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Daniels p.o.v

"So basically she's my mums, best friends, daughters, best friend" Jack said smiling.

"Oh cool!" I said trying to seem interested. "So you slid into your mums best friends daughters best friend" I laughed "yep" he smiled "wow I feel bad for her best friend" I laughed again.

Gabriela then comes back from the bathroom "hey ba- Jack" he thinks I'm stupid but I know they're together and Zach isn't with him. I ain't stupid people!!

She then sat on his lap "uhh" I questioned? "Oh this is normal" Jack said while blushing and then I noticed him humping a bit what the fuck and then I see her trying to hold in a moan ew what the fuck I'm out of here.

Jack's p.o.v

I know I'm fake dating Zach, then I can't help but feel a little jealousy? I smirked at that thought "what you smiling at babe" and my eyes widened knowing that Jonah and Corbyn's still and then they turn their heads.

Jonah tried to understand the situation "babe?" Corbyn then swallowed his last bite of his pancake "what the hell is going on??" He yelled out and then suddenly the air was filled with silence yet tension everywhere.

Out of nowhere I heard sobs that became louder and louder each second...who was that?

Zach's p.o.v

It's been a while and I've been holding in my tears far too long so I went and washed my face carelessly, looked at myself in the mirror "bitch" "son of a bitch" "fucking slut" "ugh" "die motherfucker" I was saying under my breathe while making my way back to my bed.

My mind was taking me to places into thinking I should die and Everyone would be so happy without me in the band. Even Jack...Jack.

Small drops of tears decided to form and roll down my cheeks and then I lost it. I started crying in my pillow and under the blanket, it smells just like Jonah..

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door "GO AWAY!" I shouted and didn't sound like I was crying which is a good thing because then they will baby me.

There comes another knock "I said GO AWAY" I yelled looking at the door.

Knocking stopped so I tried sleeping, resting my eyes for a bit and then someone opens the door and I feel someone close the door "go away" I said in my pillow which sounded muffled "no." It sounded like Daniel?

I looked up from my pillow and there was Daniel looking at me concerned "hey...Zach you okay?" He said coming slower to me "yea I feel the best" I said rolling my eyes and falling back down into my pillow.

"Stop with sarcasm, now. Tell me what's wrong" he said using a weird accent which made me laugh. I then proceed to sit up properly "I don't even know." He sighed "I know." He said looking at me which scared me to be honest.

My eyes looked everywhere trying to avoid Daniels eyes. "I know." He said once again "what do you know?" I said sounding annoyed because I just wanted to cry myself to sleep.

"It's Jack..isn't it?" My eyes widened "n-no?" I came out as a question, he giggled "I may be stupid and I may be straight but I'm blind." I titled my head sideways with confusion showing "huh?" I hummed out rubbing my eyes and yawning s

"It's jack you're upset about." He stopped and looked at the ground "you obviously like hi-" I cut him off "I know Dani. I know but I'm so confused. I have so many questions without any answers.." I sighed "I think I'll talk to my mum" I whispered because I don't want anymore tears falling

he then nod "alright buddy, it's going to be alright" I smiled and with that he's out the door without closing it so I shouted "CLOSE THE DOOR DANI!!" Followed by a loud laugh. "OK OK CHILL" He yelled and laughed then heard him go down the stairs.

Corbyn's p.o.v

"Okay so I'm thinking you should keep that taser away from me" I laughed "well you never know" Christina laughed. She then looked serious.

I was concerned "babe?" She had a frown "I have to tell you something, go to somewhere private" oh no oh no is she breaking up with me? No no no!!! "No babe no don't break up with me I'm sorry if I did you wrong please don't leave me" I said almost in tears "calm down big boy" she winked oh I love this women.

"What is it" I said as I enter the bathroom.

She sighed and started "you know the girl that came to you guys with Jack?" I nodded slowly "yea so one of my closest friend, her names Tatum and she told me about her other friend who's been a bitch recently because she wants fame or some shit I don't even know but be careful.." I'm so shocked "oh okay..I wonder what she's up to.." she then checked the time.

"Oh shit..." she said "what happened?" I questioned worriedly "I need to get ready for a interview, I'll talk later okay?" She said hurriedly "okay bye babe Love you!! Good luck MUAH" I said while blowing a kiss "bye love you too!!" She blow a kiss as well.

Gabriela's p.o.v

Okay well. I need to boost up my popularity soo "Jacky" I said seductively "yea" he plainly said "let's take a photo" I said "okay sure" he smiled.

I then took the photo and posted it on Instagram.

❤️  💬  🔖                                                         📌gabbieegonzalez hey there 😉@𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍𝘝𝘪𝘦𝘸 2,384 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴

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❤️ 💬 🔖 📌
gabbieegonzalez hey there 😉
@𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍
𝘝𝘪𝘦𝘸 2,384 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴

Some of the comments are like positive ones and I'm guessing I posted the photo of us and I tagged him hmm. More photos to come hehe..
Btw no hate on Gabbie, she's so pretty but it's fine, what's your opinion of Jabbie?

998 words

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