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Jonah's p.o.v

I was so stressed and tired and I don't even know why..

The only thing I'm worried about is what's up with Zach and Jack. First minute Zach asks me for advice and then Jack seems so oblivious like Jesus Christ ugh.

Zach's p.o.v

Jack. What are you up to?? You know what. I'm certain I like him like 100% I like him. I'm done questioning my Sexuality. Wait but does he like me??

Oh god. I have so much questions but no answers to any of them ugh I'm so stressed you know what I'm going to tell my parents..how they accept me...pray for me..

Jack's p.o.v

I'm so confused on what my feelings are that I keep pushing away. Does Zach like me...? Wait what the fuck. Wait wait. What am I on about?? I'm the one who did this stupid stupid stupid idea. Ugh!!

So i like him..? I don't even know but either way. My mum accepts me and my family does so it's going to be okay, I smiled to myself.

Corbyn's p.o.v

Okay so. I can feel the tension in the air all stuffy because we're in the car but we're all talking and laughing. I also do miss Christina but she's quiet busy so I gotta focus on the concert we're about to perform.

I smiled to myself "Guys I can't wait for the 8 letters tour!!" I exclaimed almost jumping out of my seat, I smiled to myself again as Zach said "Yess me too!!" And followed by the others with "yes!" "Can't Wait!" "It's going to be awesome!"

Daniel's p.o.v

While we were at the studio I had an idea but now I forgot UGH I hate myself sometimes. I then looked outside of the window and saw trees, houses, clouds which reminded me to birds in nests and the mummy bird feeds it's younglings...and Th- YES I got the idea!!

I then held onto that thought for a while. I then chuckle to myself because I think of random things and remember specific things.

"What you laughing at Dani?" Jonah said not leaving the sight of the road "oh nothing just thinking" I smiled.

We then stopped outside the house and everyone gets out and Corbyn unlocked the door, as we got in the house Jack and Zach were heading for the couch while Corbyn decided to cook pancakes for us and himself of course.

I had to tell Jonah about my idea so I tapped him and motioned him to come closer to me and then followed me to the backyard and I sat on a rock while he stayed standing.

"So Jonah, I had an idea while we were on the way back home" he hmm in response and looked interested "so you know Jack and Zach right" he hmm'd again "yea and we heard about what happened, correct?" He nodded

"We need them to have real feel-" I got cut of by him "but that's just forcing love" he said still looking interested I sigh "no no" I laughed "let me finish" he hmm'd followed by a giggle "it's obvious that they like each other but they don't know it yet because they're being so stubborn" I sounded irritated which is true because they won't admit their feelings "what are you trying to say?" He questioned "well...we force them to kiss once and awhile you know what I mean?" He looked at me blankly "nope" I groaned "are you serious"

He laughed "yep." Ughhhh "soooo basically we make them do couple stuff and make them realize it's meant to be!!!!" I said yelled a little.

His eyes widened "calm down shhhh" I rolled my eyes "not my fault you didn't understand me in the first place"

We decided to go back in the house and once we stepped foot inside, full of good smelling air went straight at us "omg it smells so good in here" Jonah inhaled then Zach looked at us "Jonah, you can say oh my god not omg" he said in a duh tone.

I laughed "well it sounds better" Jonah said carelessly while walking to the kitchen followed by me.

Jack started placing with Zach's hair UGH they are so confusing "FOOD'S READY CHILDREN" Corbyn yelled in a funny voice causing us to all laugh and both of herron and Avery walking over to the counter eating the pancakes.

"Shittttt these are so gooooooddd" Moaned Zach "I know right ughhh Corbyn you're the best" said Jack while they go back to the Couch.

Suddenly there was someone at the door. "I'll go get that" shouted Jack.

He got up from the couch and practically running to the door..?

Jack just stood there and then Jonah yelled out "who is it Jack??" Jack then turned around with a smile on his with a girl?

I then looked over to Zach and his expression was so sad oh my heart.

"Who is that?" I asked rudely knowing that he made Zach upset.

Zach's p.o.v

Huh...? Does he not know I'm "dating" him...???? Oh my...I think I'm about to cry..

"It's my girl- best friend" Jack said quickly.

"Then why are you guys holding hands" I said and he gave me a glare oh shit. I'm about to cry.

I had to go cry I can't.. "I'll be back guys" I said and ran up the stairs in a hurry and then ran into Jonah, Corbyn and I'd room and locked myself up there.

Jonah's p.o.v

Oh my god. Oh no. "What's her name?" I asked politely because I'm the oldest here I need to show a good example "oh it's Gabriela" Jack said with a smile looking like an idiot. I then waved but she ignored me what the fuck.
Sorry for the late update, I've been writing a book with one of my friends oops sorryy but I'll try my best!

997 words

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