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Crystal's POV

" She left." Eugene said and I looked at him weirdly.

" Why would she do that?! Did you tell something inappropriate to her? Because otherwise she would never left without informing me." I said.

" She left because she didn't like me. Now sit down and have lunch." He said to me.

" Impossible. Why will she dislike you? There is nothing to dislike you, man. Why do you think like that?! Did she say that to you?" She asked.

" May be she has a boyfriend which you don't have any idea about." He said.

" She doesn't have any boyfriend. I know that. If she had then she would have told me." I said.

" Then she may like someone secretly which you don't know. It doesn't even matter. Sit down I said." He ordered and I sighed. I sat down on the chair.

My plan got spoiled. That shouldn't have happened. Sophia was a perfect match for Eugene. Now I have to find out someone else for him. I am sure I will be successful. But only after I settle my parents' matter. Eugene is not eager to have a girl in his life as of now. So, I can find a match for him later.

" What happened?" He asked me.

" I was thinking that Sophia was really a good match for you. But may be you were not destinated to be with her. But no worries Cap C will handle this. She will find out a way to get you a perfect match soon. No matter what she will not let you down. She will help you. Cause Cap C is kind, generous and has a big heart to help people. Specially her friends. So, you relax I will help you. Because east or west C is the best." I said and he sighed.

" Don't you have to complete your record book today?" He asked me.

" Yes, there are a lot of pending works. I don't know how will I complete them. God knows just how. I am totally messed. It's a torture. I will be buried under studies if God doesn't help me this time. Even I can fail. I haven't studied a word." I said to him.

" You won't fail. You will get a good grade. I believe that." He said.

" I have to study and get a good grade by my own or else the authority will still made me pass even if it's a wrong way to do so." I said. " And I don't want that. I want to pass with my own merit."

" Why will they do that?" He asked me.

" Because that college once belonged to Kingsley family. Later considering the contribution on education the government turned it into a public medical school. But still both of my parents keep donating big amount of money to the medical school and they don't want to disappoint my parents. Specially my dad. So, they will not let me fail even if I try to. It irritates me as hell. What can I do if they don't stop acting like this?! I just don't want to make them do this. I mean who does that?! Who? I am really irritated with my professors now." I said and he chuckled.

" May be not for that, may be your Professors loves you too much and trusts you that you can make it anyways based on your class performance. Be confident. They don't want to do that for your parents. They want to do it for you only." He said.

" I don't know. May be. Cause I help my teachers a lot in their work whenever they want me to help them." I said.

" Yes, this is why they want you to be the best." He said. " Because they know what you are capable of doing."

" But that doesn't mean that they will do something wrong for me." I said.

" Did they do it ever?" He asked me.

" No, but Professor Ronald said he will do it. I just hope I can pass so that he doesn't have to do it. I hate being a person whom they can pity." I said.

" Alright, they love you that's it." He said. I nodded and sighed.

I was having my lunch suddenly I remembered about the Clarkson couple. They are only hope of my life that they can help me in my mission to bring my parents together. May be I can find out a way to reach them. I need to find them out anyhow. They obviously know why my parents live separately if they are not divorced yet. Why do they act like that if they are not divorced. I had a lot of questions to be answered which where eating my brain like a curse. Neither I could forget them nor I could let them go. I am in trouble. A big trouble.

" Why aren't you having your meal? What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

" Oh, nothing. I am having my lunch. See?" I asked him.

" Not you were not eating. Have lunch properly." He said.

I nodded. I kept having my lunch. How can I find out Clarkson couple?! Should I ask my uncle or aunty? No. I shook my head. I can't tell them. If Dad comes to know then whole my plan will be destroyed. He will hate me more than he already does. I don't want that. I just want them to be together. I will make it come true. No matter what.

Should I ask Eugene? He has influence around. He may know. Who knows just may be.

" Eugene." I called him.

" Yes?" He looked at me putting down his fork and knife.

" Will you mind if I ask you something?" I asked.

" It depends." He said.

" On what?" I asked.

" On your question." He said.

" It's not at all a personal question. If it's a personal question then you can deny to answer it." I said.

" What's your question?" He asked me.

" Do you know any Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson around?" I asked them.

" There may be a lot of Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson around. How will I know about whom you are talking about?" He said.

" I mean they are close friend of my dad." I said. " I need to find them out for a special reason." I said.

" Then ask your Dad." He said.

" No, I can't otherwise my whole plan will get spoiled. I will find out themselves by my own." I said. I need to find out the clue to reach them at first. Then you can reach them easily.

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