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I woke up to Corbyn and Jack still in the couch as I'm laying on Jack's lap and I hear multiple voices in the background so probably they're back already.

My eyes tried its best to open which was difficult because of the bright as lights shining into my eyeballs.

I then noticed that Jack was playing with my hair, once I opened my eyes I see the tv on.

"Guys we have another tour coming up soon, Asia tour!!!" Everyone was cheering so I decided to sit up properly. "Zach hey bud" Jack said rubbing my shoulder "Hey.." I said while yawning.

Corbyn adjusted his sitting position "so when's the tour?" Everyone was waiting for the answer then got interrupted by the door opening which relieved a Daniel.

Jack was annoyed but I placed my hand on his lap and gave him a look saying 'it's going to be alright' which he calmed down to strangely.


"Hello to you to Daniel" Jonah said a little annoyed "what's up with the attitude hoenah" which made Jonah Roll his eyes "you're fucking with Gabriela and now you decided to fucking interrupt our conversation??"

Daniel clenched his jaw "well I didn't know you guys were having a conversation dumbass" Jonah seemed annoyed enough to the point where he could murder you "why the hell would you do that then?? Screaming while walking in the damn house" it was quiet obvious Jonah was trying to calm down.

"well did you guys miss me" Daniel smirked but no one said a thing until Jonah had enough of his stinky attitude "fuck off will you, you made Jack terrible and left us for that slut??" Daniel was getting red from anger "SHE's NOT A FUCKING SLUT IM TELLING YOU!! I'LL FIGHT YOU ANYDAY ANYTIME JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL YOU"

Jonah got up from his seat but I stopped that from happening "Jonah." He looked at me and just stood there. "YOU! YOU COULDN'T KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS ESPECIALLY TO A GIRL WHO JACK OBVIOUSLY FELT SOMETHING TO!!!!!"

Jack was tearing up from anger, annoyed and sadness and hugged me and I hugged him back "it's alright Jacky, everything's going to be alright" at this point all you could hear is shouting and Corbyn trying to stop them

"Jack, go wash your face, try to sleep, you're probably exhausted" I smiled and kissed his cheek. He nodded and hugged me once more then went upstairs.

As soon as he went into his room, I decided to fix this because Corbyn is too calming to actually yell at them. I cleared my throat "GUYS CAN YOU FUCKING STOP" they all gasped at my cussing I rolled my eyes "Zach.." Daniel started "NO YOU BE QUIET YOU HURT JACK HOW COULD YOU??? JONAH WAS TALKING ABOUT THE UP COMING TOUR AND I DON'T THINK YOU'LL BE HAVING A GREAT TIME"

I breathed in and out trying to catch my breath while Corbyn was just standing there looking at what's happening "AND FOR YOU JONAH. YOU NEED TO FUCKING CHILL OUT DUDE PLUS YOU'RE NOT A MOTHER AT ALL SO SHUT THE FUCK UP"

After that sentence I realized what I just said and I was in urge to cry "I-I'm sorry.." I ran upstairs into Jonah, Corbyn and I's room, locked the door and cried my hardest.


Holy shit. Zach is serious about me not being a mother and need to shut the fuck up.

I looked around seeing Corbyn looking impressed and Shock at the same time but for Daniel, he doesn't give a fuck about anyone's feelings, he's there texting Gabriela. I need to apologize to Zach but for now I'll give him some space.


Okay what Zach said was probably true but doesn't stop me from spending my time with Gabriela, either text or call her so no problem with that.

Jesus Zach and Jonah needs to calm down like holy shit, Corbyn's cool, he's chill.


After what Zach did impressed me I'm so proud of him, I remember once how he told me that he couldn't stand up for himself in high school but look at him now wow.

He's stronger than I thought, i always thought that he was just this cute little soft baby in our group but I thought wrong.


Zach told me to try and sleep but I couldn't, I'm still confused at why he kissed my cheek and actually cared for me, after what I've done.

He saw me almost having sex with Gabriela.. but he still cared. I think I like him..no- I-I think I love him. Love is a strong word when you mean and I do mean it.

Right now I hear crying and before when I was washing my face and changing into way more comfortable clothes to sleep in I guess, downstairs was full of screaming and someone ran upstairs, that was probably Zach.

I decided to go to their room and see who did, if it's one of the other boys I'm still going to calm them down and cheer them up obviously.

Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah seems like they're more away from each other, I don't know what happened but anyways I make my way to the room and tried opening it but it's locked, great of course my hand just decided to knock on the door multiple times until it was opened.

It took a while for the door to open but the door creaked open a little and I saw half of Zach's adorable face but he's been crying.

He then realized it was me so he opened the door widely and hugged me which made me smile.

"Zach..you okay?" you could hear the hurt in my voice he shook his head "wanna talk about it" he let go of me and looked at me "maybe later" he whispered.
should I make a new book after this one? It'll be about why don't we.

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