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Jack's p.o.v

While I was so focused on the show, all I heard behind me was a door slamming but that didn't bother me until the warmth that was with me disappeared in thin air, that was when I noticed Zach was gone.

My head turned towards the door and remembered about Zach and I's fake relationship that we decided to sign up for.

"Heyy Chipotle in the house!" Howled Corbyn with chipotle bags in his hand.

Suddenly the front door was then over filling with the boys chanting and thanking Corbyn for the food because everyone else was starving in the middle of the night and couldn't be bothered going out and buying actual food to eat.

I tried looking for Zach but he was no where to be found. While my eyes were scanning around the whole area, I got pulled in the bathroom we had downstairs for some random reason. It was Zach.

"Jack. When do you want to tell the guys we're 'dating'?" He questioned with his eyes deep into mine.

"I-I don't know?" My response came out as an answer and probably irritated him or something because his expression was annoyed as he gulped and exhaled hard.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He continues "how about now?" I thought...yea whatever let's do it and get it over with.

"Yea okay" Zach reaches for the door handle until I interrupted his action.

"Zach why are your cheeks redder than usual?" I smirked knowingly that I probably make Zach feel something because I noticed his boner which I won't point out because it's probably too embarrassing and how nervous he acts and looks.

His eyes widened to my statement and used an excuse "I-Its really h-hot" I chuckled a bit and shook my head "there's an air conditioner in here" I pointed at the ceiling. "anyways let's get out of here" I laughed.

"Y-yea we should" he nervously laughed.

Once we both stepped out everyone was everywhere, Jonah and Corbyn was in front of the tv watching what was on Netflix while Daniel was probably upstairs in our room because he was no where to be seen.

"G-Guys" Zach yelled Jonah and Corbyn faced us with confusion written over their faces.

"We have some news we should sit for it" I started, Jonah got up from his seat and said "I'm going to go and get Daniel" few moments past and Jonah came downstairs with Daniel then came to sit next to us.

"So..." Zach started and I continued "Zach and I are together..." I said starting to feel the hot sensation why am I feeling like this?? All we received was eyes widened and unexpected hugs from the boys.

Everyone let goes and Corbyn made the silents turn into words, "I'm proud of you two" he smiled while Daniel and Jonah nodded and gave a thumbs up saying "Congrats bros"

Daniel looked at his phone and interrupted the moment "uh sorry for ruining the moment but we're going to London tomorrow and it's like 1 in the morning..." he continues "oh wait yea tomorrow at..." he pauses "uhh at 10 so let's go and sleep"

Everyone nodded "Jack we need to sleep together..." Zach goes up to me and whispered. "Yea I know" I whispered back "It's going to be fine" I continued and received a nod from Zach.

From there everyone got changed, did their daily routines that wasn't much and went to bed.

As Zach was going in the bed he got comfortable and started whispering to me. "J-Jack...I'm cold" I turned around so that I was facing him and gave him more blankets "is that better?" He shook his head "d-do you want a cuddle from me..?" He hesitantly nodded his head "it's okay Zach we're used to cuddles remember!" I started lighting up the mood "yea!" Replied Zach as I started wrapped my limbs around him making him feel better.

"Is that better?" Zach broke into a smile "yea thanks Jack.." "it's nothing really..good night babe" I mentally slapped myself for saying that.

"Good night" said Zach. Did he notice?? Oh well we'll see what will happen tomorrow I guess.

Daniel's p.o.v

I was over hearing what Jack and Zach said and they're so adorable...I wish that was me with someone else oh god I'm so single. Well it's night time. First I'm going to go through Instagram and everything because I'm not tired one bit, plus I could sleep in the jet and on the way there at the airport so whatever.

The posts I'm getting of Jack and Zach are actually too adorable!! All night I was fan girling over my best friends, band mates and bros oh god. I mentally laughed that turned into actually laughing. I hope I didn't wake them up.
New Chapter here I haven't written in ages sorryyy I've been reading 😅 anyways I'll try my best to keep writing and updating 💙

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