I Don't Know

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Crystal's POV

" I think I will go through with my plan that I was working on." I said.

" Yeah, carry on." He said. " Now tell me what are you doing here?" He asked me. I sighed.

" I came to meet Mrs. Clarkson who told me the truth." I said.

" What are your cousins?" He asked me.

" I send them home back. I wanted to be alone. They didn't want to go though but I insisted them to leave. It's better to be alone when I am so confused. I don't know how to deal with it otherwise." I said to him and suddenly something came into my mind.

" How do you know that they were with me? Are you stalking me?" I asked him and he sighed.

" What do you think?" He asked me.

" Then what are you doing here? I don't think you have to do anything here." I said to him.

" I have a very important thing to do here. Leave it. Let's go. Let's take you home." He said making me stand up with him.

" Mine or yours?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Do you want to go my home with me?" He asked me and I face palmed myself.

" No, I don't want to go anywhere as of now." I said sitting down again. " You go home."

" Whose? Mine or yours?" He joked. He has guts to do that. I glared at him.

" Definitely yours. Go. Don't keep irritating me." I said.

" This is not a safe place for you to be alone." He said.

" Then you too stay here with me but keep quiet." I said.

" How can you keep quiet for long?" He asked me.

" Is that important?" I asked him.

" Of course it is. It's a miracle that you are quiet. Is the sun shining?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

" Stop with that Eugene Roberts. Don't flutter yourself." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.

" Why are you not playing along?" He asked me.

" Because my mood is off." I said like a grumpy kid.

" What do you keep saying all the time? East or West C is the best, right?" He asked and I chuckled.

" Yes, east or west C is the best." I said.

" And C is upset today?" He asked me.

" Yes, very very much." I said. "Because she has misjudged her parents all the years." I said. .

" So, she realized that she was wrong?" He asked me.

" Yes, she does." I said.

" So, she wants to repent?" He asked me.

" Yes, so badly." I said.

" Does she know what she should do now?" He asked me.

" No. What should she do?" I asked.

" She should try harder to bring her parents together again." He said.

" She will do that." I said.

" And she shouldn't sit here sadly. She should do something which makes her happy now. Cause if she is not happy herself she can't make her parents happy as well." He said and I chuckled.

" What should she do?" I asked him.

" Anything that makes her happy." He said.

" I used to dance once upon a time." I chuckled. " That used to make me happy but I left it long back. Other than that talking to the kids in the hospital brings peace for me as well. They are so innocent. The way they things about life we can't ever think. This why their world is so colorful and our world is so dull. I envy those kids. How easily they accept everything we may not be able to do that ever. But they can. Because they don't have any idea what the real world is. If they knew they would have never talked like this. May be this is what is true for them. I wish the world was as simple as they think it is!!!" I said.

" Hmm.. let's go then. Let's meet the kids in the hospital." He said.

" I don't know if it's a good thing to do." I said.

" It's a good thing to do. If not then you can go back home." He said. I chuckled.

" So your plan is to take me home somehow?" I said.

" Yes, Take you your home not mine." He joked again. I punched him on his arm. He chuckled. I glared at him.

" Why is Mr. Cool so jolly today?" I asked him.

" Cause, Cap C is not jolly today. Mr. Cool is trying to make Cap C smile which is missing and it is bothering him a lot." He said and I looked at him weirdly.

" Really? It is?" I asked him.

" Definitely, it is. What did you think?" He asked me back.

" I didn't know my stupid smile can work on someone like you like that." I said and he shook his head.

" You are not stupid. And a smile is an international language of kindness. You have a very beautiful smile because you are very kind and generous." He said and I looked at him with widened eyes.

" You think so?" I asked him weirdly.

" Of course." He smiled.

God!!! He smiled. His smile!!! Can I feel my heart!!! Oh, it's melting.

Stop melting you stupid organ. I scolded my heart but it wasn't listening to me.

I thought he is just irritated with my stupidity but couldn't ever say that. But he actually wasn't. It's great then. At least he wasn't irritated.

" You are not irritated by my activities? Strange!!" I said.

" I was irritated this morning. Why are you here in a isolated place? You have experienced something horrible before still you keep acting careless. This made me so angry with you. But then comes it's you who can never change. It's truth that you can stop acting weird. So, you need to be kept under supervision 24/7. This is the only way to keep you safe. Otherwise some day you will do something which will give me a big heart attack." He said and I laughed.

" I won't do anything stupid which will hurt you." I said to him. He shook his head.

" You will. No doubt on that." He said. " This why you need to be kept under supervision." He said.

" I am not a kid." I said.

" Yes, you are." He said.

" No I am not." I said.

" You are. Let's go kids. Let's meet the other kids in the hospital so that you can play with them." He said and I glared at him.

" You ..." I tried to punch him but he moved a bit and I directly fall on him. I sighed as I am always this stupid to fall on him.

" You are always falling down here and there this is not a good thing you know?" He asked me.

" I know. Let's go." I said and stood up.

" Let's go kids let's meet your alley." He said smirkingly. I glared at him. I moved to reach him but he ran away.

" You are dead, Eugene Roberts. You are so dead." I said as I ran after him.

I don't know why does it feels different with him. I don't know.

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