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As we were entering into the airport, there were lots of fans and the sudden cold air of the air con hit me which made me feel relieved because of the hot heat that was outside.

The fans were crazy! They were yelling and screaming our names which caused a huge apocalypse around us.

Securities were involved as usual and helping us get out of the airport.

It took us a while to escape from there and to where our ride was located.

As I was waiting for the boys to get on, I noticed Jack and Zach was falling behind "Come on Lovebirds we don't got all day"

They both blushed while Daniel and I laughed our heads off as we were going into the bus we'll be on for the next few weeks pretty sure.


"Come on Zach stop being a slow poke!!" Daniel yelled while struggling with the extremely heavy suitcase "I'm coming I'm coming!" I yelled back from behind.

We were going in the hotel we were going to be staying at for a few weeks that we're here at Singapore.

"Hello, what room did you guys book?" The tall, Bearded and Calm looking man said from the front desk.

Jonah placed his suitcase up probably and respectfully announced his name.

"Hello, I'm signing in as Jonah?" The bearded man typed away on his laptop "Jonah..?" He questioned which made Jonah confused but smiled "Oh yea, Marias, Jonah Marais"

The man chuckled "I'm Smith, Casper Smith" That made Jonah chuckle and continue on with the conversation. My Phone suddenly vibrates from my pocket so I reached for it and read the unread message that was on my screen.

48 Unread Messages from Kay⭐️

Oh it's Kay! I decided to text her back because why not plus I have nothing better to do.

Kay⭐️: Oh You Finally Reply Back After How Long????

Me: Sorry, I'm in the middle of traveling..

Kay⭐️: Oh Traveling, sorry forgot you're in a band, remember though. Don't hug Limelight's

Me: Wait What why not??

Kay⭐️: Just listen to what I say

Me: I uh gotta zoom

Kay⭐️: Zoom??

Me: Gotta go, I'll probably talk later, Bye!

Kay⭐️: Oh alright MWUAH Talk later and remember do not hug girls.

Phew that was really weird but by now, Jonah's done checking us in and now we're on our way to the huge hotel room.

As soon as I walk in through the huge heavy white wooden door, I noticed there was a kitchen on my right and a room on my left and a few more rooms around the living room.

"PIANOOOO!!!" Daniel yelled as he saw the piano and dropped everything then ran to it to have a play.

While us four explored the house, Daniel was playing Piano in the background which was calming, not gonna lie.

I just sat on a queen sized bed I'm guessing and then the words and memories from that night where I met up with Kay suddenly rushed in.

It's tour pretty soon, wonder what's going to happen.


I'm so stoked for the tour, cannot wait for it!! Suddenly I remembered about how Zach was a bit stressed out so I'll probably just ask him how he is.

I got up from the sofa and went to find Zach. "Corbyn. do you know where's Zach?" he looked around and pointed at a room "Yeah he's in there" I Thanked him and walked in.

"Zach." I said while going in the room. "Oh hi" he said looking a bit stressed. "wait so we're sharing the bedroom or?" I asked hoping for a yes.

He sat properly and looked up at me "Yep there's four rooms and We're sharing one" I nodded "Okay".
Some of you might've saw my chapter under the title "IMPORTANT!!" well most of you voted Both sooo enjoy my content that I have no idea why you all love but Thanks lovely's xxx

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