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718 27 8


"Hey Uh Zach can I ask you something..?" I gulped down hard but I didn't know why I did, was I nervous? Who knows.

Zach looks at me, away from his phone "sure" I looked down to my hands and playing with them.

"Why were you so quiet when we were on the way here?" I took a glimpse at him and turned into me staring and it stayed that way.

He looked at me with this sad expression that was spread along his face which was cute and sad at the same time. It sucks how the fake dating incident turned into this. The boys pretty sure knew that it was all fake but I'm starting to catch feelings for Zach... Is he?

My thoughts got in the way of our conversation so I just sighed. "I can see that something's bothering you Zach... tell me.. I don't like to see you like this."

It seems like what I said was unclear to him. He stayed silent for about few seconds until he placed his phone down and sighed. "So.. I recently met this girl, Kay." I nodded slowly waiting for him to proceed.

"I think I actually like her.. that way.." the way how he turns his sentences into what a little kid would say, personally. He sounds adorable.

I nodded "Ooohh Little Zachy got a crush!!! what's her name???" He smiled and blushed a little, it was fate though. "Shut Up!!" He pushes me slightly causing me to laugh a bit.

I smirked knowing that he obviously liked someone. "What's her name..?" I asked once more. He looked at me with this 'are you serious' face "Seriously??" he raised his voice playfully "yeah.." I shamefully said.

He sighed "It's Kay" I remember him telling me her name pretty sure.. but meh.

"Oohhh her!!! I remember" He then hummed as a response.

Suddenly there came a loud announcement from outside where the living room is by one of the boys "BOYS WE'RE PERFORMING THIS FRIDAY!! SORRY FORGET TO MENTION!!" Sounds like Jonah.

Zach reached for his phone while I just looked at him like a lost puppy. His eyes widened "Whats wrong" I asked concerned. Zach looked at me "It's Thursday..." My eyes widened "Thursday??" He nodded looked stressed and trying to calm down at the same time.

"What's the time?" He checked his phone again and looking up at me "It's 7pm" I nodded and got up to go and shower.

I ruffled his hair before leaving "What was that for?!" he sounded annoyed which was cute and made me chuckle "You need a hair cut Herron" Causing him to roll his eyes.

"Keep rolling them, hope you find a new hair style" suddenly I felt a pillow hit me on the face. "RUDEEE" he yelled "Sorry Sorry" I said while trying to escape this maniac.

As I was out of the room and saw Jonah I asked him a question "Jonah!! what time is it tomorrow?" he looked through on his phone and then looked at me "It starts at 2:15pm so wake up around 10 because it's gonna take us awhile to get there, including music check and stuff" I nodded and went to get clothes then headed to have a shower.

- - - -


Jack finally finished his shower and he came in just by the door and told me it was my turn to shower and I just see his wet hair slightly turning me on.. which is weird..

I know I like him but why am I getting turned on so easily..? who knows.

"Okay" I responded and just got my basketball shorts and underwear then headed to the bathroom to shower.

I walk in and the air of the one and only Jack Avery just rushed and hit my nostrils and I smiled and thought of ideas but that didn't stop me from taking a nice and relaxing shower.

- - - -

After the shower I went back into the shared bedroom between Jack and I. As I walk in, I just see Jack sitting there shirtless and again. turning me on. Like what the hell Hormones.

He looked up from his phone and smiled at me   which sent tingles throughout my whole body.

It has just been Jack and I on our phones and sending each other snapchat's even through we could literally go and start talking but it's actually fun sending each other snapchats while we're in the same room, as well as the group chat we have as a band.

I checked the time and it was 10 and I was getting tired so I placed down my phone and charging it by the bed side table "you going to sleep?" Jack asked and I nodded laying down.

Few minutes go past and all I feel is another presence lumped down next to me and I smiled knowing it's Jack "you going to bed as well?" I technically whispered and he nodded.

He turned the other way round and turned off the lamp light and turned back around to me while I was facing the other way.

Next minute he snuggles behind me, spooning with me and inside I was so confused but was getting turned on ONCE AGAIN. okay calm down hormones please.

"is this uh okay to you Zach..?" Jack questioned with his gentle grip that's around me and I nodded "It's okay" I smiled and drifted off to sleep in Jack's Safe arms.

Thank you so much for #2 for jachary!!! Xxx

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Thank you so much for #2 for jachary!!! Xxx

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