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"Oh my god oh my god also I probably have a good guy for you" I winked, she sniffs "n-no I'm done" she said with tears flowing down.

I sighed "no. Trust me Tate he's worth everything" I smiled and my hand going up and down her back, trying to calm her down.

Logan gave me a confused face then looked at Tate "Oh yeaaa he's like husband material" Tate just looks at him and chuckles "Husband material?" Which made me laugh.

"Oh sorry I meant Boyfriend Material" he winked which caused all of us to laugh.

I hugged Tate and she hugs back still sniffling "Tate, forgot about him he's an asshole for cheating on you" as we both let go Logan's phone rang.

He picks the call up and it probably lasted for a few minutes "who was that" I asked while getting my bottle so I could drink water.

Logan looks at me and says "it was Jack and Zach, asking where we were, he also said he's done with girls-" I spat the water out and went everywhere on Logan which made Tate laugh.

"broooo" he yelled while taking his shirt off.

From there on we all laughed the whole night until we had to go back.

3 R D

A few hours went by and Daniel was not even guilty of his previous actions, he's actually with Gabriela at the moment.

Corbyn was downstairs watching Netflix who knows what he's watching to be honest.

Jonah's in his room just going through Instagram and posting on Twitter.

Zach was in the kitchen eating some yogurt and basically stealing all of the refrigerator's belongs while Jack was at the backyard probably thinking.

Zach noticed everyone was calm and happy apart from Jack, like Corbyn has his Netflix, Jonah is on social media doesn't seem upset at all, Daniel is cuddled up with Gabriela and enjoying every second of it and there's Zach was his food invading his brain while Jack was upset so Zach decided to go and ask him what's wrong now.


As I'm eating a roll up with 2 more of those in my hands, a yogurt and 3 Nutella breads I walked to where Jack was, the backyard.

Walking to Jack with all this food was quiet difficult because of every movement I make but eventually I made it to Jack and sat down placing the food on the ground.

I noticed his legs were in the pool so I also dipped my legs in the pool next to him while trying to swallow the roll up already in my mouth.

"Woah this isn't picnic Zach" Jack sarcastically said while he noticed all the food in between us "What?! I'm hungryyy" he rolls his eyes smiling.

My throat was dry so I opened the yogurt and started talking to Jack. "Jack." His attention went to me, away from the pool "Zach." He mimicked "what's wrong could you tell me now?" He shook his head.

Okay I don't even know how to deal with this man. I sighed still holding onto my yogurt cup. "Jack. It's better getting it off your chest than keeping it inside and suffering." He sighed.

His attention went to my eyes and then my yogurt and laughed but looked at me seriously "I-I know Zach it's just-" I cut him off "no. Jack. No. I don't want you to suffer, now, feed me"

Jack looked at me weirdly and I exhaled "no that's not what I meant, I meant like-" he laughed "yea I know what you mean Zach, I was kidding" he sighed.

"Well to start off, I got cheated on and actually saw it happening which made me super upset also happened in someone I knows bed." his legs were playing with the water.

I ate my yogurt here and there just thinking "I know." He was confused "what?" I finished my yogurt "I know what's happening" he didn't believe me. "You got cheated on, you saw it happening and in someone's bed that you know. Hmmm"

"All I know is that Corbyn has Christina and he wouldn't do that, Jonah is in love with Coffee but Daniel isn't a type of person to cheat with someone but he did it and he wasn't in sight when you got cheated on"

He looked at me eye widened "since when did you become so smart" I rolled my eyes "shut up" which made us both laugh.
It's getting good so far 🙊 also the cold in la mv is AMAZING ❣️❣️

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