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I felt myself on a bed and my face wet. what's happening ?

suddenly i shot awake and someone spoke up "Honey it's okay.." i look to my right and saw Zach. I cried "Jack.. babe... why're you crying?" he looked sad and wiped my tears then hugged me.

"I thought i lost you" i tried saying while having my face in zach's chest.

he basically stayed like that until it was a while for i don't even know how long.

"Zach. babe." he hummed "I love you." i said looking at him "i love you too" and kissed my lips i smiled and he got up causing me to whine "don't go." i said and he laughed

"Our baby's crying silly i'll be back unless you want to come with?" my eyes widened "b-baby?" i thought "okay.. i'm coming"

i followed zach to a cute baby room and it had blue around every four walls, the ceiling was stars and it had this window with beautiful white silky curtains and then my eyes moved onto a baby crib and it had a baby in it, he looked just like zach, with rosy cheeks and little brown eyes with a big happy smile.

"hey can i hold him" i asked looking at zach "of course babe" I smiled and held him.

Zach looked at our baby, wow our baby. feels so nice to say. anyways zach looked at our baby and gave him a bottle "How adorable you are, Little Jordan" Hm Jordan

"Jordan who?" I said not sounding rude.

"It's okay, i know you forget a lot when you wake up from that nightmare but Jordan Avery" he smiled "avery..?" he nodded happily.

i gulped "why not herron?" he smiled and looked at me "dont be like that" he took Jordan out of my hands and placed him into the crib again "lets go and eat breakfast and the guys will be coming over soon" and i nodded

Breakfast turned out to be pancakes, scrambled eggs and i just sat and ate my food looking around then suddenly the door bell went off. i looked at confused "go get it babe" he said.

"okay" i got up and walked to the door and opened up to Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel, my eyes widened and i hugged them all.

"Guys!!! I missed you!!" They laughed "we literally see you everyday" i looked at zach confused "guys he had the nightmare.." Zach said to them and they looked at me "oh sorry Jack but anyways guys how's Jordan"

"he's okay" i said smiling.

Funny thing is that i woke up to this... last thing i remember is that zach was just staring at me and i went full breakdown and i fainted or something and now this.

i'm so confused "guys..?" i asked everyone they looked at me "what happened to me when i went to sleep or fainted?" they looked at me concerned and corbyn came up to me and smiled trying to cheer up the moment

he started with a sigh "you were dehydrated and barely ate so you just fainted and pretty sure you love zach too much you have that nightmare quite frequently." i nodded and zach smiled "i love you so much." and i kissed him. this feeling is mutual i love it.
OKAY i'm here to announce this is the last chapter, i am truly sorry for this but i will be making a new book, i'll be announcing that when it happens and i love and appreciate every one of you much love sent out to everyone who gave me and my book support 😘😘😘😘😘 and sorry this was short

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