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No one's p.o.v

Once everyone was in their ordered car from outside of the airport and drove off to their destination of the hotel they were going to stay in for a few weeks.

"So who's with who?" Daniel questioned while his arms were in the air while they were all walking to the receptionist.

When the receptionist gave them the room numbers, 475 and 477. "Soooo who's with who???" Daniel was starting to get irritated from the lack of attention from the boys until Corbyn spoke up.

"How about Daniel, Jonah and I in one room and leave the love birds be it in the other" Corbyn smirked with a wink with it which Jack saw and blushed to remembering what happened in the jet between him and Zach.

Everyone went in to elevator calmly while Zach was secretly freaking out as Jack noticed so he held onto him which calmed him down.

The boys went to room 477 while Zach and Jack, the love birds went to room 475.

Zach's p.o.v

What is happening what IS HAPPENING? I mentally screamed, well I thought "Zach are you okay?" Jack grabbed my shoulder with a blush and smirk.

I got turned on. Well what could possibly go wrong right?

Next minute Jack pinned me on the wall with his hand on top of mine which was on the wall and started kissing me as I kissed back I stopped for a second while admiring his beautiful looks wait what? and I carried him to the bed and I went on top of him and continued kissing. The door immediately swung open with Daniel, Corbyn and Jonah awed and with food in their ..hands? How did they get the food so quick?

"H-how did you guys get the food so quick??" Jack read my thoughts. They all started laughing and then Daniel calmed down "um you guys probably lost track of time while uh making out?" He tried so hard not to laugh I could tell.

I finally got off of him "Oh yea by the way, the interview is in the 4 days so don't get heated up" laughed Corbyn as Jonah was pretending to be touched "oh no my little brothers are all grown up" they all left us food on the table and left, closing the door behind them.

"FOOD TIME!!" I yelled causing Jack to laugh while opening the food. I saw what the food was "SUBWAY!!!!!!" I yelled again and Jack was already eating it.


Jack's p.o.v

Basically after both of us ate, Corbyn called us saying to go over to their room so we decided why not we have nothing else to do.

Zach was getting his phone from the charger and ran to the door. He stood outside where I was locking the room, I tried opening the door and it wouldn't budge so that means it's locked.

I started walking with Zach following then he slides his hand into mine and I looked at him smiling and I received the same smile from him.

Once we arrived there after like 20 seconds, we both knocked on the door and laughed for no apparent reason. The door swings open with the music way louder than before we were outside.

"You guys need to quiet down with the music" Zach gestured his hands showing it as 'low' for the boys to understand.

"Yes Father" Jonah exclaimed which made everyone laugh. Zach and I went inside and we all had fun.

After a few hours we made some sick music and we played around which gave away some complaints to us. We eventually calmed down with Zach and I going back to our own room, we also held hands walking back.

I checked my phone to see what the time was, it was 1:30am.

Once we arrived outside of the hotel room I unlocked the door then Zach ran inside and jumped on top of the bed.

"GOOD NIGHT JACK" he yelled.

I chuckled and shook my head "no Zach you need to clean yourself you know that" I sat on my bed and went on my phone, texting my mum.

"FINEEEE" he got up from the bed and gathered some clothes from the suitcase, I sat up properly and went zoomed into the bathroom before he could even reach there.

Zach's p.o.v

I turned around just to see Jack running in there and I had to go in because I was too excited...I need to somehow hide it from jack WHY DOES HE DO THIS TO ME????

when I snapped out of my thoughts I ran to the bathroom door and trying my best to hide my member while I was yelling "JACK COME OUT!!!!! I NEED TO PEE AND SHOWER YOU KNOW THAT??" Before I could even finish that second he opened the door but I didn't realize and he interrupted everything and he kissed me.

When he got out a bit and stood outside for some reason I walked in with him slapping my bum "OWW I'm going to get you back JACK AVERY" I yelled hysterically from the inside of the bathroom.

Jack's p.o.v

He makes me feel things that no one else can..I-I think I like him...no...I-I think I love him..
New chapter soooo sorryyyyyy 💙 btw click that star thingy thanksss and comment what you think.

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