No More Waiting

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Crystal's POV

" Where are you going?" My aunty asked me.

" I am going on a mission." I said to her.

" Which mission?" She asked.

" Mission make Dad happy." I said.

" Really?" She asked me.

" Yes. Really." I said.

" Best of luck then." She said giving me a thumbs up. I chuckled.

" What do you think I should do today?" I asked her.

" You should do whatever you want to do. Just don't ignite him again." She said to me.

" No, I won't. I will try my best to make him happy. I won't let myself do something stupid today." I said.

" Ok, then." She said and I sat beside her.

" Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

" Sure. What's with asking for permission?" She said smilingly.

" Aunty, umm... Did my mom really.." I don't know how to complete the sentence.

" Did your mom what?" She asked confusedly.

" Did my mom really had any mental issues?" I asked her. She looked at me for a moment then sighed.

" Her medical report was clean. But she was acting like that. We thought that she has been drugged but her report didn't show any of them. Later she accepted that she has mental issues and left home." She said and sighed. " But trust me it broke my heart seeing her tears when she left home, left you and your dad. It's you for whom she still wanted to fight with the situation but the day she tried to hurt you she thought she has lost this war and decided to leave." She said and I wiped my tears. "Just don't ever let her down, Crystal. Not everyone are lucky to have a mother like you have. She sacrificed a lot for you. She left everything just to keep you happy. The most helpless moment for a mother is then when she has to leave her child having no other option. She decided to take that heart break just for you." She said and I nodded.

" I will never ever let her down. No never ever." I said.

" That's like my girl." She kissed on my forehead. I smiled. " Go then your dad must be in the office."

" Going. Bye. See you in the evening." I said and came out of the mansion. I got in the car.

" To Kingsley office, Jonathan." I said to him.

" Yes, ma'am." He said and started to drive.

I kept watching the city outside. Soon the car stopped and I got down thanking the chauffeur. I walked inside the office and as always the staffs greeted me smilingly. I talked to them. They always treats me like someone very special. I also treat them kindly. I think they love me despite of my weird talkative behavior. I went to the floor where my dad's office was. I knocked on his cabin's door.

" Ma'am." I heard the receptionist saying.

" Yes?" I turned.

" Ma'am, there is a meeting. Your dad is in the conference room." She said.

" Where is the conference room?" I asked her.

" Ma'am, the meeting is very important." She said.

" I am the most important thing in my dad's life. Do you have any doubt on that?" I asked her smilingly.

" No. I don't." She smiled back.

" But as you said that the meeting is very important so I will wait." I said and sat down there. " What's your name?" I asked her.

" Richie Brooke." She said.

" Nice to meet you Richie." I said.

" Nice to meet you, Ma'am." She said.

" How do you know me? I haven't seen you here before. Here was a girl name Savannah Whitemoore. Where is she?" I asked her.

" Ma'am, Savannah has left for her country. She was doing a part-time job here to carry on her studies and the expenses." She said. " And ma'am, I got an order if two persons come here then I should let them meet Mr. Kingsley at once without any delay. One is you." She said.

" And the other one?" I asked.

" Mrs. Kingsley." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" My mom?" I asked her.

" Yes, ma'am." She said.

" Who told you that?" I asked her.

" It's an order from your dad." She said. I nodded.

" Then why did you stop me from going to meet him now?" I asked her.

" Ma'am, I haven't stopped you. It's you who has stopped because the meeting is important. I didn't tell you to stop." She said smilingly. I chuckled. Clever girl. But very responsible staff.

" Right. I will not hold you at fault. But can I ask you something?" I asked her.

" Sure, ma'am." She said.

" Did you saw any woman came here to meet my dad named Rebecca?" I asked her.

" No, ma'am." She said.

" Good." I said. How come she didn't come?! " No other woman came to meet Dad these days?" I asked her.

" Ma'am, your mom came yesterday. She was very angry with your dad and then I don't know what happened. She left after an hour. She was still angry." She said.

What!!?? My mom was here in Milan!!! Why did I not know that?! Why didn't she tell me about that?

" Are you sure she was my mom?" I asked her.

" Yes, ma'am. I can't forget them who are the most important persons to my boss." She said.

" Oh, ok. Thanks for the information. My mom hasn't tell me that she was in Milan." I said.

" May be she wants to give you a surprise." She said and I nodded.

" May be." I said. " You saw my mom, right?" I asked her.

" Yes, ma'am. I saw her yesterday." She said.

" Isn't she beautiful?" I asked her and she smiled.

" She is very very beautiful. I didn't think she is still that beautiful. I didn't thought she still looks that young. She is more beautiful than her picture. When some other staffs was talking about her when they were telling me about the rules I didn't believe that. But she is really a mesmerizing beauty. You resemble her a lot." She said and I chuckled.

" Aren't my parents a power couple?" I asked her.

" Surely they are." She said.

" They are perfect in every angle." I said.

" I totally agree with you." She said.

I smiled. Time to start the game. No more waiting.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now