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Now that I'm closer to the band especially with Daniel, I'm going to get closer to Tate and Christina.

I went into my contacts and looked for Christina's number which I found so I called it.

Call reference between Gabriela & Christina

Christina: What do you want

Me: holy shit babe what crawled up your ass?

Christina: nothing don't call me babe we're not even that close as before

Me: that's why I called you.

Christina: huh?

Me: we should get closer!!

Christina: um why

Me: because I need friends

Christina: um you can go and find friends that are like you alright?

Me: what do you mean like me?!

Christina: People who sleeps with their boyfriends best friend

Me: what the fuck?! That's not me!!

Christina: yes that is now leave me alone

Me: fuck you.

Christina: no thanks I don't want you to touch me.

Me: whatever wonder why Corbyn-

She then ends the call "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled in anger.

"Calm down babe" Daniel said as he came in the room with popcorn. I smiled wrapping my arms around him "movie time?" I kissed him

"Movie time" he smiled "fuck those bitches babe you're the best" I blushed "oohh stop it" I smiled.

We've been watching Netflix for a few hours now, it's been amazing.


"Do you want to want to talk about it now..?" Zach stayed quiet just watching YouTube on the tv they had in the room laying on top of my chest.

"You know..talking about something is better than letting it kill you from inside" he sighed and sat up looking straight at me but down on his hands.

He sat properly "sure.." he whispered holding in his tears "it's alright I won't make from of you" I held onto his hands and rubbing them, he smiles.

His attention goes to our hands "it's just..." he looked up at me "I feel bad for screaming at Jonah. Daniel deserved it, Corbyn couldn't do anything because he'd feel extremely bad, worse than me..and you don't deserve any of this at all.." he whispers the last bit.

I smiled at him and hugged him closer "it's okay you don't have to feel bad" he hugged me back "Do you have anything that's bothering you..?" I just wanted to help my best friend.

"Maybe..." he whispered once again "wanna talk about it?" He nodded hesitantly and sighed.

He wanted to say something but instead started crying. I held him again "it's okay you know I won't judge, I'll help you get through this" oh my god he's too precious and innocent oh my god.

"It's..just...I don't know...like..I'm different from everyone else" I was confused but not at the same time.. "different" I raised my eyebrows in confusion "yea"

"There's different types of difference, like feeling different from everyone else or something and maybe different like you've changed over the time-" I was speaking fast I don't even know but I got interrupted by a leap from Zach.

He's kissing me so I kissed back. I felt his smile and warm tears streaming down, I got on top of him and bit his lip for entrance which he let me. I explored his mouth and living the moment.

I started kissing around his jawline and his neck so I decided to look for his sweet spot which was simple because his breathing started getting heavier so I full of attacked his spot and he was moaning "shhh" I smiled "s-sorry" he stuttered.

We stopped before it went too far- wait that means he likes me?? Oh my goodness I'm so fucking happy right now!! I sat up and looked at my masterpiece and he looked at me.

"Jack, does that answer your question" he smirked I nodded. "I'll be back" he went to the bathroom so I went in my room with a smile.


I couldn't believe what just happened, Jack kissed back and was a smiling mess also blushing, which made him 100000x hotter oh my god my hormones UGH.

The bathrooms door was opening so no one was in there thank go- wait what? Lmao what am I thinking.

Anyways so I went into the bathroom, locked the door and went piss. I flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands but then I saw a hickey.

"Oh fuck" I said under my breathe, well shit I'm gonna try and cover it up with a hoodie.

I then realized I wore jack's hoodie- wait where on the earth did this come on, whatever it's big enough to cover it. I made my way downstairs with the rest of the boys and sat down on the couch.

Corbyn was next to me watching Netflix and probably looked over "holy shit Zach what is that?!" I was confused "what? What's what?" my heart was beating so fast.

"Broooo on your neck, by the way I'm so sorry Zach please forgive me, I was just so angry" I looked at Jonah "it's alright Jonah, you shouldn't be apologizing" I smiled and he gave one back. "anddd it's not what you think it's a mosquito bite" I nervously laughed.

Jack walked downstairs with a huge smile on his face "Hey mosquito" Corbyn said to Jack my eyes went wide at Corbyn who has a smirk.

"Uh what?" Jack was confused but Corbyn and Jonah pointed on their necks which made Jack and I blush blood red.
Jachary's happening 😽

also Thanks so much for 20# for Jachary!!
and so sorry for not updating, i went back to school, it's been terrible.

Please vote if i make a new wdw you'd read it..?

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