Like Really?!!

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Crystal's POV

" It's morning. Wake up lazy odd." I heard Sophia.

" Go, die. Let me sleep." I said to her.

" Your parents are locked in a room. Don't you want to know what they are doing?" She asked me and I sat up at once.

I rubbed my eyes. My parents are the most important in my life. Nothing else matters as much as they do.

" Where are they?! Still locked?" I asked her.

" Torren went early in the morning and opened the door." She said.

" What actually happened with the door?" I asked her.

" We used our brilliant brain a bit." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" Now get up. Your mom is preparing breakfast. If you don't come then you will miss all of them. Don't be late." She said to me. I jumped out of bed and ran to the washroom.

" Don't you guys dare to finish all of it. She is my mom. I have the right on her the most." I said to her. 

" Then come fast." She said.

" I will be back soon." I said and went to have a shower. I got freshen up. I walked out of my room walking in my usual crazy mood dancing a bit.

" Crystal!!" I heard my dad and stopped at once on track. I turned and smiled at him. " Good morning, Dad." I said smilingly. He came to me and checked my temperature. " I said good morning." I said pouting hard. "You never answer me properly." I whined. He chuckled a bit ruffling my hair. " Urrrghh!!! Don't do that." I said covering my head.

" Good morning. How are you feeling now?" He asked me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

" I am feeling good can't you see I was dancing?!!" I said and he chuckled. " But I will not tell that to Mom." I said to him.

" Why not? She is tensed." He said.

" Because I don't want her to leave me any soon. I want her to stay with me for long. Besides, she didn't have any of those blind date that I have fixed for her. Will you tell her to go on blind dates that I have fixed for her?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" Don't force her to go on dates, Crystal. She is your mom. If she doesn't want to go on dates then may be she is uncomfortable with this." He said.

" Don't worry, Dad. I will find you a new Mom." I said to him.

" You don't need another Mom. You have your own mom. Neither I need anyone else nor she does." He said. I laughed like an evil inside.

" You both do need someone to hold you guys back." I said.

" We don't. Just take care of yourself. Don't stress out yourself." He said.

" Dad, you don't understand -" I was saying but another voice cut me in between.

" You got well I see." I turned to see Rebecca standing in the living room.

" Who invited Lucifer at home?!" I said without caring what Dad will say.

" I heard you are sick?" She said.

" As you can see I am not then you can leave. There is the exit." I said to her.

" Have breakfast with us, Rebecca." Dad said and I rolled my eyes at him.

" Sure." She said coming towards Dad.

" Dining hall is that way. Dad is helping me to go there. You can go by yourself." I said to her. She looked at me for awhile I glared at her. She left without uttering a single word. Die witch.

" What's your problem with her?" Dad asked me.

" She tries to seduce you and I don't like that." I said to her. He chuckled.

" But you said that I can even choose her as your new Mom." He said.

Urrrghh!!! Why is he tricking me?!! He shouldn't trick me. He just shouldn't.

" I took my words back. I don't want her to be my new mom." I said to him.

" But I changed my mind. I want to make her your new Mom. You know we know each other from long. It will help us to live our life happily ever after. Didn't you want that?" He asked looking at me.

" No, I didn't want that." I said.

" Then what do you want?" He asked me.

" I want you to live happily ever after with my mom like happy family." I said and got shocked myself. I looked at him in horror and he sighed.

" Your mom doesn't want that. It may be better for us to get separated now." He said and I shook my head.

No!!! My hard work. My dream. It can't go in vain like this. I can't let this happen. I have to stop this.

" You don't love her anymore?" I asked slowly.

" She made her heart as cold as Arctic ocean. I don't think she will ever open her heart for me. So, it's better to let her go and let her live her life like she wants to live with whoever she wants to." He said and I shook my head.

No, no,no,no, no. This can't be happened. I will kill Rebecca. That witch has destroyed my whole plan. If my parents gets separated from each other I will separate her from this world. I will make her feel what is hell. Mark my words.

We reached the breakfast table. I sat with my Mom. She was currently looking coldly at Rebecca. I hold her hand and smiled. My dad sat with Rebecca which irritated me as hell. Mom glared at Rebecca as she smirked at us. I will burn her face. Witch!!!

I finished breakfast and I was discussing this matter with my comrades when my mom reached my room with burning in rage.

" Who the hell let that bi*ch come inside?" She gritted.

" Who are you talking about, Mamma C?" Torren asked.

" That Rebecca bi*ch." Mom gritted.

" She will go back soon. Don't worry, Mom." I said.

" Do you have scissors?" She asked me.

" Why Mom?! Why do you need that?" I asked her.

" I will cut her hairs and make her a bald." She said. I chuckled inwardly.

" No, Mom. I can't give you a scissors for that. Calm down we can handle her." I said.

" Ok, I will manage scissors myself." She said and walked out of the room.

We were talking about the new plan but suddenly Thea came running.

" You know what Mamma C has done?!" She asked her.

" What?!" I asked her.

As she finished explaining things my eyes went wide. Like really?!!?

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