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I could not believe my ears. "are you sure...?" Zach gave me this sarcastic astonished look "What do you think??" I gulped "how can someone be so cruel??" He shrugged his shoulders "Have no idea"

Jonah came through the green room's curtain entrance and looked at us "We're almost there" we both nodded in sync and got back into our conversation.

- - - -

As we were all out walking down the street Zack, our photographer, told us to walk slower so he could capture a picture of Zach and I walking.

After when the photo was taken, Zach looked at the photo "Ohhhhh Jack!!!" I was so confused "what?" I walked closer to see the photo "We're matching!!!" He said as I looked at his shirt and down to mine "Oh yeah!!!" I excitedly said.

Zack suggested us to post it so we did, tagging each other and Zack of course.

❤️ 💬 🔖                                                           📍whydontwemusic just some guys being doods

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whydontwemusic just some guys being doods.
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We then continued walking to where there was food to fill us up before sound check and preparation for the show.

- - - -

After the food we went back to the bus and went to the stadium "Can't you believe it?? It's sold out!!!" Daniel said excitedly and we all hummed in response not really paying attention to him.


Now that was a concert it was so loud!! "Are you okay Corbyn? seems like you had to much fun out there" I chuckled.

He nodded and smiled, reassuring me that he's fine and will breathe normally soon.

I see Daniel on his phone looking frustrated so my brain decides to interrupt and ask him to privately talk with me. that's great.

"Daniel." I sat down on the arm rest. "What." he sounded like he was going to start throwing punches at me.

"Come let's have a talk buddy" I smiled and he followed surprisingly.

He stood there looking a bit sad. "..what's wrong...?" He looked at me in disbelief "What? Am i not allowed to care for one of my best friends?" That took Daniel like a hit because it took a while for him to say something.

Even though it was after the show, I could still hear the limelight's. dang Singapore you're one loud fandom. "...well..?" I questioned once more.

He sighed and looked down at his phone, playing around with it. "Gabbie hasn't texted me for days now..." I was in quite a shocker for that coming from Gabbie. "Wait what? I know I barely know her but all I know is that she isn't like this...?" He shrugged his shoulders.

I repositioned myself leaning against the wall "what was the last message you sent?" Till now i could still hear the limelight's.

Daniel is an awesome guy in general but something is going on between everyone... I don't know what it is yet but I can feel the vibe going on. After Dani checked the message he closed his phone looking upset. "What..." I was a bit worried.

"She left me on fucking read." My eyes widened at the sudden cursing Daniel had picked up on. "w-what?" I stuttered looking at him.

His eyes widened this time and covered his mouth "I-I'm-" Before he could say anything I just gave him a hug "It's okay... tell me what's wrong and why you're doing this..."

If you heard me say that, you'd be able to hear the hurt in my voice. "It's just everyone's attention was mostly to Jack and Zach and it felt like everyone else forgot about me..." tears started to form in his eyes.

I hugged him again and allowed him to sob in my shirt as I'm patting his Back and head a bit reassuring that everything will be okay.
I guess this chap is like 'listen to the other part of the situation before doing anything'

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