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Jack's p.o.v

I sat down with the boys while they were just staring at me in silences until Daniel spoke up.

"So how are things with Zach?" He questioned while trying to take a glance at Zach and pointing. "It's good" I said solidly.

After a couple moments with three of us, Daniel, Jonah and I were playing games and cards, Corbyn decided to sleep since he looked tired than the three of us while Zach was still sleeping.

The pilot told us that we were landing soon and we all answered back 'okay' I decided to sit where I was, next to Jonah's spot. I buckled my seat belt until I felt hands on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Zach with a smirk and blushing he's so adorable how??

Next thing this dork does is sit on my lap and facing me while his knees were in on the side of my thighs and I'm between his thighs. He sat down and all I felt was his boner. What is this kid doing?? He looked at me and smiled while his face was all red because of his blush.

Zach's p.o.v

Oh god oh god OH GOD what am I doing?? Fuck I should've just waited or something but I can't help it. Me thinking about the fake relationship has me horny what is happening but now I'm on jack's lap. No going back now I guess.

I finally had the courage to lean in and started kissing Jack and surprisingly he kissed back and obviously so it'll look more real for the guys.

I then heard random coughs coming from the boys, chuckles and awes.

I stopped kissing Jack with confusion written all over my face while Jack was there blushing, Corbyn then broke up the tension "uh guys I know you love each other but I don't want PDA around here especially behind me where I was peacefully sleeping until I heard kissing sounds. Stop. You guys need Holy water" he ranted then threw some water on us.

Jack's p.o.v

What just happened. I'm blushing why?? this isn't normal..I'm not gay... wait what is going on.. I'm so confused... what is happening...oh god I'm going to cry...no no no I'm not going to cry... but I feel like it... no you're not crying ... okay good boy... no I'm a bad boy... ahaha I'm hilarious...okay you're weird...I don't know what I'm feeling...Wait what Zach feeling right now...? Is this normal for him...?

Zach's p.o.v

Why did I kiss him...? But it felt right.. what is happening... I'm not gay!! ...I'm so confused .. how does he feel about this??...the boys think this is adorable...oh shit...I just remembered my parents saying I could be gay because she told me when I was old enough....she had gay dreams when...she had me....oh no ...oh no... and I think I have feelings for ....Jack Avery...oh no...if I come out what will the fans think...? But I think it's fine...because some of them..already ship us two together anyways...? I don't know I don't know..

My eyes widened when I realized I was still on Jack's lap and so I started grinding on him to make him horny because he did this to me ahha I'm evil. Soon after i felt his boner YES I did it!!!

I then moved closer a bit and kissing his neck while the boys were trying to sleep. I tried finding his sweet spot, it took a while until I was kissing one specific spot he went uncomfortable for a few seconds and I was so excited to be doing this.

I sucked down harder which made Jonah waking up caused by Jack's moans I chuckled to myself and then Jack stopped me and looking at me "don't stop Zach..." uh okay okay this is insane.

I kept going until I looked at my masterpiece and smirked. I got off of his lap and was panting because of the loss of breathe I had just from making a hickey oh wow.

Once i was off and trying to go back to my seat, Jack held onto my hand preventing me from leaving him "Come and stay here Zachy please.." he begged. I decided to lean down and kiss his temple and grab Jack Avery jr if you know what I mean haha and he groaned and tried to keep a moan in but failed, Corbyn turned around and gave us a glare oh shit.

"Bye Jacky" i said chuckling while walking back and sitting down.

Soon after we arrived at London and I got off before Jack and he still looked like a tomato oh poor him I feel bad but I turned around, grabbed him by the hand and kissing his lips which felt amazing...what is happening???

Jack's p.o.v

What happened on the plane was just uhhhh I feel the red sensation on my face because of my blushing and feeling loved and then my thoughts got snapped back to the reality with Zach grabbing me by the hands and kissing me  and I, of course kiss back "you're adorable" I whispered smiling and received a blushing Zach. He really is adorable.

Daniel walked to us "Come on love birds we don't got all day come onnn we're in London!!" He exclaimed. Zach and I laughed then followed them from behind still hand in hand. I'm so happy. What is happening...? I think I'm gay...gay for Zach I need to talk to my mum.
Sorry I'm like a day late but I'm thinking I'm just going to write random days because I have writers block I can't think of anything but hope you like this!! And I added some things 😉

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