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3rd p.o.v

Daniel came downstairs from Zach's room then decided to go out to get groceries but right before he left the house, Jonah and Corbyn decided to join him which makes it alone time for Gabriela and Jack.

While they were downstairs doing god knows what, Zach was just sitting there thinking and thinking including with tears increasing from time to time.

The other boys decided to go to Ralph's and Target. Seeing as they ate before leaving the house they decided not to get food.

Somehow that reminded Corbyn about Gabriela. He was quiet until Jonah blew a horn near his ear "Owwwwww Jonah!" Corbyn laughed.

Zach hasn't left his room but he did go in the bathroom to take a shower because they always make him feel better.

Gabriela and Jack started kissing around the house with pushing each other against the wall, leaving hickies on each other then they proceed to kiss on the coach with her on top of Jack and forcing him to take his pants off.

Jack's p.o.v

This feels amazing, her grinding on me and me getting hard every time we touch. I then push Gabbie against the wall kissing her everywhere even the top bit of her breasts because she forced me to. But it's okay "D-DaDdy!" She moaned out, she then took over by getting off the wall and pushed me onto the couch.

We then continued to kiss, without breaking the kiss she tried taking my pants off which I gladly allowed "J-JaCK" she moaned on.

Both of us was so desperate of wanting each other I just took my pants off but then I heard foot steps. I stopped what I was doing also Gabriela and then I peeked over the couch back rest and saw Zach come downstairs then grabbed something from the fridge.

Then out of nowhere Gabriela moaned out "fuck me already Jack I want your dickkkk I know you want my vagina" what the actual fuck is wrong with her??

Next minute Zach looks into my eyes and then all I saw was red puffy eyes and him speeding off probably wanting to cry again.

"Okay Enough" I demanded sitting up properly. She then pouted "but I want your dick..I'm so horny..for you.." I rolled my eyes "chill out Gabbie." She then huffs And opens Netflix.

I'm actually so worried.. the door then opens up with Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel walking in with bags I'm each hand so I got up and walked to them.

"Dude that's so much bags here" I laughed and I looked back just to see sad Gabriela.

Daniel then locks the door "yea I know we uh brought a little too much things." I then walked to the bags where Jonah and Corbyn placed down as I decided to look through them.

"Well it's not that much" I said still looking at the things in the bag "it's enough for us it's fine" I sighed getting ready to put these away in the cabinets.

Zach's p.o.v

I can't believe what I saw she is a slut I can sense it. Ugh but I need to tell my parents so I decided to call my mum first.

Call reference between Zach & Myta

Zach: Hey mum?

Myta: yea Zachy? Why are you calling is everything alright?

Zach: um... not real-

Myta: it's okay Zach you can talk to me

Zach: I'm confused mum.

Myta: it's okay try your best explaining.

Zach: about..my sexuality mum and I need answers and probably help.

Myta: Zach... tell me more about it?

Zach: so basically me and my other bandmate, Jack. Yes jack. And we basically wanted to play around with the guys saying we're dating but now I'm so confused.

Myta: oh honey..you're gay. It's quiet obvious and I support that of course also your family

I smiled warmly knowing that they will accept for who I am and who I'm going to be {Promo}

Zach: thanks mum. I gotta go I'll talk later? I love you Mwah!

Myta: okay Zachy we miss you and love you bye bye!

Zach: bye mum!

End of call reference between Zach & Myta

Okay so now what. I just cry and cry snd cry until someone knocks on my door. "Come in" I said clearing the tears.

And who would've guessed. The one and only Daniel James Seavey!

"Hey bud how are you?" He said while getting closer to me "I'm o-okay.." I stuttered he sighed and looked concerned and worried for me.

To be honest probably only he cares about me at this point. I started crying a bit "hey hey hey don't cry I'm here" he then hugged me and I hugged back.

"So did you get a chance telling your family?" I nodded while giving a weak smile "what did they say" I took a deep breathe "they- Accept- me- if- I- was- gay-" I sighed he seemed more happier "yay!!!" And then his smile fades "Jack said you saw Gabriela and him do it..." I frowned trying my hardest not to cry.

"Almost." He huh'd "I almost saw, they stopped probably when they heard me go downstairs." He nodded slowly into realizing the situation.

"Welp I'm going to let you sleep, sleep" he tucked me in and I laughed "I'm not a baby Dani" and he smiled "good night my son" and got up. "Good night sir" and we both laughed.

Once he left the room, I tried sleeping and surprisingly fell asleep instantly.
Random ideas are just flowing and it's currently 2:36am where i am and I ruined my sleeping schedule greattt..

949 words

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