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Zach's p.o.v

Where's Corbyn? Where's Jonah? Where's Daniel? Where's Jack? These questions have been going around my head and then a message finally popped down my phone screen from all the guys at once? Coincidence? I think not.

Corbyn: Don't worry bro I went to Christina's house.

Zach: Oh my god Corbss Keep it PG dude!
Read 6:20pm

The usual Corbyn back at it again with Christina I thought to myself giving a little chuckle and went to the other boys messages one by one.

Jonah: I'm downstairs watching
Netflix don't worry

Zach: ahh okay okay lol
Read 6:27pm

Wonder what he's watching it's like 6pm, we need to eat but I'm not hungry I just want to stay in my room- wait it's not just my room it's Jonah and Corbyns room as well.

Oh no I need to give the room back to them but maybe later, they can wait.

Daniel: I'm out, don't worry about it..

Zach: oh..alright then..

Daniel: just remember one thing..

Zach: and that is...? Dani,
You're creeping me out..
Is everything okay?

Daniel: ya, everything's okay, just
Maybe just a tiny Issue but could
You do something for me?

Zach: Yea anything Dani, but
I swear if this is a prank
I will be furious

Daniel: no no it's not a prank
Just when you understand
Everything don't get mad at me?

Zach: I don't know?

Daniel: please!!

Zach: Yeah sure.

Daniel: ya thanks Zach,
Love you bro

Zach: No problem bro,
Love you too bro
Stay safe!

Daniel: I will don't worry

Okay after I read that message I was so confused what does he mean when I get to understand everything?? What is happening?

Anyways I continued to reply to the others.

Wait...I replied back to Corbyn...Daniel...and Jonah..wait no no no 1 more message and it's Jack.

My hands were getting sweaty and reading the message made me gulp hard.

Jack: yea I'm okay I'm just uh out at the skate park thinking about everything I've done.

Zach: jack.. you didn't do anything..

Jack: so nothing is you crying, being ignored by everyone and getting cheated on???

Jack: sorry..

Zach: No it is something jack you just
Don't understand but what do you mean
By you getting cheated on...is it with

Jack: non of your business and it's Gabriela to you and don't worry about it.

Zach: sorry but please come back home..

Jack: not now but I will don't worry...
I'll probably be back in a few hours.

Zach: oh okay. Bye stay safe Jack

Jack: yea bye.

What is up with Jack? Now it's about 7:20 so I'm gonna go down and get something to eat.

As I got off my bed and walked to the door, i touched the door knob and thought about how long it felt since I last touched one.

I twisted the knob and revealed the hallway.

I then proceed to walk down the stairs to see Jonah on the couch but no Corbyn? Daniel or Jack.

"Do you know where Jack is?" Jonah asked me still watching Netflix. "Yea." Was all I responded with while checking the fridge and then the cabinets while explaining to Jonah that he's at the park.

"NOOOOO" I hysterically yelled "what?? Jesus" yelled Jonah as he turned around "there's no more food" I falsely cried "you go get some" and I just glared behind his head with my arms crossed.

It was as if he has eyes behind his head "go Zachary you haven't left your room and you look disgusting go have a shower or something" and I calmed "rude" I said.

Yea actually I should go outside plus I look so freaking pale I could be a vampire like you'd never know.

Now I'm out the door with my 20% phone because my dumbass didn't charge and my wallet but Jonah probably secretly shoved a $50 in my wallet oh man where would I be without him.

No I don't like it when he gives me money and stuff but if he wasn't there, I don't know what I've do without him.

Soon I noticed a skateboard park and went to see if Jack was still there.

I walk into the park and up the hill where a skate park stands. I then noticed a dude sitting there with curly hair and I knew it was Jack.

"Jack?" I questioned as I walked closer and this dude turns around with his eyes all blood shoot red and puffy "Jack?? You said you were okay?" I went to him and hugged him because he of course seemed like he needed one.

He instantly hugged back and started crying in my shoulders "shhh it's okay Jack" his crying stopped but now he's a hiccuping mess

I then broke the hug and held onto his arms "Jack." He wouldn't look at me "Jack." I called again. Oh my god this guy. "Jack." I said again but this time I held onto his cheeks.

His cheeks started turning red. No don't get into it Zach.

"Jack." He hummer looking down "look at me." He then obeyed "are you okay?" He hiccuped again and nodded then I hugged him again.

I gave a big sigh. "Come on, I'm going to get food" I helped him out and followed me out of the park.
Making this while I'm at my parents friends house Or cousins at midnight with 38% didn't bring a charger so smart.


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