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Time felt like it was moving slowly because of how slow Logan was but then car lights finally decided to show up which made Zach and I stand up grabbing the bags full of food.

"Hey Logan" Zach started with opening the passenger seat as I went to the back.

Logan looked a little lost "Uh Logan bro you good?" I was concerned.

His eyes then moved to the rear mirror away from the road looking at me "uh yea..yea I'm good" he cleared his throat and his attention was back to the road.

After a few bumps here and there we're finally outside his place, he moved into a house and out of his apartment but don't know what happened to that.

During the ride we decided we'd stay at Logan's house tonight because we haven't spent time with him for a while.


The front door flies open. "Logan!!" I yelled "sorry sorry" he quickly said as he walked in and once I placed down the food on the counters, my eyes travelled along the living room just to see Daniel, Gabriela, Jonah, Christina and Corbyn.

I then noticed that Jack seemed upset or even angry...I then looked back at everyone else just to see Gabriela and Daniel flirting..oh wait..

Gabriela cheated on Jack with..Daniel?! Woah woah woah wait WHAT?! Is he for real? Jack's his best friend oh god.


Yes I cheated on Jack with Daniel, yes I sucked Daniel's dick so what?? But I do feel bad.. ugh what have I done?? I'm so stupid.

I saw Zach standing there and I'll just ruin his little night, they all probably hate me already.

"Wait babe, I'll be back" I kissed Daniel on the cheek and he nodded.

I made my way to Zach just to see Jack going up to me in between Zach and I. "Gabriela. I see right through you. Don't touch Zach." He angrily said. I grew furious. "No." I refused.

He probably told Zach to go upstairs because that was what he did. I don't know what came over me.. I then slapped him "YOU'RE GAY!" His eyes widened "w-what?!" Jack looked annoyed.

"YOU'RE GAY!! YOU DISGUST ME!! DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN" and with that, I ran out the house.


What just happened..wait Jack's gay? What is going on I'm so confused.

Next second Corbyn and Daniel goes to Jack as they looked at him sadly and gave him a hug, I was about to give him a hug but Jonah went up to me where I was standing. "Come on Zach..."

As I was upstairs with Jonah I heard screaming about cheating but Jonah started talking "okay I know you two like each other." "W-" he cut me off "Yes I also know about you guys fake dating but it's obvious it was fake, Jack and Gabriela nearly fucked no that's not Jack, he was cheated on before and he knows how that feels so obviously he wouldn't do it to other people."

I sighed "I-I don't know Jonah." He then gave me a hug "it's gonna be alright Zach. If you're actually gay it's alright" I smiled at Jonah "thanks Jonah I needed that" he nodded and went to his room.


"I SAW YOU WITH MY OWN EYES" Tears started rushing down as I try to wipe them away but they just keep coming.

"Calm down Jack it wasn't what you think" he said sternly.

"YOU TWO WERE so happy..." I finally calmed down. Daniel then tries to hug me.

"No. Fuck off Daniel don't talk to me. I need to think.." I said walking upstairs.

"Oh yea think about what?? she fucking chose me and you're fucking upset about that??" Wait where's Logan??

I ignored him and tried calling Logan

It rang a few times and he finally picked up.

Me: Logan?

Logan: yes Jack?

Me: where are you and Christina?

Logan: oh yea when you guys started getting crazy and stuff, Christina and I wanted to get out of there and went to one of her close friends. What is going on there?

Me: nothing really. I'm just fucking done with girls man.

Logan: it's going to be alright my dude, just live life while you're young.

Me: thanks Logan, I'll talk later bye.

Logan: bye lil bro

Wonder where's Jonah and Zach now. I'm almost upstairs and I saw Zach come out of the bathroom. "Hey Jack..are you alright?" I shook my head "wanna talk about it..?" he's cute when he's concerned...

"Maybe later" I smiled.
D R A M A 🐺, thanks so much for 1k reads!! I appreciate it 💙💙 Ily guysss 💙

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