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Jack's p.o.v

Suddenly I see Daniel come down with a smile what is he up to now? I looked around to see no Zach at all. Wait that means he's upstairs. "Dani" I said and he looked at me with his smile disappearing "what avery" He sternly said without looking at me.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked getting up and all he does is roll his eyes. What's up with him today??

I motioned him to follow me out to the backyard "aw come on ba-bro" Gabriela said and I frowned.

Now that we're outside I spoke up "Okay what's up Daniel you've been acting bitchy" he looked the angriest he's ever been "Me. Bitchy?? How about you Jack?" He spat "I don't know what's happening" at this point he's furious.

He then pulls me away from the door area "Jack Robert Avery. You do know whats happening dickhead" he was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist.

It felt like everything stopped as Daniel turned back around and slapped me. "Owww" I whined as I was holding onto my cheek "YOU said that Zach saw you and Gabriela almost having sex, correct?" At the point he's just annoyed with his arms crossed.

I nodded "yea? What's the problem?" I mimicked his action he then gave a frustrated sigh and rubbing his face "Aren't you dating Zach??" My eyes then widened. I forgot about that. Shit.

Daniel was about to leave until I spoke up "I- I was kidding" I nervously laughed and he looked at me and flipped me off and walking away.

Shit shit shit shit I forgot about Zach and I. Shit.

Hold the fuck up. Daniel siding with Zach. He's been going to his room and coming out laughing. He's furious now. What the heck. I don't understand this.

As I was too into my thoughts I felt someone coming up to me and hugging me from behind causing me to jump a bit "holy shit Jack chill out" and I sighed turning around to her "I-I don't know...I'm sorry" I sighed once again.

Gabriela giggles oh gosh so freaking adorable I don't know if I like Zach though and I don't want to hurt her if I do which I don't right? Oh my god you fooooooolllll why can't you see you like him??? Oh my god. What do you mean I like Gabriela and I don't like- Lips were then placed on mine and I kissed back thinking it was Zach until the kiss stopped and I saw Gabriela then frowned.

The gap then expanded and she frowns "what's up with you jack!" I couldn't think of anything right now I just need to talk to Zach. "I'm sorry" I whispered out jogging back inside making my way to Zach's room.

I was about to go inside but before I even knocked the door opened and saw Daniel coming out with his expression changing from happiness and angry.

"What do you want Jack?" He spat and I rolled my eyes. "Non of your god damn business" he then rolled his eyes.

"If you're looking for Zach he's not available"

Soon after I heard Zach calling out for Daniel and he probably heard it to because he went back inside.

I waited outside waiting for Daniel to come out from the room.

After time he finally came out and said Zach asked for me I then nodded and walked inside.

Closing the door behind me I scan through the room just to see Zach's red puffy eyes, messy hair, seems like he's been in bed the entire time, him holding onto his panda. Awww what a cutie. Wait no oh my fuck admit it.

My thoughts got cut of "are you just gonna stand there and stare at my state Jack" his voice was weak and hurt. I shook my head.

I walked to the bed and sat down "Zach...I'm sorry" I confessed but he doesn't say anything only sniffles, I sighed "look-" Zach shook the bed "no jack. There's nothing to look alright you hurt me. I just need answers right now. First you're the one who wanted to do this shit and now you're here fucking Gabriela UGH I'm done with your shit Jack you're so confusing to understand!" He said yelling at the end.

Right now I'm just staring at him blankly. What shit? "Um what did I want to do again?" I said quietly. He sighed frustratedly "us fucking dating" he sobs but calmed down.

Me just sitting there stupidly thinking about what happened and now I understand the problem.

"get out." He said but I could barely hear "Get Out." He said once again pointing at the door. I'm still confused as ever ugh why now "what-" "I said GET THE FUCK OUT JACK" at this point this dudes crying his eyes out so I decided to just leave the room.

Once I was about to close the door I look back at Zach and he's crying into the pillow and I frowned. I really want to kiss him but something is telling me not to.

My facial expression was still the same as I went downstairs just thinking what just happened. I don't usually see Zach like this. I need answers, so I decided to ask Jonah as he's by himself.

Gabriela was nowhere to be found as I make my way to Jonah "hey jo um-" he cut me of "She went, her boyfriend called her urgently" and my eyes widened "b-boyfriend?" And hummed "yep." He said as he's still eating his yogurt.

"I wasn't asking that but um. What's up with Zach?" And this time it was his pair of eyes widened. "What?" He questioned.

I sighed "what happened to Zach" I spoke up crossing my arms "he uh he's sick?" He was hiding something "sick?" I raised my eyebrows "yea?" It came out as a question.

"Uh huh...." i was not buying it "fine. He's just having Issues right now" Jonah was throwing his finished yogurt cup.

"Issues?" I mimicked him again "yes jack issues plus Does it look like I'm Zach to you?" And I arrowed my eyebrows in confusion "no. What makes you say that?" He sat down on the couch as I follow him from behind.

"Well you're the one asking me questions only Zach can answer" he poked my stomach, I didn't say anything only giving Jonah a nod then walking away to skate around the park.

"Oh yea Jonah" I said from afar "oh yes Jack"

Jonah turned around with his eyes leaving the tv screen "I'll be going to the park" and he nods.
In this chapter it seems like Jonah doesn't give any fucks lmao and Gabriela has a boyfriend?? Also Wonder where Corbyn is?
Thanks for #87 for zachherron 💙💙

1125 words

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