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No one's p.o.v

everyone was ready after what felt like years and while everyone else was getting ready, Jonah and Daniel decided to walk down to the car and wait for them.

As they both went out to start up the car in the car park of the hotel, Daniel looked concerned.

Jonah noticed. "What's going on in that head?" He chuckled and turned serious when Daniel started talking "I don't know man. Like at the interview what's going to happen" he took a loud sigh.

Silence had filled the air while Jonah was thinking about what to say next but Daniels just thinking about what's going to happen between his best friends.

A click went off in Jonah's mind, knowing that he knows what to say. "It's going to be okay plus we're not sure what will happen or what is happening between them and whatever bad will happen we'll be there for them alright?" Jonah just looked at Daniel waiting for his respond but all he did was a nod.

After a while everyone went down to the car park because of the text they received from Jonah.

Everyone came down with Zach wearing fully black as well as Jack and he has his hair tied up into a bun, while Corbyn wore a grey jumper with a white square and green circle on it, he's also carrying a bag. I was wearing a Japan shirt with white words on them and fully black while Daniel was wearing black long sleeves, light brown shirt, blue jeans and an orange belt with his glasses.

Zach's p.o.v

As Jonah was driving and we're almost there, my thoughts went crazy about what will happen? What Is Jack thinking? Does he really. care or is it all an act?

Next minute, we're there, outside of the studio.

"Okay guys we're here" Jonah awkwardly said because of the silence from the hotel to the studio.

We all got out and entered the studio and was greeted by some guys "okay guys you're why don't we?" We all nodded "alrighty, come and follow us"

The walk wasn't that far nor close and the people that's helping us started talking "so my name's Sophia" the blonde one said "and his name is John" John, the brunette then spoke up "okay so here's the room" we all thanked him and walked in with Sophia and John walking in after us.

Jonah's p.o.v

We were all seated down in front of a camera, of course, lights everywhere, mics and a green background.

The recording started and Sophia told us to talk about our up coming 8 letters tour.

Jack started and it continued from there.

Jack: alright, so 8 letters um stands for I love you and uh basically like a big thank you to the fans cause they've been waiting for this album for so long so we're kinda saying we love you to all our fans.

Zach: and there's 8 songs on the album, so it's kinda like 8 love letters to the fans, you know.

Corbyn: I hope they feel something.

Zach: they feel something like the, goodness inside their hearts.

Daniel: I hope they like it and just like smile.

Jack: I hope they stream it. A billion times.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Zach: I'm so hyped about this 8 letters tour.

Jonah: This 8 letters tour is going to be crazy.

Zach: like it's going to be huge

Jack: There is like- there is like literally like somewhat- like an arena

Zach: We're playing in an arena and I'm like freaking out about it

Daniel: and just the like the songs we're going to be doing like we're doing our album this time.

Zach: That's crazy

Daniel: we've been holding this music for a while so now finally gonna get to like sing it to everyone, it'll be so fun.

Jonah: it's almost been like this secret thing where we'll be like- we'll be like plug it in and ohh we're going to listen oh now we're going to sing it to the world and actually performing the song.

Zach: the fans-

Daniel: so production on it and everything.

Zach: the fans will make these uh twitter videos of like what it sounds like in an arena, the music.

Jack: oh yeah.

Zach: so like can't wait to actually hear it in real life, you know, it's crazy.

Zach: Like what you just watching?

Corbyn: Then download the music choice app for more.

Jonah: Do it!

Daniel's p.o.v

So the interview went great but there was some bloopers that Jack and Zach did mostly first with them singing "come on come on come on come on come on come on baby now" and after that, it took 3 takes to actually do it correctly.

After that, we were all dancing here and there in our seats and then suddenly Zach pushed Jack and I watching it happen and stopped my little dancing and looked at the camera to see if it was recording.

Later on, Zach was yelling and jack said "oooh that's a lot" and I was smiling as usual.

Then something fell or someone fell not sure because I wasn't looking but was looking between Jack and Zach. When that happened I noticed Zach looking back at Jack which confused me of what's going on in general.

I also did something which was hilarious, I decided to place both my hands on both of Jack's shoulders and Zach looked at me and him jealously and then when I took my hands away, Zach placed his both hands, one on this back and the other on the front and both Jack and Zach was smiling. That kinda made sense because they obviously liked each other but they're just confusing themselves.

Zach was talking while Jack was just looking at him with a wide smile on his face just focusing on him while Zach did not even pay attention. Man these kids are too young for love and I saw Jonah getting stressed over nothing?

Even when Jack said "I have the laughing gas" and started laughing, Zach joined in by laughing with him.

I started singing a bit of a song and Jack started singing in too deep and then said "I'm sorry someone else is operating my brain" and Zach just looked at him with a smile. These kids just need to admit to themselves they LIKE EACH OTHER.

Zach started talking and Jack laughed, I then noticed Corbyn looking tired while Jonah was probably also thinking about them two.

Suddenly Zach and Jack started yelling in a jokingly way to something and Zach said "Stop Stopp get outta here" and pushed Jack a little bit.

Jack sat up properly and then stared at Zach.

The boys kept giving looks like love birds and Jack pushed Zach as well.
So welcome to my new chapter lmao. Alsooo tomorrow I'll be going on a three day holiday to Thailand and I'm not sure if I could write but if I can, I'll write some and some until it makes up into a chapter. Thanks for reading!!

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