Reward For Good Deeds

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Eugene's POV

" You really kidnapped her son?" Tris asked me. I chuckled.

" I might have learned a lot of tricks from my dad. Defeating people silently without them knowing." I said to him.

" Theo is the coolest dad ever." He said.

" Do you have any doubt on that?" I asked him.

" No, not an ounce." He said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, I must say she was very scared. But what if she says this to her partners?" He asked.

" Tris, go tell this whole incident to Flynn and he will explain exactly what happened in this." I said to him.

" Why bother Bro for this? Why can't you explain this to me?" He asked me.

" Because you are so stupid." I said. He narrowed his eyes at me.

" No way!!!" He said and I smirked.

" Yes way." I chuckled.

" Did you just tricked her?" He asked me.

" Not just trick. I just double tricked her." I said and chuckled.

" You are an evil." He said.

" I know that." I said to him.

" Are you sure she is going to call her partners?" He asked me.

" I am not sure but I think she will ask for help from them." I said to him.

" Why didn't Mr. Kingsley find it out yet?" He asked me.

" Did you see Crystal?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

" What's with that?" He asked.

" Did you ever seen such an innocent and kind girl like her?" I asked him.

" She is rear. She can't even be compare with Nate. They both are innocent but Crystal is so...umm .. dumb." He said and I sighed.

No matter what I love that dumb girl.

" She is a combination of her parents. When her parents were young they used to roam around like this around Milan together and used to help people. This has genetically transferred into their daughter. If anyone ever asks for help from them they never comes back without getting it. If you have checked it then you would have known that they donate the highest amount in Italy various charity, hospitals and educational institutions every year. You can say they are way too kind and generous people. And having a kind heart is the most terrific thing in this whole world. People will easily hurt and deceive you if you don't hurt them back. Human's instinct is he thinks people around him is just like himself. So, a good people will think people around him is just like him. So, they won't check twice. This is why they can't see people around them are trying to hurt them." I said.

" Kinda weird. Being too good is also a curse." Tris said.

" This what I used to tell you from ages. Don't always be too good." I said to him.

" When did you find me being sooooooooo good by the way?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes. " Ok, alright. I will try not to be good from now onwards." He said and I chuckled.

Sometimes I feel like Tris hasn't grown up at all. He is still baby Tris of Stella. Weirdly true.

" Good." I said to him.

We entered Roberts house. I saw Rodriguez waiting for me. As I saw him I gestured him to come to the garden so that we can talk properly.

" What happened?" I asked him.

" Bad news." He said.

" Carry on." I said.

" The other two doctors on the documents is dead." He said and I looked at him weirdly.

" Dead?!!" I asked.

" Yes. They died in the same day the same way. But their house is not in the same place. Weirdest thing is they died the same time. How can it be possible?" He asked me.

" How were they died?" I asked.

" It says they had committed suicide. They were drunk and drowned themselves in the pool. There were high amount of alcohol present in their body which is clearly written in their postmortem report." He said and I nodded.

" Keep an-" I was saying but I was stopped by Lyssa.

" Brooooooo!!!" I heard her voice from the balcony.

" Lilliput? What are you going there?" I asked her.

" Hey!!!" She said. " I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle." She said.

" What happened now?" I asked her.

" Nothing happened actually I wanted to show you something. Come upstairs." She said to me.

" I am coming. You go." I said to her and sighed.

" Ok, Bro. Come fast." She said and left the balcony.

" Weird girl." I sighed deeply.

" You can't blame her. You have spoiled her rotten. Not only her but also Ed." Rodriguez said.

What can I say he was right. I can't blame them for being like this. It's me who has spoiled them rotten. I can't blame anyone else for that. But however they are, they are just my strength. I am strong because I have those little kids to take care of.

" What was I saying?" I asked him.

" You were saying to keep my eyes on someone." He said.

" I was telling you to keep your eyes on Dr. Fernandez, keep checking on where she is going, whom she is meeting and keep me updated with every single thing. Send a team after her son. We may need a little help from him." I said to him and he smirked.

" He is a good kid. Don't worry." He smirked and I shook my head.

" Alright. You can go now." I said to him.

" Don't roam around skipping meals. Go have lunch." He said while leaving. I chuckled.

I walked upstairs. I get freshen up and went to Elyssa's room. I knocked on the door.

" Come in, Bro." She said and I went inside.

" What did you wanted to show me?" I asked her. She took out her phone and showed me something. I found a beautiful portrait of her.

" Wow!!! Who has drawn this? It's so beautiful." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Bro, I don't know who has drawn this. I want to find out this artist." She said.

" You mean someone just have drawn you without seeing you?" I asked her.

" I don't know. One of my friends went to Rome to attend an exhibition. She send me this. No one knows who has drawn this." She said.

" It hasn't drawn by itself. Someone must have drawn it." I said. And that person is very skillful.

" Bro. You have to find it out." She said.

" I will find it out. No worries." I said.

" You are the best bro ever. Good always gives rewards for good deeds. He will bless you with all." She said hugging me.

But that little words stuck on my mind, rewards for good deeds. So true.

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