High Expectations

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Crystal's POV

I was looking at Pristyne with all my love as a big sister revived. He keeps reminding me of my baby sibling who was killed brutally. If he or she was alive would be of his age. I really miss the baby some time. I wish the baby was alive today.

I smiled at Pristyne. He was confused at first but then started to be free with me. I just love the way he talks. So cute little boy. I wanted to pull his cheeks but I don't know what he will think. But trust me he was so cute. Like a little kid. But that little kid has too many talents. God gifted. He is a musician but he is not less than a master chef. Very active. He was working alone so I decided to help him. Though he didn't want me to help him but still I didn't want him to work alone. He talks very less. But I kept talking unnecessarily much. I always talk unnecessarily much. Don't I?

He was all calm. It's look like he has survived from a big fatal accident. But he tried to be strong not showing anyone that he is weak. I appreciate that though. He is strong. I don't know what happened to him or what he was going through but I really wanted to comfort him. I wanted to tell him that I am with him. He doesn't need to be worried. I was with him.

After preparing dinner we set the table. For the first time in my life I stayed in kitchen for that long. I can't cook but Pristyne taught me some of the tricks. He was very talented anyways. He taught me how to set the table and other things. I even washed dishes with him. Can you believe that?! I have never ever worked that much in my life in the kitchen. I have never worked in kitchen at all. This was the first time. Dany's friend Jeremy was moving to the UK. He invited his family to have a dinner with us. His family was unnecessarily poking their noses at Pristyne's matter.

After dinner Pristyne sang us songs. He had a powerful lovely voice. I loved it so much. He was God gifted. He had so many talents. God bless him. He is a blessed kid. He needs a little help then he can get the chance to shine in his life. Jeremy's sister was trying to hit upon Pristyne which he declined very cleverly. That's my boy. Little kid.

When I go back to Milan I will definitely talk to Mom about him. I wish I could take him with me but Dany will kill me even if I try. I sighed.

I came back to my room. I miss Mr. Cool. He is in Campbell's house across the street but I can't ho there now. It's our anniversary tomorrow. I want to give him a big surprise. Let's see how can I do that. I have a plan though. I wanted to call Mr. Cool but my phone was switched off as it's battery died. I searched for the charger but damn it. How can I forget to pack the charger!!! Silly me!!! I hate me. Urrrghh!!! Dany and aunt Edna was already slept. I can't wake them up for myself. What can I do now?!!!

Pristyne!!! Of course. He must have a charger. I need to borrow that. I came out of my room and reached his room but for my wonder Pristyne wasn't there. There was a beautiful girl with Emerald green eyes. I was shocked seeing a girl in Pristyne's room. But he said he doesn't have a girlfriend then who is this girl?!!

Is she a killer!?? She killed my little brother?! How dare she!! I was about to snatch her phone and call the police but she stopped me. She should me how she transformed into Pristyne from a beautiful girl to a cute little boy. I looked at him I mean her weirdly. Hell!!! He is a girl!!! I mean he is a she?! I mean she is he?!! I mean urrrghh...kill me.

She explained me how she was Priscilla and how messed up her life was, why she became Pristyne from Priscilla. I was shocked listening her. How can parents become so cruel?!! I consider myself so lucky that I got parents who loves me a lot. But when Priscilla showed me her back full of scars I felt my world stopped. What the hell!!!

I was going to tell something but suddenly the doorbell rang. Who came at this hour of night. I went to open the door and Pristyne I mean Priscilla followed me. As soon as I opened the door I found little Ed standing on the door smiling at me. I was shocked. He pulled me with him out of the house. I got totally speechless when I found my parents, my uncle, aunt, Thea and Torren along with Roberts family and Campbell family all were standing on both sides of the street and the whole neighborhood was decorated beautifully. I got shocked. It wasn't here when a few times back we say bye to Jeremy's family. But now....wow!!!

The road was filled with flower petals. I saw Eugene standing at the end of the road. I got the real shocked. He knew that I am here. He knew it. I slowly walked towards him. He smiled widely. I reached him and he handed mean bouquet.

" Wow!!! When have you become so romantic, Mr. Cool?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" I just tried a bit." He said.

" You knew I was here?" I asked him.

" You were so stupid if you thought you can go out of my radar." He said and I pouted. He bend and pecked on my lips. I looked at him with weird eyes. Everyone was there. He wasn't that bold ever. " Happy anniversary." He said.

" You remember?" I asked him.

" Of course I do. I don't have dozens of fiancée." He said and I punched on his chest. He laughed. " I am very nervous." He mumbled.

" Nervous?!" I asked him.

" Yeah. I haven't done this before nor I will do it again. So a bit nervous." He said and smiled.

" What are you going to do?" I asked him and he picked out a small blue velvet box from his pocket.

" Another pendant?!!" I asked him.

" Open it?" He asked and I opened it excitedly but what I saw made me frozen at once. I looked at him and found him kneeling in front of me.

" Marry me." He said.

" Really?!" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

" From the start we are totally messed up but may be it was decided by God that we were meant to be together. When you were in the hospital every moment I felt like it was a torture for me which I don't want to go through ever again. I want you to be the part of my happiness. In return make me a part of your happiness. Let's just share our life and be with each other the rest of our lives." He said. I couldn't say anything. His words caught my heart.

" Say yes, Crazy girl. Don't keep me waiting." He said.

" Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes...." I squealed. " Oh my God!!! Yes!!! I can't believe this is happening. Yes. Yes. Yes." I said and he laughed.

He stood up and pulled me closer. He pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I felt so happy that he proposed at last. I didn't have any high expectations from life but it seems my fated was written like that. No complaining though. Things happens for a reason.

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