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Eugene's POV

" So this is how my birthday plan got spoiled. I reached early so that they could not surprise me. Thea and Torry was so angry with me for spoiling their plans. But still it was fun. My aunt made some delicious cupcakes for me. I ate them all. No sharing. I can't share my cupcakes. What about you? Do you like cupcakes? If you do then I will tell aunty to make you some. She has an amazing recipe. I bet you will fall in love with them. What do you say, huh?" She asked me.

" How can someone fall in love you cupcakes?" I asked her.

" How can someone fall in love with black coffee?" She asked me and I sighed deeply.

" I didn't fall in love with black coffee. I just like this." I said.

" And I hate it. How can you have that bitter one? Don't you need a bit of sweetness in your life? How can you live like that." She asked me shaking her head.

" What can I say!!? I am not as great as you." I said.

" Yes, you are not as great as C. It's legend of C. You can't be that one because you are not a legend but C is one. Follow her you might someday be one. But possibility is very less. Because C was born as a legend but you were not. You are just Eugene Roberts not a big deal...." She kept talking and talking. I didn't stop her.

I don't know why even after her literally weird words again and again I didn't get pissed and why was I listening to her clumsy words is a mystery to me as well. Cause I don't like people who talk much at all but her I don't have any idea why was I tolerating her. But God knows where does she gets that much energy to talk non-stop like this.

" Hmm.." I replied without hearing what she was talking about.

" What hmm? I asked what is your favorite color? Is there any color called hmm? I wonder if you have lost your mind." She said.

" Don't your jaws hurt?" I asked her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

" Why?" She asked me.

" I mean you don't let them take rest. They must hurt time to time." I said.

" Hey!!! I let them take rest." She protested.

" Oh, really?" I asked.

" Yes. 100%." She said. " C never lies. So don't even dare to doubt on her. Got it?" She asked me. I shook my head. " By the way, I let them take rest when I sleep." She said.

" I bet you have sleep talking problem as well. You can't be silent for a moment." I said.

" It's totally my problem. Why are you concerned about it? Screw it. Tell me what is your favorite color and when is your birthday?" She asked.

" Why are you interested in me anyways?" I asked her.

" As we are friends now I might know your birthday and your favorite things. So that when it is your birthday I can choose a perfect gift for you. You know what happened last year? I got into a terrible problem. Guess what?" She asked me. I sighed deeply.

" I don't know. What's it?" I asked her.

" Ok, let me tell you. It was my friend's and teacher's birthday at the same day. So, I bought gifts for them. I bought my friend a very exotic and revealing dress that she wanted to buy and some books for my teacher. I send them both but unfortunately I forgot to recheck. And those gifts reached the wrong addresses. So my friend got that books and that wild exotic dress reached my teacher. After that there was a big drama. You can imagine what happened to me after that. I don't even want to remember. They almost kicked me out of the college. My dad had to do something about it and then they agreed to keep me. Otherwise they wouldn't keep me till now. No one understood my words that it was somehow exchanged. Do I look that crazy to send my teacher an exotic dress?! You tell me, do I look like a psycho?" She asked me. She can be a bit crazy but not exactly psycho.

" No, you don't." I said.

" Yeah, but I once imagined my teacher on that exotic dress." She said and I chocked.

" What?!" I asked.

" Ahahaha... hahaha...yes... hahaha... Trust me she wouldn't fit in that dress." She said.

" Oh, alright." I said.

" Ok, screw it. Tell me what is your favorite color?" She asked again. " Don't tell me it's black or grey." She said. " It can be white or even orange but not black or grey. Please." She said.

" Blue." I said and she rolled her eyes. 

" Then why do you always wear black? Yesterday you were wearing black. Today you are wearing black as well." She said.

" Then what should I wear? Red?" I asked her.

" Good idea. You can wear red. It's not that bad either. I know you will say it's a girly color. But there is no color specially made for girls or boys. You can wear even pink. No one is going to stop you." She said.

" I am good." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" How can you always wear the same color? You are so boring.  Doesn't your mom tell you to change your choice of color? You know that you are boring, right?" She asked me.

" Then why are you sitting here with me?" I asked her.

" Because C wants to make your colorless life a bit colorful. After all C is so generous. She helps everyone in any kind of situation if she is able to help them." She said.

" Oh, great. So what do you want to do?" I asked her.

" First of all I am going to find you a girlfriend. She can give you some beautiful feelings and add some color in your dull life." She said. I sighed.

" I am fine with myself. I don't want anyone else." I said.

" Absolutely not. You are not ok with yourself. You need someone for yourself. After all you can't be alone all the life. So leave it on C. C knows who can be the perfect girl for you. Don't worry C thinks she knows who can be your girlfriend." She said and I sighed deeply.

" No need. Thank you." I said.

" Why not?" She asked.

" Because I don't want to have a girlfriend." I said.

" You are no fun." She said.

" I know." I said and sighed deeply.

Crazy girl!!!!

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