No More Variation

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1 month later

Crystal's POV

" I am bored siting at home like this." I whined thousandth of time which my Mamma C decided to ignore like she was doing all that time since morning when I started to whine.

" Mamma C!! Pwease!!" I used my babyish voice with my puppy face.

" No. No means no. You can't go out. You are still not healed." She said.

" But it's been one month. I can even jump and dance. See." I stood up on the couch and showed her my weird moves.

" No, you can't go out." She said.

" Come on, Mamma C. Please." I said to her but she shook her head totally rejecting the idea.

" Please, please, please, please, please, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please...." I kept whining.

" What's wrong, Crissy?" I heard Dany.

Yeah, he came here because I was planning for my parent's wedding. He will be my helping hand. At least I thought but he keeps video chatting with Scarlett half of the day and works with his robots. He doesn't have any time for me.

" I am bored. Can you entertain me?" I asked him.

" Yeah, I have brought Annabelle. You can spend time with her. She can entertain you." He said and I face palmed myself.

" No need. Thank you. It's more boring." I said to him.

" Hey!!!" He whined.

" Tell Mamma C to let me go out." I said to him.

" Why do you need to go out?" He asked me.

" I am bored. I am bored. I am bored." I said to him.

" I heard first time you have said that. Why are you saying thrice?" He asked.

" Urrrghh!!! Dany!!! Don't irritate me." I said to him. He chuckled.

" I can lend you my new drone. It's amazing." He said.

" What will I do with your drone?" I asked him.

" I don't know." He said scratching the back of his head.

" What do you do with it?" I asked him. He looked a bit confused. I sighed.

" It's name is PM." He said.

" Prime Minister?" I asked.

" Nope." He said.

" Post Meridiem?" I asked.

" Nope, Nope." He said.

" Then?!" I asked him.

" Postman. Silly!!" He chuckled.

" Hahahaha. Funny!!" I rolled my eyes. He laughed.

" Why do you keep giving your robots weird names?" I asked him.

" They are not weird. They are logical names." He said. I sighed.

" Who names his drone as postman?" I asked.

" I do. What's wrong with that?" He asked me.

" Nothing wrong." I said.

" Then what do you think drones should be named?" He asked.

" Something crazy which gives a feeling that it's an electronic device." I said.

" It depends on the creator. If God wished then he could have named us as monkey and monkey as human. Then it would me normal. So, as I named my drone as postman then it also normal. Don't laugh." He said and I nodded. He has point.

" Dany is right. Don't make fun of him." Mom said as she went upstairs.

" Thanks you, Mamma C." Dany said. I sighed.

" Why did you named it as postman?" I asked him.

" Because I use it to send messages to Scarlett." He said and I chuckled inwardly.

A brain full of Scarlett.

" What's wrong with phone?" I asked him.

" Phone can't convey the letters that I send her with my drone. It's better to write to convey your feelings. The person whom you will write a letter will think that she or he is important to you." He said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, right." I said to him.

" So this is why you write letters to Scarlett?" I asked him.

" Yeah, whenever she is angry with me." He said.

" She gets angry with you?! I thought she is a sweet girl." I said.

" She is but sometimes she gets angry." He said.

" Why?! What do you do to irritate her?" I asked him.

" I don't do anything." He said.

" Really?! Then why does she get angry?" I asked him.

" She is very short temper. This why. If she says something that will be rule. I can't break it. This why she gets angry." He said. "But she says things for my good which sometimes I don't listen to her. That is why she gets angry."

" Like?" I asked him.

" Like she wants me to study and get a good grade. Do I really need to study and get a good grade?!! I have to involve myself in business. I don't have to have a good grade for that." He said.

" Both of your parents were topper. You know that, right?" I asked him and sighed remembering them.

How I wish they were here with us today!!! May be they are in a better place now. God knows best. He is the best planner.

" This is why I don't want to be topper. I don't want to end up like them. I don't want my life also mess up like them. I want a peaceful ending and a natural death." He said to me. I patted his shoulder.

" You will have a peaceful life ahead no worries." I said.

" I don't know. I just don't want to involve anyone in this. I don't want to hurt anyone in my life." He said.

" What about Scarlett then?" I asked him.

" She is my best friend." He said.

" Just friends?" I asked but he didn't say anything.

" Don't punish someone for someone else's mistakes. You know that won't be a good thing." He said.

" Let's not talk about it. Time will say what will happen in future." He said.

" Alright. If you want that then I will not talk about this but think carefully before you do things." I said to him.

" No worries. I won't ever hurt Scarlett. No matter what." He said and I smiled.

God bless them.

We talked for awhile. He kept telling me how he convince Scarlett with his drone and many more things. He is a brilliant brain. I am so proud of him. Suddenly I got an idea. I smiled widely.

" Give me your PM for one day. I have something to do with it." I said to him.

" Sure. But what do you want to do with it?" He asked me.

" I want to send a love letter to Mr. Cool." I said and he chuckled.

" Sure. It's PM's duty to take your message securely to the receiver." He said.

Alright. I think I should do it now. No more waiting. No more variation.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now