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Eugene's POV

" Bro, where were you all the day? Mom was asking me. I told her that you have something important to do. But I think she didn't trust me." Elyssa said as soon as I entered the living room.

" Where is Mom?" I asked her.

" In the kitchen." She said.

" No worries. I will handle her." I said and she nodded.

" Lyssa, Lyssa, look at thi-" I heard Ed. He stopped as soon as he saw me. I narrowed my eyes at him as he hide his hand behind him.

" What are you hiding, Ed?" I asked him. He shook his head innocently. I glared at him but as usual it didn't work on him.

" Just tell me already. Otherwise Mom will kill all of us." I said.

" It's just.." he didn't complete his words but smirked at Lyssa who raised one of her eyebrows.

" What?" She asked.

" It's a gift for you, big sister." Ed said and Lyssa stood up on the couch. She stood behind me.

" Thanks kiddo but I don't need it. You can keep it." She said.

" Are you sure?" Ed asked and Lyssa nodded.

" Yes, kiddo. Keep it. I don't want it." She said clutching on my shirt from back. " Bro, tell this little devil to not to pull a prank on me." Lyssa whined.

" Ed, you are a good boy, right?" I asked him. He shook his head. " You promised me that you won't prank again." I said.

" That's for school, bro. Not at home at." He said.

" Ed!!" I warned him.

" I thought you like chocolate, Lyssa." He said and picked out a box of chocolates from back.

" I don't trust you." Lyssa said.

" Ok. If you don't want one." He said and picked out a chocolate from the box. " But I love chocolate." Ed said.

" Bro, tell this kiddo to keep that box away from me." She said to me.

" Ed, is there really something in the box?" I asked him and he shook his head.

" There is nothing, Bro. I just scare Lyssa a bit." He laughed clutching his stomach. I sighed.

" What?! You little kiddo!! Wait right there." Lyssa said as she ran after Ed.

" Careful!!! Both of you." I shouted from back. " Don't hurt yourselves."

I sighed. It's hard to handle these two and Mom's anger. And Ed loves to make Mom angry with those pranks but the thing is she can't stay angry with him for long. Cause whenever she is angry he pulls a trick on her. He takes a paper and writes 'Free hugs' on it. Then attach it on his chest and keeps following mom everywhere she goes with his arms wide open. No one can resist that little devil for long. So this is how he casts his spell on her all the time. He knows how to melt everyone. But no matter what happens Mom always ground all of us three together if Ed pranks. It sounds little weird but she does it everytime. I walked towards the kitchen. I found mom preparing lunch for us.

" Can I help you?" I asked her. She turned to me and sighed.

" Where were you all the day?" She asked me.

" I had some important work to do." I said.

" Who is the girl?" She asked and I got shock.

" Who told you?" I asked her.

" I have my eyes all over Milan. If you forget that I am your mom, kid." She said wiping her hands with a towel.

" I know, Mom." I said. She never let us go out of her radar not even me.

" So who was she?" Mom asked me.

" Mom, she is Crystal. Crystal Kingsley." I said. No use of hiding from her. She will eventually come to know and it's better that she knows it from me.

" I know. I was just asking what were you doing with her?" She asked.

" Mom, you remember yesterday Elyssa and I came back home late?" I asked her.

" Yes." She said.

" Mom, actually what happened was, Elyssa wanted her favorite ice cream and it wasn't available around and they told us to go and get it from the other place of their which is just outskirt of Milan. So when we reach there we found some people were chasing a girl. And you always say that we should help people no matter what happens. So I just helped her. And that girl is Crystal." I said.

" did a good thing, Eugene. I am very proud of you. I didn't raise you as a coward person. Just remember that." She said.

" I know Mom. I will never back away in these kind of situation." I said. She smiled and I can do anything for her smile. No matter what Mom comes first.

" What were you doing with her today?" She asked me.

" I met her at Ed's school and she asked me to go out with her for a coffee. So I just went with her. That's it." I said.

" Why did you go to Ed's school in the first place? Did he do something again?" Mom asked me narrowing her eyes at me. I gulped.

" Nothing, Mom. I just went to see if he is doing good at school." I lied. Otherwise Ed will get a good scolding from her.

" It better be truth. If not then you can understand what you guys are going to face." She warned me.

" Don't worry, Mom. Ed is just a kid. He will soon understand what is right and what is wrong. We just need to handle him with more love and care. He is too little to understand things. I will talk to him. Okay?" I asked her.

" I know what you will talk to him. You keep supporting him this why he is a spoilt kid now. And he is almost 10 now, boy. He is no more little Ed." She said.

" Exactly Mom. He is only 9. He is a little boy. Isn't he?" I asked.

" I still remember when you were 9 you never troubled me that much. But for this little boy I can't take a breath of relief. He is always pranking around. You and your dad never try to stop him. This is so frustrating sometimes." She said.

" Mom, calm down." I said and made her sit on the kitchen table. "Relax. Everything is ok. Kids are a bit troublemaker. It's not abnormal. But as for me. May be I was different. But exception is not an example." I said. " You ask Stella. She will also tell you that Harry and Hazel's act frustrates her. But this is their childhood. If we stop them to do whatever they want then they will miss being theirselves and their childhood will be dull. We shouldn't be strict with Ed. He is just a bit jolly kid." I said.

" But-" she was saying.

" Trust me, Mom." I said. She sighed.

" Ok, as you say. After all you love them more than anything else. So you won't take a wrong decision about them." She said and I smiled.

" I will handle it. You go take rest." I said pointing at the lunch.

" It's ok. You go get freshen up. I am almost done." She said patting my shoulder. I nodded.

I went upstairs and found Lyssa and Ed giggling over something. I chuckled. Kids!!! I went to my room and took a shower. I changed into something comfortable and suddenly I remembered about Crystal. I chuckled.

" You are definitely a one crazy girl." I addressed her in my mind and picked up my phone. I called Rodriguez one of the securities.

" Mr. Roberts." He said.

" Rodriguez, I want you to keep an eye on someone for me and keep updating me." I said.

" Sure, sir." He said. " Who is it?"

" Her name is Crystal Kingsley. I will send you details later." I said.

It's better to keep her under supervision.

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