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Jack's p.o.v

My ears were filled with water running which also includes Zach's singing at the top of his lungs.

I couldn't think I don't know how to think with everything that's going on while my phone was rested between my hands with my left leg rapidly shaking nervously.

That was when I realized I'm going to text my mum or maybe even call her.

•Call Reference between Kristin & Jack•

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Jack; hey mum?

Kristin; hi honey why are you calling? Something wrong?

Jack; yeah....mum I need to tell you something..

Kristin; Sure what is it?

Jack; I-I'm...oh god..

Kristin; Are you alright Jack? Wait I think I know what you're trying to say..

Jack; Will you disown me..? Well for starters I'm-

Kristin; Gay. Jack I know. You're gay and I love you for who you are. Don't think I'll disown you ever at all. I love you Jacky.

Jack; mum..I love you too...well I'll talk later my bandmate

Kristin; okay hun, stay safe bye

Jack; love you
End of call

Zach's p.o.v

I'm so confused on what I am or what is happening. Like do I tell someone or something? I don't know!! Oh wait I could tell either Daniel Corbyn or Jonah but Corbyn he can't take things seriously and Daniel he's always mucking around with Corbyn so nothing better but Jonah is the older one so I'll just talk to him. Right after this shower I've been in for how long I have no idea.

My hands reached over to the hotel shower handle which turned the water off. I walked out of the shower and got myself dressed. While I wore my pants, I heard my named getting yelled out "Zach~" sounded more of a moan.

I quickly opened the door which made a lot of noise, dude. They need to fix this door and then I looked around the room only to find Jack blushing?

"Hey dude" I smirked "oh h-hi Zach" he's nervous. "Why are you blushing?" I asked curiously while walking to the bed on the other side "oh um...I just texted a girl...yeah" he smiled widely..

"Oh that's cool! What's her name?" I asked as if I'm interested "her names Lilly" he stuttered and gulped "oh Lilly cool name she has" my heart just shattered out of my body.

Life's not fair, it's always been that way. "Well look at the time, I better go shower" he seemed more nervous as if he needed to get out of our conversation.

Before I could say anything he just got up and ran inside the bathroom with his phone which isn't normal for him but also without clothes? Okay I'm confused and weirded out.

Well while he's in the bathroom I'm going to go to talk with Jonah. I then proceeded to walk straight to the door without talking to Jack but something told me to talk to him so I walked to the bathroom door "Hey Jack I'm going to go with Jonah's, I'll see you later bye jack" I said trying not to sound like I'm rushing it.

All I got from Jack was "okay see you" and from then on I just left.

Hopefully no ones asleep it's just 10pm.

Jack's p.o.v

As soon as I ran inside the bathroom I just looked at myself thinking what was wrong with me? I could've been caught masturbating, moaning out my best friends name?! Oh my god.

I left that thought aside, take a big breathe and walked into the shower and left the warm water running down my body while thoughts immediately rushed around my head.

Zach's p.o.v

"Wait what do you mean Jo?" I was so scared of the coincidences.

"Well it's quiet obvious Zach. We all see it, heck probably Jack sees it that you like him. Just ask him out"

What is he crazy?? "Uh no can do Jonah, I'm going to take things slow" I pulled 'slow' longer.

"Okay you're choice, just trust me on this one, pretty sure you guys like each other" he chuckles while getting up getting his coffee that he was waiting on since I came in. "After that stunt you guys pulled" he whispered

I couldn't hear anything he said though "what?" i questioned "nothing" he said

I sat there thinking of the things Jonah had just told me. What is happening? Maybe this idea was actually a bad idea but we did become closer....

Both Jonah and I's gaze focused on the door and that was when Corbyn and Daniel came in with food, I started laughing "didn't you guys eat like not even an hour ago?" Daniel looked at me shocked "we barely ate anything, Jonah ate all of our food so here, we bought some food for you and Jake" I looked at Jonah laughing.

"Thanks Dani, well I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess" I inhaled hard while getting up from the bed where I was sitting.

Corbyn was on the bed going through the tv with the remote in his hand and his phone in the other while Daniel was eating with Jonah watching the tv as Corbyn was trying to find a good show.

As I walked to the door, Jonah moved his eyes from the tv towards me "okay bye Zach!! Remember interview is in few days" he said while moving his gaze back to the tv "alright it bye mum" they all laughed while I walked out the door and locking the door from the inside.

I made my way to jack and I's room and tried opening the door, I knew it'd be locked I don't even know why I tried but to my surprise it was open.
I have ideas this time yay!!! Here's one and sorry Cliffhanger oops sorry not sorry lmao sorry 😂😂 currently 3am here and feels like I haven't slept for how many days, I haven't had a proper sleep.

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