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No one's p.o.v

Jack and Zach's 'relationship' has been going smoothly while Daniel and Jonah felt lonely while Corbyn had Christina.

In a few hours, they will be having their interview and haven't found anything out so it'll be a surprise for everyone.

Daniel and Jonah noticed something was off between Jack and Zach do they decided to find out what was going on.

They both saw two boys enter their hotel room with different expressions than any other day, usually they'd be happy or laughing at nothing.

While Corbyn was FaceTiming Christina in their own hotel room, both Daniel and Jonah decided to eavesdrop their conversations.

Sneaking wasn't Jonah's best habit but Daniel was an expert with that so he guided his way with Jonah following his tail.

Both boys placed both their ears against the plain white door for better sounds to come through from inside.

It all started with shuffling here and there with the tv running in the background but it wasn't as loud as they thought because they could still hear every word they spoke. "Okay look Zach, this is crazy, in a few hours we have an interview and what if they ask dating questions?? What are we both going to say? It's like..it's like..it's that our 'relationship' was fake"

As soon as Daniel heard the sentence "our relationship is fake" he was shocked.

"Jack...yea I know but remember we don't know what interview we're having" Jonah could hear the hurt in his voice and felt bad for the kid who obviously likes or possibly love Jack but he also seem like he's hiding something from Zach, whatever he was confused.

Corbyn's p.o.v

Corbs; Babe, I have a question

Chris; yea ask away my beautiful king

Corbs; oh wow haha I love you my sweet queen!! So the question is how much do you ship Jack and Zach?

Chris; I love you too!! But are you kidding??? They're my OTP dude! They're so cute 100000000000% ship even more

Corbs; oh wow babe, HAHA I'm gonna go deaf.

Chris; oh OH Oh my god sorry!!

Corbs; it's okay because you're cute, well I gotta go bye baby! I love you MUAH!

Chris; bye baby boy MUAH!!

End of FaceTime

I wonder where everyone is but I'm going to get ready, interview is in a couple hours.

Zach's p.o.v

"Well uh I'll go get ready okay!" I ran to the bathroom not even hesitating my actions, he doesn't take this seriously... wow okay.. but Jonah- I don't know anymore..

Once the water started for my shower, all I did was standing while I'm full naked on the floor outside of the shower not even in the shower and started crying my eyes out trying my best to not make too much noise and the shower running is helping.

Jack's p.o.v

Zach's been acting weird but I pushed that thought aside as I go through Instagram to look at fan accounts, liked a few and commented on a few until I came across on a weird account.

I clicked on the official account just to see a name, Jessica..? Her accounts about hate on all of us, I clicked on some posts and the comments were a mixture with limelight's backing us up and some hating on us but one got to me.

One of the comments was like "Those gay boys in the band should get the most hate and should get locked up" wait how did they know? We didn't tell any limelights or anything and then I see a reply to that comment "What who?? Dm??" And that person replied "dmmmm I have teaaaa" oh no oh no oh no this is bad!!

I suddenly heard sobs coming from the bathroom so I went to check on Zach.

Zach's p.o.v

"ZACH!!!!" jack yelled but I didn't say anything, still on the ground crying my eyes out.

He then opened the door oh wow I forgot to lock the damn door great going Zach I looked up slowly to him.

Out of nowhere he goes on his knees and hugs me with my knee between us. "J-Jack.." I choked on my tears trying to speak "I'm naked.." I said with my final breathe and went back with me balling my eyes out, closing them and opening them.

"I don't care Zach..I'm sorry..." he then proceeded to shower me while I just stood there doing nothing also forgot to mention, he joined in with me afterwards.

Jonah's p.o.v

Wait I'm so confused what is Jack sorry for??? Omg what is happening?? I looked at Daniel with confusion written over his face as we walked back to our hotel room and saw a Corbyn on his phone while charging it.

Daniel and I both got ready while we waited for each other.

"Whatever happened back there stays between us two, got it?" He whispered to me before I got in the shower.
Oh my god what do you guys think will happen??? Jessica seems like a bitch

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