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I've been texting Tate and seems like Gabriela has been trying to apologize for whatever she did but ever since she stopped message daniel and trying to get one of us or anything because when she was with Jack, she also did go chase after Daniel which means she'll most likely doing it again but she isn't.

Could mean somethings wrong and I know she's been through whatever she's going through a lot but she does deserve the silence from Jack and Daniel themselves.

The thing is though I care for people too much and I want her to be okay even though seems like she doesn't deserve it but I'll give her some space to think about her actions she did, ruining Daniel and Jack's friendship and Maybe I'll go and have a chat with her.

I went downstairs to see if the guys were there and bingo, yes they are.

"Guys." they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me expect for Jack and Corbyn playing fortnite.

"we should actually fix the problems we have on our plates at the moment, it's stressing us out"

Zach raised his hand "no actually-"

"Yes. you can see it zachary" he rolled his eyes

he sighed and let his whole arm just fall. "true"

I sighed loudly "and we're going to fix it all" I basically slowly yelled and that caught everyone's attention

"WHAT?! You're insane" scoffed corbyn.

Jack paused the game and looked at corbyn "uhm no corbyn. we need to fix this"

everyone sighed and agreed "Finally!! we're getting somewhere" I walked to the sofa and let myself sink down a bit.

"Okay first, we need to fix with what's going on with Gabriela" i glared at daniel "fine" he spat out

I nodded and smiled "okay then Kay- i'm sorry to break it to you bud but she doesn't suit you but she's a really nice girl not gonna lie" he smiled and sighed "she's a little mean to me anyways"

He smiled and continued to listen "corbyn- you- uhm-" Daniel cut me off "You're all good" smiled and gave corbyn thumbs up

"Alright and uhm i need to sort out my business" i clapped my hands. "Lets go!!" Zach said causing us all to laugh.


okay i need to text tate and meet her somewhere.

Me: Tate?

Tate: Yeah?

Me: Wanna hang today?

Tate: sure ! :)

Tate: meet where?

Me: hmm how about at yours?

Tate: sure come on up bud ! :)

Me: Ahahaa okay see you ❤️

Tate: hehe byee


I'm outside her house now and knocked on the door and opened to revealing her making me smile "Hey" I was checking her out. I breathed in and gonna take it to my heart, i'm going to ask her out. fingers crossed hopefully she feels the same

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