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Zach. Out of all people Zach. But I really do miss his presence and he seems happier than usual. I wish I could be that happy but after what I saw I can't. Not yet.

Right now, we're in the market getting drinks and stuff for the guys. "Jack look at this cereal box" Zach said pointing an upside down cereal box and I started laughing "Zach" I continued laughing.

Zach was so confusing "What?" And I just continued laughing, I guess I was wrong. "It's just upside down turn it the other way round" and when he did I continued to laugh but calmed down a bit suddenly my phone started buzzing.

As I was trying to calm down I saw the name "Gabbie❤️" crap I forgot to block her. Zach came and saw the name "uh I think you should uh answer it" and I clenched my jaw "no we're here to enjoy each other company" I smiled and he smiled back.

From there we brought food and went back home.

Now we're outside and currently 10:47pm and then realized I didn't bring the house keys. How smart so I started knocking on the door "Guys???" I yelled followed by Zach's yelling as well "uh Zach the lights are out."


"Uh Zach the lights are out." Well that's great.

As Jack and I placed the bag of food on the ground I reached down to my pocket, grabbed my phone and tried opening it. "Fuck" I yelled.

Jack instantly hey'd me "Zach!!" He yelled "what" I blankly said while trying to power on my phone "no swearing or I'll have to punish you" he smirks as I rolled my eyes.

"Now's not the time horny boy, my phone is dead." I sighed and sat down on the steps.

Wonder where they are to be honest "Jack does your phone have battery?" He nodded "only 6 percent" alrighty now where are you guys.

I was going through his contacts and I didn't see Daniel's contact name.. Hm weird. Anyways my thumb hovered over the contact name "Jonah" and clicked on it then placed the phone up to my ear just to hear it ringing.

After what felt like few seconds there was a voice mail saying he's unavailable oh my god.

I then tried with Corbyn but it didn't work what is going on well the only option I actually have is Logan and it's currently 9:45pm so hopefully he's not busy.

It was ringing for a few moments and he picked up.


Logan: What's up Jackkkk

Me: Hey uh it's Zach but are the others with you?

Logan: aww that's adorable.

I heard voices in the background.

Me: I know they are what're you guys doing??

Logan: we're just hanging out. Where are you?

Me: Jack and I just came back from getting food and we're outside of the house without the keys only with a dead phone and a phone that's like 3% can you come get us thanks!! Byee

Logan: alright-

I ended the call before he could finish this sentence which made me chuckle.

"That was mean" Jack said while chuckling as well. I like his smile.

"Nah" I smiled. "Hey uh Jack.." he looked at me with a worried facial expression "what is going on between us.." I basically whispered.

He looked into my eyes and to my lips with red smeared across his face "I-I don't know.."

Quiet obvious that we're both confused, I nodded "I guess we'll see the future." I forced a smile as he nodded in agreement.
Sorry haven't been updating 💙

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