Run Away

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Crystal's POV

" Wake up, Crisscross, wake up." I heard Thea. But I kept pressing the pillow on my ear.

" Go away, little chick." I said.

" Wake up. Look at yourself, look at you." She hold the mirror in front of me. " You are looking terrible. Who sleeps like this?" She asked me.

" I do. Don't disturb me." I said.

" Just wake up or else I will pour water on you." She said.

" You are welcome." I said.

" Crisscross!!" She pulled me and made me sit on the bed. I sighed deeply.

" Who is dying!!! What's wrong with you girl?! Has sun not risen already or some other country has declared war against Italy. Or there is a tornado warning." I asked rubbing my eyes.

" So funny!!" She said rolling her eyes.

" I know." I said. " But I don't know why are you calling me early in the morning like this. I was having dream of my prince charming. You have to disturb me now?! I almost kissed him, our lips was going to touch and you woke me up, girl." I said. She rolled her eyes.

" Where do you get such weird dreams?" She asked me.

" Hey!!! Every girl dreams about her Prince Charming. It's not only me. I am also a girl. If I dream about my Prince Charming then it shouldn't be abnormal. I also deserve my Prince Charming. Don't I?" I asked her.

" You are dreaming about him from long. Have you seen her face already?" She asked me and I twisted my lips.

" I almost got to see his face but you have to interrupt me. Why do you always have a wrong timing, girl? You everytime spoil my dreams. I bet you will reach there in my wedding night to interrupt me." I said to her and she rolled her eyes .

" I at least have a bit common sense, Crisscross." She said.

" You do?! But why do I find it so hard to believe?! You always interrupt me when I am doing something very important. Why do you have to do it?! I am frustrated with you, little chick. Totally frustrated." I said.

" Well, we are frustrated with you as well. Your dad is at home. Do you have any idea?" She asked me and I was shocked. He came back?!!

" Really?! When had he come back?! Why did no one inform me?! Uhhh... Leave it. I don't care if he is at home or not. Why should I care?! It's same if someone inform me about his arrival or not. It won't change anything. So, it doesn't change anything actually." I said.

" But he want to see you in the breakfast table. You better hurry up." She said to me.

" Why does he want to see me suddenly? Has he gone out of his mind that he wants to see me? Funny. What if I don't appear in front of him?! Who does that?! He was literally absent on my birthday. Now that he has come back and this why I have to show up at once? Like really?! I don't agree to do that. Go tell him. C refused to show up." I said. She shook her head.

" It's an order. You better not disobey." She said.

" Tell him that I have an early class today and I have already left for classes. You know how much I hate to face him. Did you see him kind to me ever?! I am sure he has called me to scold me. I don't want to talk to him. My mood is already not ok. I don't want to make it worse." I said in one breath. C knows that she talks too much. It is her habit. So you can't complain.

" But I think you should see him. Because you have to face him now or later. It's better if you face him now. He is in a good mood." She said.

" How do you know?" I asked her. " You can't predict. He hates me to the guts. He has problem with everything that I do. I think he has even problem if I breath. I shouldn't breath because I do it in a improper way. He has problem with everything that I do. Tell me what should I do?! I really don't want to see him." I said.

" I know that but it's better if you go and see him. Go get freshen up." She said and left.

I sighed deeply and dragged my half sleepy self to the washroom and took a shower then wore something comfortable. I then again dragged myself downstairs to the breakfast table to face the person I would want meet the last in this whole world who is fortunately or unfortunately my father who haven't me to the end. My existence is the biggest problem of his.

" Good morning, everyone." I said and looked at my dad who was reading a newspaper but currently looking at me with an unreadable expression. I pulled the chair and sat beside my Aunt.

" Can't the chair be pulled without sound?" Dad asked. Told you. Here you go.

" Yeah, it could be but I decided not to. Because I know I am impolite and you don't have to remind me that I am Crystal Kingsley. I know that. I am not any princess to be so perfect. If you want me to be the perfect one then I am sorry I can't." I said irritatingly.

" You are impolite no wonder. You got this from your mother. I don't complain though. But where were you last night?" He asked me.

" I was in a bar, totally drunk. I needed some time alone far from you with the people who likes me unlike you where I was happy for some moments which vanished as soon as I heard that you are here. Cause I don't like to be with the people who tries to judge me." I said.

" I wonder if there is people who likes you and can't take your talkativeness. Anyways I don't actually care about it I just wanted to to tell you.." he was saying but I cut him in between.

" You don't have to tell me again and again that you don't care about me and my existence pisses you off. I will just get myself out of here." I kicked the chair away and walked out of there.

I have had enough of his dramas. I don't know why he always takes out his frustration on me. Everytime we meet he has to say something that pisses me off. I just hate this. I hate myself for being here. I wish I could run away!!!

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