Evil Tricks

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Crystal's POV

" What are we going to do?" Thea asked me.

" Follow me, comrade. We have a better plan for this witch. We have to make it work. Inform comrade Torren to join us. We are on the way to get this job done. No bi*ch is allowed at Kingsley house. We have to kick her out by any means." I said.

" Remember she is Uncle's friend." Thea said.

" And I am his daughter. How does that sound, Comrade?" I asked her.

" Ok, Cap C, as you say. But we have to be careful with this. Because that lady is a one cunning lady." She said.

" No matter how cunning she is, she can't win over C. Because east or west C is the best." I said and she nodded.

" You need to be careful, Cap C. Do we really need to do it? She will go back after Christmas anyways. Can't we just wait for that?" She asked me.

I know why she was saying that because she wants me to be safe. She loves me a lot and she doesn't want me to get hurt. I just love her too. But the fact is I won't be able to visit Mom if she stays here until New year. Because then I will keep thinking bad things. Besides she is so cunning. She can influence Dad which I am not going to let happen ever. I will do everything I can to kick her out of our lives.

And soon I will bring my mom back here at our home. Then we will live as a happy family. Soon. Very soon. Then my parents will also be living happily which they are not doing now. I can see both of them hate each other without any reason. They just need to find out an issue to take out their frustration on each other. They need each other's existence just to take out their anger and frustrations. They need me to be the medium. They will not be able to take that if the other is not exists anymore. I don't know if they hate each other so much then why don't they want me to hate the other!!? It's still a mystery to me. But one thing is clear either for love or for hatred they have to live together. And there is nothing which can change it.

Dad says I am crazy like mom may be it's true that I got all my craziness from her but that doesn't mean I didn't get anything from him. I got that stubbornness from him on which mom keeps complaining. I know they are hiding actually what happened between them from me because they are afraid that if I come to know that then I will start to hate them. But the fact is I love them way too much to hate them. I can't do that even if I try to. Besides they won't let me hate them. Cause no matter what my parents they one can't hear anything against the other even if it's me who saying things. Very awkwardly truth.

" Don't worry, little chick. This is a do or die mission. Either we will make it happen or we will not talk about it again. I don't want to lose. This time I will win. No matter what. Let's just wish that we can accomplish this mission properly." I said.

" We will be able to find out a way. No worries." She said to me.

" I too want to do it soon. Because the more time passing the more it is eating my brain and I can't concentrate on my works. I just don't kn-" I was saying but I heard my dad.

" Where have you gone?" He asked.

" Who?! Me?" I asked him. " Are you talking to me? Oh, I am visible to you? I thought you can't see me. I think there is something wrong with your eyesight, Dad. No worries. We can have a appointment with Dr. Clemson. She can help you a lot. What do you say?! She will fix your eyesight and you can get back your eyesight then and I will be vanished then. So, tell me are you free 2 weeks later? We can fix your appointment then." I said. He looked at me coldly. "Sorry, Dad but you don't scare me. I am not at all afraid of that look. You can give that look to your staffs but not me. I actually am not afraid of anything. I spend a whole night in the morgue. After that I understand I don't have any feeling which is called fear. Because dead bodies can't harm people but the people who are alive can." I said and his expression changed at once. He looked at me with a shocked plus angry expression.

" Why were you in the morgue?! Are you stupid? What the hell were you doing in the morgue?" He asked me.

" Learning how to do postmortem." I said rolling my eyes.

" Why do you need to learn how to do postmortem?" He asked me.

" Because I am a doctor. I have to at least have a knowledge." I said.

" You were alone there?" He asked me.

" It was lab work." I said. Why the hell does he care suddenly?! I thought he doesn't even care if I am dead.

" At night?" He asked.

" No. I missed the class so my professor asked me to cover it by myself." I said.

" Which professor?" He asked me.

" I am not bound to answer this question." I said.

" If they are trying to make you work hard for this then why do I keep donating that huge amount to them every year?" He asked me.

" I don't know, Dad. You shouldn't do that. This how you are you are insulting me. I want to get my degree with my own ability not with your money. You have to understand that." I said to him.

" Wow!!! What a manner to talk to your father!!! I really appreciate that." I heard the witch and my blood boiled in the highest pint of it.

" He is my dad. I repeat my own dad. I don't want an outsider talking in between us. Don't even try to interrupt." I gritted. " This is our personal issue. You are not family." I said angrily and walked out of there.

Now you have to see the hell because you have ignited the volcano to erupt. I am going to kick her ugly face and throw her out of our house by tomorrow. Even if I need to apply the evil tricks.

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