God Knows Better

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Eugene's POV

" What's wrong with this face?" Mom asked me.

" I am so tired. I just want to sleep, Mom." I said.

" Not before you have dinner." She said and I sighed.

" I am so tired, Mom. I will get up early in the morning and will have a proper meal." I said.

" Nope. Sit here." She said and made me sit on the kitchen table. I sighed.

She went to the kitchen counter and I kept my head on the table closing my eyes. I had a tiring day. I just wanted to sleep but I won't disobey mom's order. No matter what happens.

" Here." I saw Mom serving me the dinner.

" Mom, let's have dinner with all." I said.

" Open your mouth." She gestured me to open my mouth. "Come on, big boy." She patted my head.

I opened my mouth and see started to feed me. I still feel like the little Eugene when it comes about my mom. Because she always treats me like I am still 5 years old. I love the way she takes care of all of us in the family. She kept feeding me. I kept having dinner silently.

" See? It wasn't hard. Don't skip meal, big boy." She said and I nodded. She just patted my head.

" Mom?" I called her.

" Yes, Sweetheart." She answered without looking at me. She was making a coffee for herself.

" There is a girl." I said but I don't know why I decided tell this to her.

" A girl?" She asked.

" Yes, Mom." I nodded.

" What's with her?" She asked.

" Nothing with her. She is my friend. She is very awkwardly weird but it doesn't made me feel awkward." I said.

" Oh, is her name Crystal Kingsley?" She asked and my eyes open wide at once.

" Ho..how do you know, Mom?" I asked her totally shocked. She poured the coffee on the cup and turned to me. She chuckled.

" I am your mom, big boy. What do you think?" She asked me and I sighed. " Your dad told me a few times back. At last my son was taking interest in some girl. That made me really happy." She said.

" Dad knows?!" I asked her.

" He has told me only. If not him still I would have come to know soon. You can't go out of my radar, big boy. You don't even have any idea what your mom is capable of doing." She said.

Yes, I agree. Mom is full of surprises. She is fearless. Even if someone point a gun at her she will not even tremble a bit. Nothing can scare her. She has taught me the basic knowledge of self-defense and she is taekwondo grandmaster. People who know her already will never ever try to mess up with her. Otherwise if you find them in the hospital with numerous broken bones the next day you shouldn't be surprised. She is like a rainbow. She can be a loving mom and if it's needed she be a sniper herself.

" I know, Mom. I know what you are capable of doing." I said to her.

" So what's with her?" She asked me.

" I don't know, Mom. She makes me feel weird." I said.

" Feel like what?" She asked taking a sip from her coffee.

" Like...umm... I...I don't know. It's weird and confusing." I said.

" Good kind of weird or bad kind of weird?" She asked me.

" She is so innocent, Mom. Bad word doesn't match her." I said.

" That's better." She said.

" But there are something similar in you and her." I said.

" Really?" She asked.

" Yes." I said.

" And that is?" Mom asked me.

" You both are fearless. I mean she is not that savage but she tries to show people that she is savage. She just acts fearless like nothing can scare her." I said.

" You know what, Eugene?" Mom said and I looked at her. " You have never wasted that much words for any girl. Don't you think she is special?" She asked.

" I don't know. May be she is." I said.

" Don't say ay be, big boy. Be confident about your feelings and then go tell her. Don't be late otherwise it will keep bothering you for rest of your life if you lose her for this mistake." Mom said and I nodded.

" I just need a little more time to be sure about that." I said.

" I hope you won't take eternity to make up your mind." She said. I shook my head chuckling.

" She is talkative as hell. Will you be able to tolerate her?" I asked Mom. She sighed.

" Do you remember when there were only Theo, you and me in our family? Our house was like no one lives here because your dad and you don't talk without any reason. It was so irritating. Since Elyssa and Edmund was born this house has become home with a comfortable aura. How can someone live in a house that's so silent!! There should be chirpings of kids. If she talks much then it won't be a problem. I love people who expresses their feelings while talking." She said.

" You are also lecturing like her." I said. She chuckled.

" I also love talking but the problem is there is no one to talk that much. So, if she talks much then it won't be a problem to handle her. I would be good listener then. What do you say?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" May be it will work." I said.

" So, did you think about it already?" She asked me.

" No, not at all." I said. " When did I think?! I said a bit time that I need. Let me think."

" Oh, ok then go. Sleep. You are tired." She said. " Good night." She said kissing on my forehead. I smiled back.

" Good night, Mom. Love you." I said giving her a brief hug.

" Love you too, big boy." She said and I chuckled. I walked towards upstairs and reached my room.

I was thinking about what Mom said. I know she won't be waiting for me for long. There are people who will try to reach her as well. What should I do?! Should I tell her about this or not?! Will she think like I want to play with her if I tell her that?! I don't know. Only God knows it. He knows is better.

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