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What's the sudden text? Did something happen? Huh.. I instantly replied.

Christina: Hey Jonah

Me: Hi Christina what's up?

Christina: oh nothing just asking you something

Me: ..alright continue..

Christina: Well are you single and need someone to show ur affections to?

Me: hey! What's that supposed to mean??

Christina: just asking lmao answer the question

Me: yea...like everyone has each other, you have Corbyn, Jack has Zach, Daniel has Gabriela.

Me: oh shit didn't mean to say that

Christina: 🤨 Daniel?

Me: uh...yea..Daniel

Christina: wait they're actually together?? I thought it was a joke or something

Me: nope all real.

Christina: oh well shit. Anyways, do you feel like cheering someone up?

Me: who's this 'someone'?

Christina: my really close friends, pretty sure you'd be great with her if you know what I mean wink wink hahaha

Me: Funny... :[

Me: sure.. address?

Christina: 27 Domain Finland St

Me: alright, got it, be there soon!

Christina: hurry heehee..

Me: okay okay bye see u soon

Christina: bye bye

Well damn. I went over the address on google maps and it's quiet an okay distant between our house to Christina's friends house now I need to get ready and go over there, wonder who she is..

Now that I'm done getting ready, I went downstairs just to see Corbyn, Jack and Zach on the couch watching Netflix, I walked over to them just to see them sleeping I'm all in aww's they're so adorable!!

I'm now currently on my way to that address but there's traffic and then my phone started to getting spammed.

Christina: broooo where u at??

Christina: um helloooooo

Christina: did you fall asleep or something??

Christina: well she's more upset she thinks no one loves her Oml HURRY TF UPPP

Me: Chris, chill out It's not my fault, there's damn traffic

Christina: Where are you now?

Me: I'm at the uhh wharf

Christina: the one with a telescope?

Me: yes

Christina: okay you're not that far hurry upp

Me: alright alright let me drive then Oml

After few minutes the traffic became better and I'm outside the house knocking on the door which Christina opened the door to and walked into the house.


This is going well, Tate is smiling and laughing here and there because of Jonah which makes me happy that they could be together.

We all lost track of time when Logan checked the time "guys it's midnight" he laughed "well..we should go.." I said sadly while Tate and Jonah intwined their hands.

I smirked "awww you guys would make a great couple" they both turned red "thanks.." Tate whispered.

"Sorry to break it to you love birds, we need to go, the boys will probably go crazy without us there" Logan said as he got up from his seat.

Jonah also stood up and agreed which meant we're going back home leaving Tate by herself.

I got up as well "sorry bye Tate! Text or call me if you need anything" I blew a kiss at her, I love her and all but hopefully she's going to be alright..


I suddenly woke up from the couch with Zach and Jack, awww they're actually so cute all cuddled up but anyway I heard car engines right outside the house and quickly got up to check.

It turned out with be Jonah leaving hm where is he going? Eh not gonna be bother, right now I'll just make myself some food and watch more Netflix lmao

Now I wonder where's Christina and Logan? Okay everyone is disappearing from left to right.

They'll turn up anytime soon. At the moment I'm making myself some ramen oh no I'm eating jack!! I joked which made myself laugh.

My laugh started getting louder by second and I heard a groan and shifting around which means either Jack or Zach's awake.

"Corbyn?" a voice from the couch called out for me "Hey Jack" He groans once more and walks over to the kitchen "hey check it, I'm eating you!" I laughed once more and all he did was roll his eyes.

While I'm making the ramen I noticed something "I know you like Zach" I blurted out and made him choke on water "what?" He seemed flustered, "I know you like him"

Jack looks at me with a 'duh' face "we're dating" he was all confident but little did he know, I can see right through him, I shook my head "no you're not" he eyes widened "what do you mean?" He stuttered out.

I sighed "it's obvious" I said getting a bowl from the cabinet "what do you mean" he questioned as he got a yogurt from the fridge.

"Why would you suddenly have a girl over and being close up to her rather than your "boyfriend" and leave him out? And I know you, you got cheated on and you would never ever do the same to someone else" he looked speechless.

I smirked as I was pouring the ramen in the bowl "now tell me dear Jack, what's going on inside the head of yours?" I walked away to the couch and turned on the tv.


Bro...my brain just dramatically screamed what is wrong with my brain?? Wait does that mean.. everyone else probably knows? Well shit this wasn't supposed to go this way..
Going back to school pretty soon, next week, I'm so freaking excited lmao missed out alot.

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