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I shot up from my bed from all the yelling from Jonah but when I realized what he was yelling about I fell back on the bed in a comfortable position.

"GUYS- DANIEL WAKE UP!!!" I groaned from the lack of sleep feeling.

After all the yelling I heard from Jonah and some from the others, I slowly decided to finally get up. Wonder what will happen and why the hell is Jonah yelling.

I took my time getting out of my room and stood right outside of the room.

"What is going on??" I mumbled with my eyes still trying to get used to the light.

Jonah and Corbyn sighed loudly "tour??" At that moment my eyes instantly flashed open and I ran back inside of the room to get ready.

As I was getting ready, I checked the time and it was 7:27am but don't know what time we're supposed to go on the plane.

When I was lifting my pants up Corbyn came in "bro- we're about to leave soon" I stared at him "what time?" He rolled his eyes "at 8:19 we're leaving the house and plane is at 10:40"

I nodded and sighed wondering how it'll be through out this whole tour.


Now we're on the jet, Corbyn is texting Christina, still confused on how there's actual service here, up in the sky but works out for Corbyn seeing as he's happy.

Daniel is just sitting there probably doing his story because I hear audio from his phone, sitting away from all of us as if we did something wrong?

Jonah, Jack and I are kinda sitting in a circle like Jack is in front of me while Jonah beside me and this jet is pretty small so there's basically 8 seats all together.

Us three have been playing card few hours ago and I'm getting bored "guys I'm bored!!!" I sighed loudly and falling onto the back of my seat.

Jonah chuckled "calm Zach, we're nearly there" he answered as he was looking at the tv of where we were, adding me turning around to see how long until we reach to our destination.

I'm still confused between Jack and I to be honest.

As there was no window next to me so I moved to the seat behind me.

Out of nowhere Jack popped out of nowhere and sat on the seats arm rest. "Yes?" I questioned facing up to him

He looked at me "what are we?" I snickered "what?" He looked confused.

"I already asked that remember and you said see the future" I chuckled a bit.

He smiled "yea but-" I cut him off "let's just see the future alright?" I added as I thought about Kay and what she said when we met up.

Jack nodded and walked off and I looked back to the window.


I was walking into the cafe and I see her already seated.

"Hey Kay?" She looked up at me and smiled. I sat down and looked at her with a smile, she's pretty, I'm still kinda confused if I'm gay or not because I have feelings for jack. I think, but I still look at girls like woahhh so I'm still confused.

She looks at me and my lips, she looks angry why?

"Um Kay, are you angry, if you are ill just go-"

"Oh no I'm not angry, I may look angry but I'm not, don't worry" she smiles I nodded

She looked at the table and back up at me "so you say you're in a band? What band?" She looks so severe.

I nodded "yea I'm in a band called why don't we, you know us?" Her face suddenly lights up and nodded with a huge smile.

"Yea and I told you I post YouTube songs" she winked.. totally normal...

I nodded "yea, so you're a singer?" I raised an eyebrow and she nodded with excitement once again.

I gulped hoping she's not some cereal killer or something because she looks scary not gonna lie.

Gives me the chills just by thinking of her being a killer.

We got interrupted by a voice that I found familiar, I look back and see Jack and Gabriela.

She was dragging him what is wrong with her???

They sat down and my focus was on them ignoring what Kay was trying to say or she was also looking that way, not sure I'm not even paying attention.

Like I obviously care more about jack than everyone else and the band.

Pretty sure Jack saw me looking very very confused but he shook his head notifying me that it's alright.

It's alright then, I guess. Anyways my attention goes back on Kay.

"I need to say something..." I nodded "you're a really great guy, do you want to, you know. Be my boyfriend..?" I shook my head really fast as I am very very confused and shook.

"Um-" she looked at me seriously "or I'll expose you, I know you like Jack." She smirked "I don't like-" she cut me off "do you want to be my boyfriend?" She quietly said, with anger.

I nodded and she smiled, well I guess I'll have to deal with her now. "Also. I suggest you to not hug any limelight's?" I gulped "what n-" she slammed the table with her hand which made me nod in sadness.

Next minute I hear Jack running out and Gabriela following after.

Few minutes after Kay and I were talking we went out because it was getting really late.

I hugged her outside the cafe and went separate ways.

As I saw Jack I tried my best not to look relieved, hopefully he does not notice at all.

>end of flashback<

As I was thinking back, I heard someone say my name so I turn to their way. It was Daniel.

"Bro you okay? You've been staring out the window for quite a while now. I nodded "yea I'm fine" I smiled and turned back.


We're getting off the jet with Zach dreaming in the clouds "Zach!!!" He looked up at all and smiled, walking next to me.

"Are you alright?" I questioned he nodded and cleared his throat.

Somethings up and I need to find out. I know it's bothering him. Ugh.
Oml I'm so sorry for the lack of updating. I'll try my best xx

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