The Groom

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Crystal's POV

" What?! Are you crazy, Crystal?! What are you talking about? How can I get married?" She asked me.

" How can you get married?! Either you can have a proper marriage in a traditional way or you can just go to the marriage register office and get married. No worries. I am here to give you away to your groom." I said with a serious expression though I was dying laughing hard inside. She kept looking at me weirdly. I wriggle my eyebrows. " So, you agree with that, right? I start the preparation? Now I am very excited, Mom." I asked her. She gulped.

" Crystal, you must be joking, right?" She asked me.

" Joking?! Do I look like I am joking?" I asked her.

" No, you don't. But I can't get married." She said.

" Why not Mom?" I asked her innocently.

" What do you mean by why not?! I am already married, Crystal. How can I get married again?" She asked me. I shook my head.

" You and Dad are divorced, Mom. Now you are free. You can get married with whoever you want to." I said.

" But I don't want to get married, girl. Why can't you understand?" She asked me.

" Mom, I always be worried about you. We stay far far away and there is no one to take care of you. You stay here alone. I just want you to be happy. You should start a new life. Life is not ended for you. You should have someone who will love you and take care of you. So, I just want you to get married again so that you can live happily ever after. You don't deserve this kind of life where you are not happy." I said.

" I am happy, Crystal. I am very happy in my life. In fact I love to live like this alone. I enjoy myself and it's became a habit now." She said.

" You don't have to make it a habit, mom. I will soon find out a suitable groom for you. Then we can get you married. Mom, you can't live alone." I said.

" May be it's my destiny to live alone." She said. I shook my head.

" It's not your your destiny. I will not let you suffer, Mom. I will make you happy. You deserve a better life which I am going to get you." I said and she shook her head.

" Why are you so stubborn, Crystal?" She asked me.

" Because I am my dad's daughter. Stubborn like him." I said. She shook her head and cursed understand her breath.

" But Crystal, baby, listen to me. I don't want to get married. I am good with myself. Besides I have works to do. I don't have time to do such stupid things. I don't want anything come in between me and my work. Besides I have terrible experience with the word marriage. I don't want to be in the same situation again. So, let's drop this topic." She said.

" No, Mom. Let's not drop this topic. Let's discuss about it. When you get married with dad you were so young. You might haven't get any other option but to do that. You might be forced to marry him or you were not. That doesn't matter, Mom. Only thing matters is you were too young to understand things. So this might not work between you too. And as for dad he might've not treat you better. But I don't want to pick those issues, Mom. The only thing I want to say is I want you so you happy. My dad might failed to make you happy but that doesn't mean anyone else can't make you happy. Not everyone are like Dad. So don't let the hope go. You can be happy even happier." I said. She chuckled.

" You are right. No one can be like your dad. This why buried my hope to be happy ever again. Don't make it hard for me now. Just think about yourself. I want you to get married and be happy. You should make me grandma in 2 or 3 years. What do you think about it?" She asked me.

" Good idea, Mom. Definitely I will find out my Prince Charming once I get fix you with someone and Eugene with Sophia. Then I will make you grandma in a year." I said.

" Who is Eugene?" She asked me.

" He is my friend." I said.

" Friend? Why didn't I heard about him before?" She asked me.

" Mom, because I have met him 2 weeks back and it's a long story. Very weird type of story." I said.

" Start over. I am not in hurry." She said.

" I met him on my birthday. I was so upset that no one wished me. Not even you." I said.

" I use to be busy but this year I wanted to wish you first but Torren called me and told me not to do so that they want to surprise you. So I didn't wish you immediately." I said.

" I know, Mom. Torren told me. But what about the gift?" I asked her pouting like a little kid. She chuckled.

" I will take you somewhere tomorrow. You will see your birthday gift then. Though I wanted to keep it secret until we go there but it's still kind of surprise for you. I bet you will love the gift." She said and I smiled widely.

" What is that?" I asked.

" It's surprise but continue your story about that Eugene boy." She said. I blew off the hair strand was hanging over my face. Mom chuckled. She did the same. I rolled my eyes and she laughed again.

" Alright, so I was in a big trouble that day and he saved me. This how I know him. He is very nice person. He has two siblings one is drama queen and another is prankster. But he loves them a lot. It makes me so jealous that I don't have any siblings." I said.

" Hmm...sounds interesting. Is his sister more whiny than you?" She asked me.

" What?! I am not drama queen." I said and she gave me a pointed look.

" Ok, I am also a drama queen. But I am less than her." I said and she chuckled.

" Anything else about him?" She asked.

" Yes, you know what, mom?" I said.

" No, I don't know. You tell me." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" One thing is very interesting about him. His eyes those keeps changing their color with his expression." I said. Mom chuckled.

" His eyes got you?" She asked me smirking at me.

" He is my friend, mom." I said and she chuckled. " Alright, Mom. Forget about him. We are going to find out a groom for you soon. May be we can set some blind dates for you. I will let you know after I talk to my comrades." I said and she shook her head. I laughed hard inwardly but kept on my serious expression.

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