I didn't slip in anymore puddles and he should go clean that one up now, actually.

"Sophie. What's going on?" Jason demanded, the second the door to the kitchens swung shut behind us. "You aren't ill, are you? You've lost a bit of weight as well. You've got to say if something's wrong."

"I'm not... Ill." I murmured. "It's fine." Jason's eyes narrowed.

"Then, what is it?"



We sat back down in the sitting room, falling easily into the conversation. Marcus, Alfie and Ella left not long after, wanting to get Ella to bed and she would be tired climbing stairs. The first of the guest rooms were on the third floor, the rest on the sixth, so they were on the third but it was still a lot for a five year old with cancer. Bless. We should get a lift.

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