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Zach's p.o.v

As I stepped into the hotel room I was looking at my feet for some reason and once both of my feet were inside and closed the door behind me, I looked up only to see Jack naked with only his towel loosely around his waist.

He walked to the end of the bed and then his towel dropped on top of his feet and he's just looking at it but his ass though wait what the hell lmao okay what am I thinking ugh.

While he was just standing there with this towel on his feet and him looking down, I decided to knock on the door and immediately covered my eyes with both my hands "MY EYES!!" with that, all I heard was him laughing. Laughing!?! Why is he laughing?

I could feel his presence closer to me and removed my hands from my eyes, it was hard for me to focus on his face instead of his naked body "shhh" he placed his index finger on my lip.

"You better stay quiet tonight" he said seductively "what are you doing Jack" I asked trying to sound calm.

He raised one eyebrow and came closer "nothing" he then walked off and got dressed. My body and brain was trying to process with what just happened and gave a heavy breathe I've been holding on.

After he was dressed I decided to get in bed and open the tv while he was eating, I looked over at him "Jack!" I laughed, he turned his head with food in stuffed in his mouth "what" I could barely hear him "where did you get the food and when??" I was so confused of where he got it.

Like he didn't get me any, I wanted McDonalds as well, how rude of him but I laughed it off "what's so funny" Jack said without any food in his mouth this time, "oh nothing" I smirked while getting off the bed and going to the table where he sat.

"W-what are you Zach" he stuttered with his food nicely placed on the table. "Well I came here to do this" I grabbed his drink and drank it in front of him with a wink as I walked to the bed.

Jack looked angry but calmed down "Hey that's mine" he sounded like a child "well that's what you get for not getting me food" I drank his coke and then he walked over to me and drank it from my hands "thanks babe" he winked and walked back over to finish his food.

Jonah's p.o.v

Corbyn was on his phone probably with Christina and Daniels on his phone playing games and I'm dying from boredom so I decided to check on Jack and Zach.

"Guys I'll be right back" I said while getting up and going to the door, all I got from Daniel and Corbyn was "hmm" as an okay.

I opened the door and closed it then started walking to their room.

Once I was right outside the room, my hands were slowly placed on the door handle. I slowly opened the door just to see both of them in bed, watching tv, well only Zach's watching tv while jack was on his phone and sounded like he was posting something on his story.

Surprisingly they didn't notice me wow. After that, I walked back into my room and decided to watch Jack's story.

It showed Zach shirtless, with Jack playing with his hair "Hey Zach what do you call a fake noodle?" He asked still playing with his hair but zoomed in Zach's face "I don't know" he quietly said "an impasta" he chuckled with Zach smiling looking like he's thinking of his life choices.

Daniel and Corbyn were still doing there thing and I showed it to them and both of them saw it in awe and from there, we all decided to sleep, I'm sleeping on the ground with another mattress that was in the closet while Corbyn and Daniel slept on the bed, I insisted.

As the lights were out and I'm stuck here with thoughts running through my mind about what's happening between Jack and Zach, wondering what they're up to now.

Jack's p.o.v

I saw Jonah saw the story as well as Daniel and Corbyn but they're probably asleep by now because they seem really tired so I decided to sleep as well "Zach I'm going to sleep now okay?" He turned off the tv and said "me too, good night Jacky"

"Good night" I said with my eyes closed and snuggled in the blankets. After few minutes I felt someone tap my shoulder I looked to see Zach "yes?" I said tiredly "can I sleep with you, I'm scared" I laughed without any strength "why" he had a frown "because that's an excuse for me to sleep with you" he smiled widely "sure come in" I moved the blankets for him to climb in.

Now it was warmer "good night" I said placing a kiss on his temple "night night" he snuggled up to my chest and I brought him in. I sniffed up his natural scent and fell asleep
Wrote this at 1 in the morning and made edits because I'm that bored, btw follow my Instagram @_.herron.avery._ thanks and good day/night to you all

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