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"uh what?" I was so confused at what Corbyn was saying until Jonah and him pointing towards their necks, oh yea Zach.

I couldn't help but feel burning sensations everywhere on my head. Zach looked embarrassed so I walked to him, plopped down next to him and cuddled next to him which made Jonah and Corbyn full of awes at my action.

"What's happening with the tour?" I wasn't asking anyone specific. "Yea before SoMeSoMe interrupted us" Corbyn sounded annoyed

Jonah was looking at his phone, guessing details of the tour. "We're going to Asia Tour so I think Singapore first and then the others which Tyler haven't told me yet" we all nodded. "We'll be doing the 8 letters tour as well pretty sure and we have one interview with a guy named Dee Kosh" he continued.

"I think it's gonna be great" I smiled.


Is Gabriela really worth it...? I don't know but I still love her and all but I've been thinking, I risked my friendship with the guys just for her, she's nothing special or anything but like she's just getting bitchy and boring.

Oh my god I forgot about the Asia tour, I'll ask Jonah what's happening I guess..

Me: Jonah, you probably don't want to talk to me but when's the Asia tour?

Jonah: 2 weeks from now

Me: okay thanks.
READ 10:45pm


"What's with the angry look jo" Corbyn spoke which caused me to sigh "it's just a text from Daniel" Corbyn was annoyed at this point "what did he say" he rolled his eyes.

"He asked about the tour" my leg was shaking rapidly "wow not our fault he ruined the moment by screaming in the damn house"

My eyes closed and I breathed in and out "okay chill out corbyn we don't want anything bad happening again" I looked down on my phone.

Jack and Zach went upstairs few minutes ago I wonder what they're doing so I went up and checked on them.

Step by step up the stairs I hear Corbyn talking on the phone probably with Christina or Daniel.

As I was getting closer to Jack and Daniel's room I hear shifting noises so I try and open the door, Ta-da it's not locked, my head slowly peaked through the door gap and saw Jack and Zach kissing and bound to rip each other's clothes off so I quickly got out of there.

They should really lock the door. I sighed smiling knowing that they obviously like each other.

Few hours have past and Daniel walks in the house with a huge smile on his face but I turned my attention back on the tv which the news is on.

My eyes widened "GUYS GUYS COME AND LOOK THE NEWS!!!" Jack and Zach placed their attention on the tv while Corbyn comes downstairs, even Daniel came, oh my god I swear jack and Zach are always together.

"ITS US ITS US!!!!l Zach squealed jumping up and down on the couch and mini celebrating with Jack while Corbyn was shocked but continued to watch it. Daniel just looked at them weirdly, I rolled my eyes at that.
I've been very tired lately omg.

also thanks so much for #6 for jachary!

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