Weird Girl

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Eugene's POV

" There is Mrs. Lorellie." Ed pointed at his teacher and I nodded.

" You surely love to make troubles, Ed." I said sighing deeply. He just smiled innocently.

" Excuse me, Mr. Roberts." Mrs. Lorellie said to me.

" Yes, Mrs. Lorellie." I said.

" Please follow me." She said.

" Sure." I followed her along with Ed. We reached the principal's cabin. She knocked on the door.

" Come in." Mrs. Freid the principal said. I looked at Ed and he just shrugged.

" Please?" Mrs. Lorellie told me.

" Yes, sure." I entered the cabin and Mrs. Freid sighed looking at me. I tried to smile.

" Come, Eugene. Have a seat at first." She said.

Mrs. Freid was my teacher when I was in the same school. She always says that she has a doubt that Ed is really my brother. I chuckled inwardly. May be we are not really much similar but he still is my brother. Nothing can change that.

" Mrs. Freid, I know you have called Dad but he has a very important meeting to attend today. So, he couldn't come. And you know my mom. She will kill Ed if she comes to know he is pranking that much in the school. So, I have to come." I said. She sighed.

" It's ok. You know Edmund is very bright student but he keeps his brain using in his pranks. This time he pranked with his teacher which is really not acceptable." She said.

" Is that true, Ed?" I asked him so that Mrs.

Freid doesn't come to know that I already know what has happened yesterday. If she comes to know that then she won't let it go that easily and drag both my parents at school which won't be good for Ed.

" No, Bro. I didn't want to prank with Mrs. Lorellie. It was mistakenly happened. I didn't do that intentionally." Ed said.

" But there was a lizard and you put it on Mrs. Lorellie's bag, didn't you?" She asked Ed.

" No, Mrs. Freid. I didn't put it on her bag. It went there by it's own will." He said.

" How can it go by it's own?" Mrs. Freid asked.

" You can see it has it's own legs. It doesn't need me to help it to reach somewhere." Ed said and I mentally face palmed myself.

" But you brought it." She said.

" No, Mrs. Freid like I said it doesn't need me to go anywhere." Ed said. " It came by it's own." He said and I cleared my throat.

" Ed, let me talk, ok?" I said and he nodded.

" Sorry, Bro." He said.

" Good." I said.

" Mrs. Freid, Ed is still a kid. If you can tell the teachers to handle him with love and care then I guarantee that he won't trouble anyone. He only pranks when he gets pissed off. He never pranked with me or my parents because we never pissed him off. So, if you can handle him without pissing him off then he might stop the pranks. Besides I think he will be ok once he is grown up. He just needs some time. I hope you will give him that time." I said and Mrs. Freid sighed deeply.

" Ok, if you say so. We will try but if next time he pranks then your parents have to come to school." She said.

" I will talk to him about this. Just let it go this time." I said.

" Alright. I am letting it go because of you. Just take care of him. Otherwise I am afraid I need to take some strict step against him." She said and I nodded.

" Thank you, Mrs. Freid. We will keep that in mind." I said and she nodded.

" You can go now." She said. I nodded and came out with Ed.

" See, this happens when you keep pranking. You need to stop with the pranks, Ed." I said and he shrugged. " Ed!! I am talking to you. Are you listening to me?" I asked him a bit strictly and he nodded. What am I going to do with this little boy?!! I knelt in front of him and patted his shoulder. " Ed, you should be careful now. It's won't be good if the drag Mom and Dad here in the school. You know what will Mom do after that, right? She will kill me with you for helping you. Do you think it will be good?" I asked him. He shook his head.

" I will try not to prank, Bro. Don't worry." He said. I sighed.

" I hope you won't disappoint me this time." I said and stood up again.

" I will not. Promise." He said and I patted his head. He smiled widely.

" But you know one thing?" He asked me. Is he going to do another prank?

" What, Ed?" I asked him.

" You are the best brother ever." He said and I chuckled.

" If you act reckless then I might not be able to help you next time." I said. He smirked.

" Bro, lying is a great sin." He said and I sighed. I was about to say something but someone interrupted.

" Hey!!" As we turned back found the girl we met yesterday standing there with a smile on her face. If I am not wrong her name is Crystal Kingsley. She reached us and smiled widely at Ed. " You must be Ed, right?" She asked him. He nodded confusedly. " You rocked, dude." She said giving him a hi5. I rolled my eyes. But Ed smiled widely.

" How do you know me?" Ed asked her.

" Mrs. Kingsley your Maths teacher, she is my aunt. She told me. I always hated this lady Mrs. Lorellie. She always creates trouble for my aunt. So, thank you." She said like a little stubborn kid. I cleared my throat and they looked at me. I glared at them both. " Hello, Mr. Roberts. How are you? I didn't expect you with Ed." She asked me.

" He is my big brother. The best brother in the world." Ed said and I sighed.

" Big brother?" She asked.

" Yes. One and only." Ed said.

" That's great." She said.

" But how do you know my brother?" Ed asked.

" Not only him I also know your sister Elyssa. We met yesterday." She said.

" Where did you meet them?" Ed asked.

" Well, it's a long story but I will tell you in short, okay?" She said. "So, yesterday was my birthday and I thought no one remembered that so I was upset. I went out and it started to rain. Then there were some goons who were chasing me and your brother fought with them." She said and punched in the air like there was really someone.

I sighed deeply as I saved myself from one of her punches but it made her lose her balance and she fall on me directly. I closed my eyes to calm myself down. This girl was really getting on my nerves. I helped her to stand straight.

" Thanks again." She said patting my shoulder. I looked at her weirdly. " Then he beat them up badly and saved me." She said and Ed clapped. I rolled my eyes at both the kids in front of me.

" No one can beat Bro. He is the best." Ed said. I shook my head helplessly.

" I agree with you. By the way I am Crystal. Crystal Kingsley." She extended her hand towards him.

" I am Ed. Edmund Roberts." He shook her hand. " Can I call you Kiki? Pretty please?" Ed asked.

" Sure. I won't mind." She said.

" Ed, I think it's time for your class." I said and he nodded.

" Oh, yes. Bye, Kiki. You are so beautiful. Nice to meet you." Ed said and I sighed.

" Your little brother is cool, Mr. Roberts." She said.

" He is trouble." I said.

" I knew you were trouble when you walked in..." She said.

" What?!" I asked her.

" T.S. song. Don't you know that? Which world do you live in?" She asked me shaking her head and started to tell me the history of Taylor Swift. I sighed deeply.

Weird girl!!!

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